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Found 3 results

  1. Hi Everyone, My name is Cara and I am hoping to get Breast surgery this year. I understand everyone's experience is different but would love to hear who you saw. Needed-breast reduction/lift maybe implants. Thank you all so much
  2. Updated. Post Op! Hi girls!!!!! im here in sydney and am booked in with Dr Tang today at 1pm...I feel SICK!!! im going to write my entire BA journey here so will edit it and update it as the weeks go on. ok where to start. i was originally having my BA at PIAC in Thailand with dr Veerawat. I had booked my surgery date for June 2013 and everything, I was booked in for a BL and BA with overs. In the February before my surgery, I went to see my GP about something that had been really bothering me and controlling my life.,,I had in inverted nipples. And no one knew !! I had gone my entire life being so embarrassed of them, there wasn't a single day where I didn't think about them, I just wanted to be like everyone else. when I was 15 I went to my doc and got the courage to ask about fixing them, he told me the only thing that may work is if I breastfed...I was 15 so that wasn't a option lol. not long after I got my first boyfriend. I was a sexual relationship but I still never let him see or touch my breasts. He often asked but I just shrugged and said I didn't like it but he knew what was wrong with them some how! anywho that relationship turned Into a very violent an abusive one and I was too scared to leave because I knew that he knew about my inverted nipples. I stayed for 4 years!! All because he knew my secret. i Finally got the courage to leave and met someone else. He seen me in the street just after we broke up demanding to know who this new guy was and screamed across the road "does he know about ur f*cked up nipples!!?" it really got to me!!! ok so I'll cut tot he chase. i met my husband, got married, had 3 children and refused to try breast feeding All because I didn't want anyone to see my nipples....this meant my husband! I feel like a failure to my children. after being together for 4 years and my husband never touching or seeing my breast I had to do something. I went to my GP and sat there for 10mins crying my eyes out before I could tell him why I was there. He printed me a referral and I went and see Dr Mansoor Mirkazemi in Collins st Melbourne. He was so nice, gentle and warm. He made me feel so comfortable and booked me in for the next day to have both nipple corrected under a local anaesthetic. It was painless !! And worked 100%. It cost $600 and Medicare paid $350! after I told dr Veerawat about my nipple correction, he wanted to do a nipple free graft(google it) basically take my nipple off, then sew back on. I cancelled surgery immediately! But kept myholiday. I booked 2 more consults with Dr craig Rubenstein And Prof Mark Ashton. Craig Rubenstein was a lovely daggy guy. Made lots of dad jokes, he office was very homey and I found him lovely. I did feel however that his spiel was a little too rehearsed . He recomended 360cc to 400cc round smooth unders as I have deflated breasts from 3 pregnancies in2 and half years. I decided against craig as I felt that the implant size was too small and he wasn't willing to go bigger, I needed more to fill my breasts in my opinion, Prof Mark Ashton:first impression was his big Curley hair and his smile!!! Just had lots of good vibes!! His rooms were very clinical, white, crisp...like a hospital, he recommended 500cc-500cc textured rounds dual plane, again to fill my sask ups i booked with mark 3 times!!!! And kept having to cancel for numerous reasons. I also got botox and juvederm with him, but after one appointment with mark where I was made to wait 5 hours while he shift and shoved me around I had enough aNd refused to let him perform my surgery. He no longer had my trust and I felt like he didn't have my best interests anymore. I felt so unwanted! Then booked in dec for surgery at TCI with Dr Tang Just four weeks ago! on Sunday we arrived home for a night away to find my baby(my dog) had passed away. I don't want to go into details as I'm blaming myself. I felt like I lost a child(not meaning to sound insensitive) I have spent this past week a total mess. I loved her more than life! And just like I loved my children. So it out a bit of a damper on the week leading up to surgery. i flew to Sydney yesterday and had my consult. I walked into TCI and was greated by the most beautiful woman...lol. Seriously, they were all stunning...looked photoshopped! then met with dr Tang. I was so relieved that he spoke Aussie!! Like full Aussie, no Asian ascent, just Aussie lol. It calmed my nerves. He was so nice and I felt like I was immediately in good hands. I have slight asymmetry so my right will always hang a little lower. Fine with me. He suggested 520cc or 560cc textured Nagor rounds, under the muscle. i need to decide today. The nurse said that it won't affect me cup size, and it's about the difference of a shot glass....dr Tang also said I will end up a F cup. Holey sh*t balls. I'll just go with the 560cc. You girls have all taught me well. Also for u girls flying interstate...DON'T catch a taxi from the airport to parramatta.....it cost us $80 lol. Hire a care from Avis at the airport and it will cost u $83 for 24 hours and there is a Avis is parramatta to drop it off. We hired a car once we got to parramatta as its so far out or Sydney and we wanted to do some sightseeing before I was out of action. We have also hired a car to take us back to the airport on Monday. just wanted to say a few thank yous!!! -donatella, always giving me great HONEST advice from the start!!! -The fox (not on here much now) we both started our BA journey together and I was lucky enough to actually meet her and nicnac, they have been incredible and so knowledgable! -all my January girls!!! -Inde- you seem to always have such great advice and I truly appreciate all our honesty and how much u have chosen to open up to us in other topics!!! -bozogirl!!! Bahaha I love how funny, u are!!! Especially opening up to me about poo!!! There are plenty More I know, but I literally feel sick with nerves !! thanks everyone. I shall see u all on the other side!!! Hope I've been helpful so far in this friggin novel...I tend to blab on when I'm nervous. YOU GUYS ROCK !! love LOVER!! Day 1 to day 10 ok, so I arrived at TCI at my allocated time..1pm. I was sick!!! Shaking like a leaf and I wanted to vomit! After waiting about 30mins I was taken out the Back where I changed into my robe, booties as hairnet. The anethitist came in and spoke about a few things. The Moment I walked into that room I was calm! there was another girl in there so it was nice to talk to someone while I waited. Dr tang came in, drew me up and went over everything.Just after 3pm I was called into the theatre room. I laid on the bed and they all made jokes of my cupping bruises that I had all over my back. The anethitist came over and put some stuff in my IV. I don't ever remember seeing dr tang.next thing I know, I'm in recovery. The first thing I said when I woke up was "did I make a dickhead out of myself"?? I was afraid of saying stupid sh*t lol. And I just kept talking, the nurse told me to be quite because my BP was high lol. So I text "The Fox" instead and took a photo of my new boobies. once I got back to Fiori appartments at about 6pm I went straight to bed, took some panadine forty and slept. Hubby woke me up at 12am to have my antibiotic and some pain relief. I took. Endone and antibiotic and got up to go to the toilet. I spewed straight away. So I never bothered taking ending again! The pain was not too bad. As long as I didn't move my arms. It was so frustrating to not be able to arrange my pillows, get my drink, sit up....I was useless!!! I spent the night with ice packs on my breasts and condoms filled with wat and frozen in between my breasts. the next morning I woke with morning boob and refused to get out of bed till 11am. I just kept putting it off lol. I had a panadine forte, waited 20mins and got up. My poor hubby had to lift the toilet lid, Paul my undies down, and pull them back up again! Thank god the meds bound me up because there is was no way I would have been able to wipe my Ass!!! I spent the day nodding on and off and at about 4pm i had my last pain relief. i had a shower and my first look at my breasts. I managed to escape the frankenboob and had barely any bruising. Dr tang must have been very gentle! on dAy 3 I had to make our way to the airport and fly back to Melbourne! I slept the whole plane trip and held onto my u pillow. the first few days at home were tough as I had my 3 children. I haven't lifted a finger yet and I'm making sure I'm taking it easy, it's the little things that I found most annoying. Just not being able to reach to scratch my back, tie my hair up, reach my cupboards, wash my hair. I also feel like I have no strength in my arms lol. im now day 10 and started sleeping almost laying flat last night. I've cut back to 2pillows instead of 1000!! My breast are so much softer already and are taking a beautiful shape. My pain is almost non existent and my morning boob is only very slight. Lover xoxox
  3. Hey guys, Later this year I want a breast augmentation and inverted nipple correction in either Sydney or Newcastle. I have spent hours researching different clinics & surgeons and the list is endless! I am hoping that I can get some recommendations from actual patients. I want a surgeon who does really natural augmentations with minimal scarring. I only want to go from an A cup to a large B with a natural shape. If anyone has had a great and natural looking outcome with a surgeon please could you pass on your experience and surgeon. Thanks so much!!!
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