Do I need a breast lift for a natural look?

Hello I would love some guidance on what surgery I would need to get a youthful natural look. Would I need a breast lift and augmentation or simply augmetation by itself? I am not interested in a sexy/glamour look, I really don't like the look of large, round implants, I am after natural size and shape. Also during or just before my period my breast change quite significantly, they increase by a half - full size and feel much firmer. I was wondering if I should see a surgeon for a consultation at a particular time or is this something most surgeons would consider? I am 26 with quite droopy and small breasts, probably due to the fact that I was overweight during puberty when they were forming (I am now 5'5 and 58kg). Thanks in advance Lillian

March 13th, 2016 NSW

  • Answer
     Alan Breidahl

    Alan Breidahl

    8 answers

    Plastic Surgeon
    Victoria, Australia

    Hi Lillian,

    Thanks for your enquiry. The basic rule of thumb is that if your nipple areolar complex sits above the fold under your breast (infra-mammary fold), then you are suitable for an implant without a lift. This appears to be true in your case from your photographs. However there are other issues to consider, such as the elasticity of your skin. You do have quite low set nipples on your breast, which is another consideration. Your chosen surgeon will be able to assess this with you at consultation. The cost for performing a lift as well as augmentation is extra scars. However on the information provided I think you would do well with augmentation alone. Regarding the time of consultation with respect to your menstrual cycle, it may be sensible to have two consultations, one when your breasts are smaller and one when bigger. Most surgeons will want to see you twice before surgery, so this just requires the planning you have already started.

    Hope this helps,, 

    Alan Breidahl

  • Answer
    Dr. Alex Phoon

    Alex Phoon

    26 answers

    Plastic Surgeon
    New South Wales, Australia

    Hi Lillian,
    Based on the photos you have shared I don't think you'd need a lift to achieve a natural look. The position of the nipple and areolar look okay relative to the crease under the breast ( we call this the infra-mammary fold or IMF). You have an athletic figure meaning that the implant would be best placed partially underneath the pectoralis muscle- a 'dual plane' approach. This is so that there isn't an obvious step deformity in your decolletage area. 
    In terms of implant size and shape I would have thought that something in the range of 250cc-350cc would most likely give you the look you describe- with an anatomical or 'tear-drop' implant being  better suited if you want it to look particularly natural.
    Skin elasticity can really only be assessed in person as this can also have a bearing on the decision making process. It probably doesn't matter what time of your cycle you come for the consultation. I suppose if you come when your breasts are smallest this might be best. If you were to be assessed at the time of your breasts being full during your cycle you might end up making the mistake of choosing an implant to small to achieve your goals.
    Hope this helps. I'm located in East Sydney and can be contacted on 1300669488 if you'd like to make an appointment. 
    Kindest regards,

  • Answer
     Pouria Moradi

    Pouria Moradi

    13 answers

    Plastic Surgeon
    New South Wales, Australia

    Thanks for sharing your images and your story.On the views you have sent it is difficult to accurately advise whether you need a lift or not. Your photos needs to be directly front one not from above.Especially seeing that the left nipple and lower pole breast mound looks 10mm lower than the right.If this is indeed the case then you may require a short scar lift on the left side and/or asymmetric implants used to achieve symmetry in volume. 
    I hope this helps and good luck.
  • Answer
     Ellis Choy

    Ellis Choy

    43 answers

    Plastic Surgeon
    New South Wales, Australia

    Hi Lillian,
    Thank you for your question and photos.
    Based on your description and photos, I think breast augmentation alone will achieve a very natural looking result without associated lift procedure. However it's important for you to appreciate some minor asymmetry that you have with your left breast being slightly more ptotic in comparison to the right.
    A dual plane with anatomical (tear drop shaped) implant approach will help fill and lift your breasts in achieving a very natural looking result in your particular situation. Feel free to submit an enquiry to my practice via PSF if I can be of any further assistance.
    Hope that helps.
    Best wishes
    Ellis Choy