What are pectoral implants?

Men who get pectoral implants elect to do so because even with frequent exercise and weight training, they are unable to achieve the chest shape and size they want. Pectoral implants can sculpt, firm up and increase the size of the chest area while still giving a natural appearance.

Why do people get pectoral implant surgery?

Men who consider getting pectoral implant surgery do so for medical and/or cosmetic reasons. Suitable candidates for this type of surgical procedure have the following issues:

  • They dislike intense body-building exercises
  • They feel self conscious about their pectoral muscles
  • They have irregular or asymmetrical pectoral muscles
  • They are unable to develop the size and shape of pectoral muscles they desire because of their body type or for genetic reasons.
  • They have suffered an accident or injury in the chest area that has damaged the pectoral muscles
  • They have a congenital condition including Spina Bifida, Marfan’s Syndrome, Pectus Recurvatum, Pectus Canaritum (also known as pigeon breast) and Pectus Excavatum (also called funnel breast)

Would you be suitable for pectoral implants?

Pectoral implant is a surgical procedure to improve the shape and size of a man’s chest. Men who undergo pectoral implant surgery can feel like their pectoral muscles are lacking in definition, asymmetrical or out of proportion to their shoulder shape and size.

It is very important that you take the time to choose a Cosmetic Surgeon who has extensive experience and training with pectoral implant surgery. We suggest you ask to see before and after case-study photos of chest implants.

How is pectoral implant surgery performed?

Pectoral implant surgery generally takes between 1 to 2 hours and is usually performed as day surgery. Your Cosmetic Surgeon will make an incision high in the armpit to make a pocket on top of the ribs and beneath the chest muscle.

A soft, solid silicone implant will be cut to specifically fit you and is inserted into this pocket via an endoscope. To ensure a good fit and natural movement, the pectoral implant will be placed beneath your existing pectoral muscles. You will have a very small dressing placed under the arms and be able to see the results immediately after the surgery.

What is recovery like after having pectoral implants?

Most patients will experience mild to moderate pain after surgery. This can be managed with pain medication. While swelling and bruising is common, this will disappear 1 to 2 weeks after surgery. After pectoral implant surgery, you will have a bandage, which has been compressed fitted in your chest area. It will be there for 7 days to allow healing. To aid healing and recovery, some patients may need to wear a compression garment.

It is important to note that you need to avoid lifting your arms during the first 2 weeks of recovery. Once the surgical dressings have been removed by your Cosmetic Surgeon you will be advised what type of activities you can resume. To ensure your pectoral implants settle properly, it is important to follow any exercise regime your Cosmetic Surgeon gives you.

Most pectoral implant patients resume full pectoral muscle activities one month after their surgery. Your Cosmetic Surgeon will advise you how much time you will need to take off from work.

Are there are risks or complications with pectoral implant surgery?

Any surgical operation brings complications of anaesthesia; your anaesthetist will outline the possible complications of having an anaesthetic. Your Cosmetic Surgeon will advise how to avoid or minimise any risks or complications with pectoral implant surgery.

Before you elect to have pectoral implant surgery, it is important that you are aware of the risks involved. One of the best ways to reduce risks and complications is to select a fully qualified Cosmetic Surgeon with formal training in pectoral implant surgery. It is important that they have performed this procedure many times.

While pectoral implant procedures rarely have complications, a possible complication is implant displacement. The pectoral implants are composed of solid silicone and will usually not break, however if they shift or become displaced, the chest area will look asymmetrical. If this rare complication occurs, corrective surgery will be required.

Key facts about pectoral implants

  • Pectoral implants can be used for various reasons including correcting congenital deformities, enhancing muscles or improving asymmetries.
  • Pectoral implants and breast implants are not the same. Breast implants have an outer silicone shell that have a limited life span. Patients who have breast implants will need to have revision breast implant surgery one day. Pectoral implants are composed of solid silicone that will not rupture, break or fall apart.
  • A pectoral implant is shaped like the muscle they enhance. They are solid but soft and flexible and feel similar to muscles.
  • Implants for the pectorals come in a variety of shapes and sizes, which suit all sizes of chest.
    The incision for the pectoral implants is placed in the armpit area. While this incision is longer than for breast implants, the incisions in the armpits heal quickly.
  • While the results of pectoral implants will make you look more enhanced in the chest, they will not strengthen your chest muscles.
  • The best way to find the best Australian Cosmetic Surgeon for pectoral implants
    Pectoral implant surgery is a unique surgical procedure that requires excellent surgical aesthetic skills. This is why it is very important to choose a Cosmetic Surgeon who performs pectoral implant surgery on a regular basis.
  • We suggest that you make a shortlist of Cosmetic Surgeons and have initial consultations with them.
  • Having realistic expectations about pectoral implant surgery is vital. While this procedure is usually effective and safe, there are risks and complications associated with it. You can find the best Australian Pectoral Implant Surgeons here.

Important to know

So you can make an informed decision, your elected Cosmetic Surgeon will discuss the possible risks associated with pectoral implant surgery. As there are high risks involved, it's important to understand how problems be managed in the event that they occur. Although the majority of patients do not experience these complications, it's important to understand how they can be managed in the event that they occur.

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