What's the best advice

I need a lift but could I have as much info as possible if I was to have a breast augmentation with a lift? I'm 5'5 and 59kg after having 2 kids. No weight loss as such. I hoped I wouldn't need a lift but obviously I need it. Could you please help me in the next step?

Brissy girl July 24th, 2016 QLD

  • Answer
    Mr Craig Layt

    Craig Layt

    2 answers

    Plastic Surgeon
    Queensland, Australia

    Hi Brissy Girl,You have a little asymmetry which will probably require a larger implant in your ? right breast (assuming the photo was in a mirror). Apart from that you appear to be a good candidate for a one stage Augmentation Mastopexy (Uplift with implant). In this situation I feel it is best to use a round textured implant under the muscle and adjust the breast and skin over that. The size needs to be determined after appropriate measurements are taken and using the Vectra 3D imaging to help. Hope that helps. All the best. Craig
  • Answer
    Dr. Raymond Goh

    Raymond Goh

    123 answers

    Plastic Surgeon
    Queensland, Australia

    Hi Brissy Girl.
    Thank you for posting your questions and photo. From my assessment, I can see that your right breast is smaller than your left, and that you have some degree of ptosis (droop) on both sides. The aim of surgery would be to augment and correct size asymmetry whilst improving the shape of the breasts. There are many variables that can determine the technique employed, including the final size you wish to achieve. An augmentation mastopexy (uplift with implants) may utilize two different sized implants OR same sized implants whilst removing some breast tissue from the larger side. On occasion, a surgeon may choose to carry out the procedure in two stages, where splitting it into two stages may give a more predictable result. 
    All the very best.Dr Ray GohValley Plastic Surgery