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  3. Sadly it looks like this forum has all but died, but I'll post just in case! I'm considering getting an implant revision (to go smaller and more natural) with Ian Timms in Perth. He doesn't have any before/after pictures on his website. I was hoping to hear from some others who had their surgery with him? He seems lovely and very experienced and knoweldgable.
  4. Hi there! I had my BA through Doctor Harwood in 2013. He used the ‘furry Brazilian’ textured implants which are now linked to increase risks of cancer - I got mine removed a few years ago and replaced with smooth ones. I hope this helps!
  5. how did you go? who did you go with? Ive narrowed it down to the same 2 doctors!! ive lost alot of weight and also had 4 children. wanting tummytuck/boob lift/ implants etc. love to hear your experience.
  6. Avoid at all cost. I am already 10 years post op with him and he has permanently Damaged my nerves! He is not a real plastic surgeon and has done damage to a lot of women. https://www.realself.com/review/double-bay-breast-implants-my-quest-the-even-sized-breast-wanted please read my post and the replies from people that have endured the similar regretful experiences, some even worse as they trusted him for reviSion, something I’m so glad I did not entrust him with! I went to a qualified plastic surgeon instead. Please be warned and beware of all the “good reviews” all the honest ones are being deleted or either buried deeper in the nett by his marketing team. i Hope this saves some people the pain, regret and trauma that I have endured over the past 10 years. If I can help spread the word and save even just one person, I will.
  7. Ladies, I am about 10 years post op with dr Anoop Rastogi and still the BIGGEST REGRET OF MY LIFE. I am still totally numb in my entire breast area. Complete nerve damage on account of his technique, he is just an cosmetic doctor, he is NOT a plastic surgeon. He simply stuffed my tiny frame with oversized hard double Ds. Extremely traumatic. Please be warned and avoid at all cost. I believe his good reviews are all fake! I was once attacked on forums and picked apart for writing an honest review. I even had written my review here many years ago and can’t believe it’s been take down. Please be warned!!
  8. I am just 10 years post op with dr Rastogi and BIGGEST REGRET OF MY LIFE. Yes he is very good at talking! Do NOT fall for it! I am totally numb in my entire breast area. Complete nerve damage on account of his technique, he is just an cosmetic doctor, he is NOT a plastic surgeon. He simply stuffed my tiny frame with oversized hard double Ds. Extremely traumatic. Please be warned and avoid at all cost. I believe his good reviews are all fake! I was once attacked on forums and picked apart for writing an honest review. I even had written my review here many years ago and can’t believe it’s been take down. Please be warned!!
  9. Hi, it was a long time ago I had my surgery with Dr Harwood, he has now retired but for the last few years I have had so many health issues going on and I've recently seen so many post to do with BII and so much of it is just adding up. I'm hoping that someone still visits the forums that have gone with him and are able to tell me what brand implants he used as I've lost the sheet of paper. Thank you
  10. I originally had 285cc, didn’t want that size, wanted bigger. Anyways after pregnancy my implants dropped into the breast folds so decided to look around. I asked a bunch of surgeons on quotes and consultations and out of all that, 3 surgeons refused to touch me because they didn’t do the first BA, another said they would but they were asking for a very large amount, and another never got back to me on a quote after asking if I was still interested in the procedure (original surgeon). I tried calling that last one twice. He also said 320cc is as much as he could do. after all that BS, I got in contact with a surgeon in Thailand. I’m 2 days post op. And I have 350cc. The only pain I really feel is where the incisions are and the drain holes. Already I know the healing process is going to be easier. I’m very happy with my surgeon, his team, and my outcome.
  11. Hey everyone, im going for a breast revision at the end of the month. First time I got them, I was ok with them but knew I would get them done again. Well since then I’ve had baby, and oh my, the weight of the milk coming in was too much. so now my implants have slipped down into the breast fold. I get slightly painful twinges every now and then. But I thought, what the hell, let’s get them done again. im travelling to Bangkok as no Australian doctor wants to touch me or they’re charging $15K with the same size implant. I’d love to know how others went with the post op care. Specifically, was it less painful? And how soon could you drive? Would you pick up a 4 year old, or how much could you tolerate (I.e at least getting them in and out of the car seat) thanks in advance
  12. I’m going to revive this thread. I’m curious out of us how many have explanted or replaced our implants 19 years on?
  13. Hi ladies - does anyone have their records from TCI? I just submitted a request from here for my records: https://plasticsurgery.org.au/protecting-patient-safety/access-your-breast-implant-registry-data/? Did anyone get their's redone because of the allergan recall?
  14. Hi everyone, back again after many years. im wanting a BA revision next year or 2024. i had my BA done in 2014 in Melbourne. I’ve got 425 xhp textured nagar Silicone. Under muscle. I’m 157cm tall and 60kg. I haven’t had any issues with the implants in this time. So I’m hoping it’ll be a straight forward revision. I might be getting abit ahead of myself but Im now wanting to start my research again. And thinking of going with a different surgeon this time. my main reason for wanting the revision is because I want to go bigger. And hopefully go over the muscle because my passion is body building and don’t like how the pec muscles pull the implants apart or if im laying down they fall to the sides and the gap is quite far apart. I wish my implants would sit closer together even if im standing normally. Hoping the surgeons I have consults with let me go up to 600. im not scared to go big. I wouldn’t want to feel like I didn’t go big enough. I know when I first had them done I went with the biggest size he had picked for me because I seen so many women on here say they wish they went bigger or had boob greed afterwards. is it normal for women who’ve had ba revision to go with a different surgeon? and does anyone have similar stats to me that have got roughly 600? tia
  15. I would LOVE to hear from anyone who's had breast implant revision surgery in Perth recently. Happy if you want to private message me rather than reply publicly. Any surgeon recommendations? I'd like to see someone who has plenty of experience with revisions and ideally who also does fat transfer. I am wanting to go DOWN in size from my current 260cc implants. I saw Tony Connell, but he only wanted to go down to 225cc which I don't think would make much of a difference. I have an appointment booked for August with David Colbert, and was called to book with Mark Hanikeri but the non-refundable $250 deposit put me off. Any feedback would be apprecaited.
  16. I just called to book a consult with Dr Hanikeri, they said there's a $250 up-front charge to book the appointment, and if you cancel then you don't get a cent back! Even if you cancel months ahead. It's unlikely that I would cancel, but that put me right off. What a money-grab.
  17. The explant forum doesn't seem to be a very active one! But I'd love to hear from anyone who went through this. Were you happy with the results? Did you have fat grafting done, or need a lift? Even better if anyone from Perth has had this done! I HATE my implants. They're "only" 260cc but look huge on my small frame. My youngest is going to be full time at school next year so I feel like this is the perfect time to take the plunge. I'm just not sure whether to drastically downsize my implants (to the smallest size possible!), or remove them, with / without fat transfer. I've been to a couple of consultations, but so far don't feel confident with anyone. They seem annoyed that I don't know exactly what I want. Well - I know the result I want, I just don't know how to get there! Very keen to hear from anyone. Recommendations of Perth surgeons (who have done plenty of explants, ideally who also do fat grafting) would be a bonus!
  18. Hi all! It's been awhile since I have been part of the forum, will try and give a concise summary. Had a breast lift + augmentation in 2016 About 6 weeks post partum in 2019 I developed a seroma. It was thought at the time to be ?? BIA-ALCL but after extensive investigations, this was found to be a misdiagnosis. Had an explantation in 2020, no complications. I have had a second baby since then. Weight loss post partum so almost at pre baby weight. I'm looking at getting a "re lift" now as even though my nipples are in the 'right' position, the skin is quite loose (not much fat left in my breasts!). Does anyone have any recommendations for surgeons in Brisbane who might be able to do this?
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