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Palpable lumps after dermal filler

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I am just wondering If this is normal or not. So I got dermal filler for my smile lines about 4 weeks ago. Initially I was quite bruised and swollen but that only lasted about a week. It’s not so much noticeable but I can now feel little lumps under the skin where the filler is. When I more my mouth or smile to one side you can see the lumps when my skin is pulled tight from the side I am not smiling on. As I have never had dermal filler before, I am just wondering is this normal? Do I need to give it more time for my body to absorb the filler? Also the lines I was hoping to get rid of are still there, I was excited about getting the filler but am now slightly regretting it. Just wondering how filler should feel under the skin when you touch it. Thanks in advance :)

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I don’t have any advice, sorry. I’m hoping to get the same procedure done soon. Hoping it all works out for you and someone else can offer advice. What product did they inject? Can you please keep me updated as this has made me a little nervous.

How bruised and swollen were you? I got my lips done about 2 years ago and I was SOOOO swollen and bruised. However, the time before that I didn’t bruise or swell at all. I’m unsure if it’s the injectors fault...

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