Do you need to go to a dentist for teeth whitening?

By August 19, 2023 October 30th, 2017 Dental, Procedures

Teeth whitening: Do you need to see a dentist first?
Written by Dr Berera

If you are thinking about getting your teeth whitened, is there any reason to go to a cosmetic dentist for the procedure, rather than buying a home whitening kit from a retailer?

In a word, yes!

Clearly, there’s a risk that what follows could sound extraordinarily self-interested. We have a cosmetic dentistry practice, so of course we’re going to recommend you see a dentist, aren’t we?

Well actually, there are some very good reasons for doing so.

First of all, not everyone’s teeth are suitable for whitening. You may be wasting your time.

Secondly, some of the home kits – even the commonly-sold ones – do not have the correct ingredients to whiten teeth correctly, so you may be wasting your money.

And finally, there is a factor that trumps both time and money.

Your health.

Dental discolouration can be a marker for certain health issues, so it’s really important that you have a dentist check your mouth is healthy before you carry out any whitening procedure. It’s great to have a beautiful white smile, but it’s absolutely vital to have healthy teeth and gums!

The dentist can also ensure your treatment is applied correctly (whitening products are often used too frequently or applied for too long a time). Problems and side-effects of incorrectly applied whitening products can range from damage to your teeth’s enamel coating, inflamed gums, severe tooth sensitivity, and irritation and possible bleeding in the oesophagus and stomach if some of the bleaching agent is ingested.

By coming in for a consultation with one of the highly-qualified and experienced cosmetic dentists at Sydney Cosmetic Sanctuary, you’ll not only achieve a fantastic-looking smile, you’ll enjoy total peace of mind.

Call us to make your appointment on 1300 26 77 26

PSF would like to thank Dr Berera Cosmetic Dentist at Sydney Cosmetic Sanctuary for her input into this blog post.

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