Confused on implant shape

Hi, I have gotten a few quotes about a BA and have been told that I am not classed as a standard BA, and have been recommended teardrop implants and "refused" to put round in, just wondering if anyone can give me advice on if this is the case or not

KAS-85 April 14th, 2016 VIC

  • Answer
     Alan Breidahl

    Alan Breidahl

    8 answers

    Plastic Surgeon
    Victoria, Australia

    Hi KA,

    Thanks for your post. Personally I don't think anyone is a "standard BA" and each individual requires a thorough assessment of their needs and anatomy before developing an individual plan.

    I quite like round implants as I believe they are more natural than tear drop for the following reasons: softer; more mobile; no sharp ridges; muffin top in a push up bras rather than ridge; don't rotate or flip; when you stand they tear drop shape, yet when you lie down they flow like a normal breast (Tear drop ones are still pointy when you lie down).

    I think you could achieve a pleasing result with round shaped implants.

    Hope that helps,

    Dr Alan Breidahl
  • Answer
    Dr. Raymond Goh

    Raymond Goh

    123 answers

    Plastic Surgeon
    Queensland, Australia

    Hi Kas-85,
    Thank you for posting your question and photos. I think you will be able to get a good result with either an anatomical OR round implant. I would opt to place your implants in a sub-muscular dual plane pocket  so as to give additional coverage over the implants and a good long term result. You should discuss with your plastic surgeon and be aware of the specific properties of various implant types, their pros and cons, and what will suit your anatomy. 
    When discussing types of implants, we consider the implant shape, their gel consistency (firmness), and their shell coating (smooth vs textured). Anatomical implants are in general firmer than their round counterparts, and I will use them in specific cases where the shape and firmer gel will help me achieve the desired outcome. 
    All the very best.
    Kind regards,
    Dr Ray Goh