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  1. Hi ladies, just posting to seek some solidarity and to know I'm not the only one going through this... I am nearly a month and a half post op with 450cc round HP overs, and I'm EXTREMELLY unhappy with my result. They're SO SMALL, they look so out of proportion still with my body and there's a huge gap inbetween my boobs. The outcome is not at all what my surgeon and I had discussed and now i have to pay all over again for a revision to go to a bigger size that'll actually look like I've had something done. I think I need around 700cc to get the look I want which is what I've posted the two oth
  2. As the people whom been following my Rhinoplasty jouney would know I underwent primary rhinoplasty in August 2014 with a ENT facial plastic surgeon based in Sydney, Australia. At that time I did do lots of research but not enough research and asked the wrong questions. I'm self conscious about my image and want to ensure I look my best. It's unfortunate I've been experiencing pain in the galabala area ( forehead area that meets the nasal bridge) as radix graft was not performed if anything made the crease deeper then pre surgery. Only way for pain Togo away is when I g
  3. I got implants in the first place to "lift" sagging breasts. They were over the muscle and looked great for a year or two until they made the sagging look worse. Then I got capsular contracture, and over time the implants shape got slightly distorted. In the meantime, I put on a decent amount of weight. My implants were modest to begin with, so now they were on the small side in proportion to my body. I decided I needed a revision and underwent the lift I should have had the first time around. My doctor wasn't clear about how involved the surgery would be, and I was under the misapp
  4. I would love to hear from anyone who has recently had a BA or revision with Tony Connell in Perth? I searched the forum but there are only very old threads. I hate my current implants (too big, unnatural) and want a revision to get smaller round implants. I saw Tony about 4 years ago, but decided to wait until after kids... and so here I am! I have a consult with him on Monday, but I feel nervous about the lack of before and after pictures, reviews etc, even though he seems like a lovely man and competent surgeon. I hear that he has recently (in the last few years) started to fav
  5. Hi everyone, I am based in Australia and had a labiaplasty procedure (wedge method) done 1 year ago and I am very unhappy with the results. Before this procedure, the clitoral area was neat and tidy and the long labia was my only concern. I am unhappy because find it looks too messy and bulky compared to what it used to be . I read on many plastic surgery forums that it can take 6 months to a year for people to get their final results and for the area to even out, however I feel totally dissatisfied and disfigured 1 year post surgery. 6 weeks post surgery, I told my surge
  6. Hi there, really looking for some solid advice or some experience stories from people who have had something similar. I know there are a lot of lurkers on these forums, but I'd really appreciate some advice because I have no one else to ask History: I had a rhino/septoplasty from a Melbourne-based very popular/well spoken of surgeon on these forums, one of the only surgeons who had very little criticism. This was my first surgery, so I researched for over a year before deciding to go ahead with it and spared no expense (since I'd be saving for so long) to have what I thought was
  7. I was always painfully insecure of my breast size growing up which was less than an A-Cup. I saved my money and in 2012 at the age of 22 I underwent a sub-muscular breast augmentation to become more proportionate at 34B.3 Months Post-Op, after removing the surgical bra, I noticed a severe dent that spanned across the middle of my breasts anytime I moved. I consulted with my surgeon at my final post-op and he told me that this was normal, and would resolve itself once the implants settled. I was instructed to allow one year and it should be fine.A year came and went and the issue was no less se
  8. Hi, I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with Dr Sukit Mekraksavanich in Bangkok. I believe he was one of the chosen doctors for International Rejuvenation a business based in Aus that no longer exists. My mother in law and 2 close family friends went to him, all for 3 different procedures and they all had great results. I am just asking because I hate that he no longer has an Australian Link, as well as I am emailing his direct, he doesn't have a receptionist as such, so just a bit suss about it all. I trust my MIL and FFs but just want to get some extra exter
  9. Hey girls, I will need a breast revision due to a rupture in my right breast implant I had Nagar implants 360 cc high profile done at TCI which doesn't exist anymore, in May 2013. I'm wondering if anyone has had a rupture or problems with Nagar implants, I do have a warranty on the implant, but the next time around, i want the best chance of it lasting and I didn't think I need a revision before the ten year mark.
  10. Hi, I have seen Dr. Chow a few times and she is very nice and knowledgeable but I was hoping to hear some first hand experiences before I book myself in for actual surgery. I cannot find an reviews on her so anything would be much appreciated!
  11. Hi y'all! I'm a 23 year old female from a south-east Asian background. I had my first double eyelid surgery operation when I was 17 by Dr Andrew Kim in Melbourne, Australia. My initial operation and the subsequent revision surgeries that he preformed were totally botched and I've been left with asymmetry and a deformed fold on my left eye (please refer to the attached photo). After years of hating my appearance, regretting my decision to ever have the surgery, and completely losing all trust in surgeons, I have finally found the courage to look into possibly undergoing revision surgery.
  12. Can anyone suggest a very skilled revision rhinoplasty surgeon in Brisbane ? Does anyone have experience with Dr. David Thelie ? He does not seem to have any reviews on the internet, like most other plastic surgeons do. Is it true that to find an excellent revision surgeon, you have to travel to Sydney or Melbourne ?
  13. Hi everyone, I had my breast augmentation done 4 years ago. I had small implants 255 and 225cc. I don’t have any complications. But I have a feeling the pocket was made a little to big. Or the implant width should have been wider. They are slightly different shapes and I want them to just sit there without a bra on. Perkier and less wobbly. I had an online consultation with Dr Tav and he quoted $22,000 but all up $28,000 with hospital, implants etc. If he could gaurentee they would look perfect and last forever it’s worth it as I love his work. But that quote just seems like so
  14. I only had my surgery 4 days ago and I'm feeling a bit down. I was indecisive about getting the Motiva Ergo Mini (moderate) or Demi (moderate plus). I didn't want anyone to notice I'd had implants so was worried the Demi would be too big but at the same time was worried the Mini would be too small. I left it to the surgeon to decide in surgery which way to go after showing him photos of my desired outcome. He went with the Mini 310cc (my full BWD of 12.5cm). Now I think they are too small. I am already kicking myself that I didn't ask for the Demi (moderate plus 360cc). They are similar t
  15. I am planning on having revision surgery to downsize my 260cc implants. The PS I consulted with recently recommended going down to 205cc Motiva Ergonomix low profile implants, but this will only reduce the diameter by about 0.5cm and I just don't think it will be small enough for me. Has anyone downsized their implants to a similar size? Did you need pocket work or a lift? Were you happy with your results. I would love to see some before and afters if anyone is able to share! I'm 53kg and about 160cm, so quite a petite frame.
  16. Hi ladies, has anyone had a lift with implants wihh dr Tavakoli and gone back for a revision? I had my surgery in 2011, I believe I will need a another lift and have my implants changed. Questions; did you have fat grafting? Internal bra good results consult with anyone else cost for revision if anyone would be able to tell me their experiences. Many thanks Taryn xx
  17. Hi Ladies let me introduce myself my name is Platinum Blonde Boobs. I had breast implants back in 1982 they were silicone 225cc in both breast. They have done extremely well over the years until back in the fall when my Dr. said she believed I had a small rupture. I along with my husband have decided to replace them with new implants. My plastic surgeon told me they had held up very well and that my breast tissue was excellent for revision. I go for pre opt on Friday the 12 January and surgery the 31 of January. I wear a D cup now I am looking at 550 cc high profile, I do not want to be
  18. I have had two surgerys with this surgeon. An initial rhinoplasty which I wasn't happy with and then a revision rhinoplasty that was even worse than the first surgery. Both times I gave him photos of what I'd like my nose to look like. He assured me that he would be able to give me what I wanted but completely missed the mark. I have uploaded photos of the results of the revision rhinoplasty. The results speak for themselves! I have had a large pimple on my nose since he took the cast off. I was told that it would be gone in a week, years later im still dealing with it. It con
  19. Hey ladies. Wondering if anyone can share some stories or reassurance. I had my surgery in Thailand 13 months ago and have double bubble and breasts have bottomed out laterally. While I'm lucky my double bubble isn't too bad. I've bottomed out laterally so when I lay down they essentially fall into my armpits. Feels like my boobs have sagged a bit and my cleavage is not that great when not in a bra. The hospital in Phuket is covering most of the surgery to fix it- but they said it'll be determined what's actually being done when I'm over there: just wondering if
  20. Both my implants have ruptured and I need to have them removed. I am researching everything to find the right surgeon as my initial surgeon has retired (not that it matters because I wouldn’t go back to him anyway!). I obviously need the damaged implants removed, I have cc in one breast and my implants have migrated under my arm pits - so I need the pocket created under my arm closed etc. I also may need a lift but hoping to avoid. I have seen dr Tony Connell twice (prior to rupture occurring) and he was lovely. He talked through everything with me and gave me his recommendations. He does rec
  21. Hi ladies, has anyone had to go back and get a revision under PPSI's warranty? I have major lateral displacement and my boobs are only 12 months old interested to hear your stories or advice
  22. Hey girls! So 2 years ago I got my breast augmentation at the time my surgeon told me that 275cc under the muscle, round, high profile would be the biggest I could go. I’m 5’8 and 53kgs. Before surgery I was a 8A now I’m a 10C/D I’m really unhappy with the way they are looking as they haven’t dropped properly and not as big as I would like. I have attached a photo of what I really would like to achieve. Can any one recommend how many ccs I should be going and what shape and profile? I love the hole “natural” dropped under boob look. I’m wanting to be at least a DD after my second su
  23. Hi ladies, just wanting to hear any recommendations for those that have had revision surgery done in Adelaide? Ive had one consultation with one surgeon but wanting to get some recommendations of some others. A lot of surgeons don't do revision surgery here just first time BA or so it seems anyway. many thanks! xx
  24. Hello everyone, So I havnt been on here in a while but am now 1 and a bit years post op and considering revision. Im about 162cm and weigh about 57kgs, I started out as a 10B, I got 375cc round high profile silicone textured implants under the muscle, I now measure about a 10e although I fee they definitely don't look that size. My base width at the beginning was 12 and a half. Although I was very happy with them I wanted bigger from the start of my post op as I felt they looked a lot smaller once inside compared to when you try them on. Does anyone have any experience w
  25. Hi just wondering who has teardrop implants? I currently have round and my surgeon wants to put in teardrop for my revision surgery. I'm just worried about losing the fullness at the top. I would love to hear anyones opinions on their teardrop implants...
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