Dr Kourosh Tavakoli: Vaginaplasty

By August 10, 2023 October 30th, 2017 News, Plastic Surgeons, Procedures

We have all heard the term ‘designer vagina’ when referring to the labiaplasty procedure, a cosmetic procedure that reduces the size and shape of the labia for aesthetic or functional reasons.

“Labiaplasty and vaginaplasty are becoming very common procedures” according to Dr Kourosh Tavakoli “a lot of women obviously didn’t know about this procedure until a few years ago and now a lot of awareness and a lot of information on the internet has led to both procedures becoming more popular”.

Although the terms are sometimes used interchangeably, “they are completely different procedures because one is fairly aesthetic or cosmetic…where as vaginaplasty is by and large a functional procedure where the vaginal canal is refashioned and remodelled, the muscles are retightened and as a result, women can feel a lot more intimacy during intercourse and also probably a feeling of a tighter pelvic floor and some improvement in incontinence”.

In this video, Dr Tavakoli explains the vaginaplasty procedure, often performed in conjunction with labiaplasty, who is a suitable candidate and the results you can expect to achieve as a result of this surgery.

Cosmetic Journey would like to thank Dr Kourosh Tavakoli, specialist Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon for his input into this blog post.

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