What degree of tuberous breast do I have?

Hello. For years now my breasts have made me miserable. I think I have tuberous breasts but I'm not sure what degree I have. Mild/severe? Do I have to have a life aswell as implants? What is the rough cost of this procedure? What is the recovery time? Someone please help me! I'm miserable

Melsue January 29th, 2016 QLD

  • Answer
     Ellis Choy

    Ellis Choy

    43 answers

    Plastic Surgeon
    New South Wales, Australia

    Hi there,
    I think it's important to clarify what tuberous breasts mean before addressing your particular concerns. 
    Tuberous breast deformity generally refers to a developmental form of constricted breast base anomaly characterised by a "tubular" shaped breasts associated with different degree of breast deficiency, high riding infra-mammary folds and enlarged or even "herniated" nipple areolar complex. It has varying degree of severity and could sometimes contribute to certain degree of breast asymmetry when it affects the two breasts in a different way.
    Based on the above descriptions, I would be hesitant to "label" you with such condition. However you do have moderate degree of breast ptosis and asymmetry and without knowing your clinical background (?age, ?previous pregnancies, ?weight loss etc), it's difficult to judge whether this is an acquired consequence due to a variety of environmental factors and social circumstances. 
    I think a breast implant lift procedure will help improve the shape, size and symmetry in your particular situation. Details regarding logistics and recovery can only be guided by an informed consultation with a plastic surgeon of your choice. As there are multiple factors involved depending on numerous possible settings, it's important to find a plastic surgeon who understands your concerns & appreciates your desires before formulating plans for the actual surgical procedure. 
    Hope that helps.
    Best wishes
    Ellis Choy
  • Answer
    Mr Kourosh Tavakoli

    Kourosh Tavakoli

    44 answers

    Plastic Surgeon
    New South Wales, Australia

    Dear Melsue,

    I see a lot of patients with similar concerns to that of your own and frequently perform surgery to correct tuberous breasts. Upon review of your attached photos, I would recommend a Bilateral Lollypop Breast Lift and Augmentation with anatomical implants to achieve your desired result. I recommend 2-3 weeks off work following your surgery.

    Kind Regards,
    Dr Tavakoli