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Liposuction, alone.

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Hi all,

(I have also posted this on another surgery website, so apologies if you have read this twice!)

I'm planning on travelling overseas by myself for liposuction surgery on my stomach, inner and outer thighs and hip area. I'm not a huge lady to begin with (about 62kg, 165cm)....just want to target those pesky fat pockets that I can't get rid of!
Anyway, I am a confident solo traveller and extremely familiar with the country I am intending on going to.....my concern is post-op. I am often stronger when I am by myself, but I am wondering if I should have someone with me to help with pain meds, getting out of bed, getting into the shower, general support etc. Obviously, I think it would be better if someone was with me, but with kids and everything that may not be possible and I am may have to go it alone. I would be spending 10-12 days in this country post-op..... Do you think it would be worth having someone there for the first 4/5 days and then maybe being by myself for the last 7 days before heading back to my home country?

Did you go it alone? What are the pros and cons? In general, what was your pain level for stomach/thigh/hip lipo? I've had 2 c-sections....does the pain compare at all?

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