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  • Surgery/ Procedure
    BA~158cm~ size8~
    Pre-op 10A
    Post-op~ 12E~Nagor~textured~round~dual plane~crease incision~425cc's~ XHP~
  • Name of Surgeon and Date of Surgery
    Professor Mark Ashton. BA 25th Aug 2014
  • Measurements
    158cm, 55kg

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  1. Hi everyone, back again after many years. im wanting a BA revision next year or 2024. i had my BA done in 2014 in Melbourne. I’ve got 425 xhp textured nagar Silicone. Under muscle. I’m 157cm tall and 60kg. I haven’t had any issues with the implants in this time. So I’m hoping it’ll be a straight forward revision. I might be getting abit ahead of myself but Im now wanting to start my research again. And thinking of going with a different surgeon this time. my main reason for wanting the revision is because I want to go bigger. And hopefully go over the muscle because my passion is body building and don’t like how the pec muscles pull the implants apart or if im laying down they fall to the sides and the gap is quite far apart. I wish my implants would sit closer together even if im standing normally. Hoping the surgeons I have consults with let me go up to 600. im not scared to go big. I wouldn’t want to feel like I didn’t go big enough. I know when I first had them done I went with the biggest size he had picked for me because I seen so many women on here say they wish they went bigger or had boob greed afterwards. is it normal for women who’ve had ba revision to go with a different surgeon? and does anyone have similar stats to me that have got roughly 600? tia
  2. Hi, Leah works at highpoint. I just seen her yesterday and got mine done for the first time. She was wonderful and I couldn't fault her at all. Ive got to wait for swelling to go down but I love mine already.
  3. Yes I would hate to waste my money if it went away completely. Thanks girls! I'll keep searching for some one who offers Juvederm.
  4. Hi, Im doing research on dermal lip fillers around Victoria. I just had a consult with Carla Parker from Simply face cosmetics. And she has recommended that I get Restylane as I have pretty small, thin lips. Its probably going to take atleast 3/4mls over time to get my desired look that I would like personally. Im not scared of people noticing a difference. Im just after them big and pouty to the amount my lips can take Her prices are 1ml for $600 or; Pay upfront for 2mls (1ml and then in a few weeks I get the other 1ml ) For $1000. So im just wanting to know if restylane is a good product. Whats more proffered? Another place im looking into is Dr Theva in Camberwell Melbourne. He eccepts payment options from what ive heard. And seems really good from a video ive seen on youtube. A few months back I was looking into getting my lips done at uniquelaser geelong or any ALC in Melbs. But have decided to keep looking, that's when I found these other places. . Has anyone been to either Carla Parker or Dr Theva? TIA.
  5. Hi Penguin1, im looking into getting some fillers done in Melbourne or possibly closer to where live in the country. Im looking at getting a consult with Dr Theva @ 900 Toorak Rd, Camberwell in Melbourne. I hope this helps.
  6. Hi, has anyone here used denticare payment plans to pay off there dental bills? Or does any one know of good dental clinics that provide payment plans? preferred in Victoria regional areas. Any info would be very appreciated.
  7. Hi I'm doing alittle research on fillers aswell. Mainly in Victoria. But as I have family in SA I looked into places there aswell. I've heard of 'Aboutfaceskin&hair' is extremely good, just pricey. There located in Mt Barker and also have franchised in another suburb in Adelaide recently. Check them out of facebook.
  8. Hi L, is Michelle located in Mt Barker?
  9. MY UPDATE FOR: 1 WEEK AFTER REVISION So this past week ive been treating myself like its a BA as told by a nurse to take it easy with no lifting and no driving ect... I had my checkup on Monday with one of the nurses to get my bandage/dressing taken off and replaced it with the skin colour tape over incision. It felt so good to be changed. The nurse said its healing really good. I had asked if I can drive my car again, lay on my back instead of upright and shower normally. All of those things are ok. I have been feeling really good for the last 4/5 days. finished my antibiotics on Saturday. I feel like I have recovered extremely well from this revision with no pain and not feeling uncomfortable at all. Very happy!!
  10. Revision for right breast. 17/8/15 Like for by BA I had to fill in admission info the hospital sent me previous to admission day. This time I ticked both private room and public room it didn't bother me where I was placed as it was for a minor revision and only in for the day and also costing me nothing. Fasted from 12am. So as I previously said I was going in for a minor revision on right implant to be reopened and pushed down about 1cm to match left breast. Done by my surgeon Mark. Day 1 I had arrived with my partner at FPH at about 6:45am for admission time at 7am. let the ladies at front desk I have arrived. They got my details, and Medicare info. we were told to take a seat and my nurse came to collect me after about 5mins and said bye to partner. The nurse took me into her little office to check my details again, made sure I knew what was happening, filling in paper work, weighed me, asked me about allergies and took off piercings. (I have painted fake nails and it wasn't a problem at FPH) So after that I was taken to my bed in public room with curtains, changed into my gown, I didn't have the silly plastic underwear or compression stockings like i had to wear for last yrs BA. So waited in my bed with blankets for about half an hour and another nurse had come to speak to me going over every detail again, allergies, what im having done. ect....everyone was very professional. Waited till about 8am and got wheeled into small room next to operating room, got needle in my hand for drip. was about 5 nurses in there all getting ready procedure then Mark came in to draw on me. then I got wheeled into surgical room and slid on to surgical bed then I got connected up to drip and they put the gas mask over my nose and mouth and after about 4 breaths I was asleep. All this happen so fast i didn't even get a chance to be nervous. So woke up at about 8:50. I wasn't under anaesthetic for long, I couldn't believe all that happening in so little time I was wheeled back to my public room area and kept falling asleep and waking up. for about an hour, I got my antibiotics and painkillers ready to take home and by about 11am my nurse brought me sandwiches, biscuits tea and coffee. I scoffed it all down. and was alittle worried I would spew it all up but I didn't. (when I had my BA last yr in august I think it was the morphine that made me spew everything up I couldn't even sip on iced water) I was feeling really good after eating and having something to drink. I was dressed and ready for my discharge by 12:45. I was taken into discharge room where my nurse went over my discharge info, took out my drip thing on my hand and was told I would have my next appointment with Mark next Monday where he will change my dressing and make sure all is well. Then I was taken to my partner at front desk where I paid around $30 for my antibiotics and painkillers. So overall my breasts look like there even at the crease but I still have a lot of heeling to do on my right breast. But very happy so far. First night home I slept on a recliner Day 2. Woke up pretty sore and uncomfortable today. Just been laying here all day in recliner and walking to the toilet. Drinking lots of water and taking antibiotics and painkillers. since ive been home to ive noticed my boob has been making squishy funny noises every now and then when i move my right arm. I think it might be air bubbles. Lol just thought id mention. I will update again after my appointment on Monday.
  11. So my revision with my surgeon Professor Mark Ashton is coming up on the 17TH of this month for my right implant to be pushed down about 1cm as its sitting a little higher then my left, been right handed my stubborn right chest muscle wouldn't let the implant drop/fluff into its place. It will be just a day procedure so ill be home by the afternoon. Ive taken 2wks off from work as my job consists of a fair bit of heavy lifting and probably go back on light duties. Ive stopped going to the gym in past week and stopped any upperbody workouts about 2/3wks ago as when I had my op for my BA last year in Aug my surgeon said my chest muscles were tight for the implants to go in. I'm excited for Monday and looking forward to it. I'm feeling really positive as Its just a minor revision and should be a breeze for him to fix because of all the different work he does. Ill be updating after my revision as soon as im home and feeling good.
  12. Hi, that'll be good, I will do a review on him.
  13. Hi Karly, im happy to be able to be a help in any way.
  14. Hi to anyone following my progress. I just had my check up appointment yesterday with Mark. Im about 9months post op. my last appointment was in December. So he checked me out and said my left breast looks perfect and my right is sitting about 1cm slightly higher making the nipples abit uneven/asymmetrical. I have noticed this before but never really said anything when I think I should of now as Mark has recommended and if I want this, to go into theatre again for abit of a revision. Reopen the right breast incision and push the implant slightly down. Its a quick procedure he said and ill be able to go home same day with 1 week rest. Also the best part is he said its going to cost me nothing, No additional costs at all. He said he is a perfectionist and wants them to be symmetrical and perfect. I'm so happy to have him as my surgeon and that he's picky with his work. I have rang the ladies at front desk as soon as I got home to book in revision surgery date and decided on Mon 17th of Aug. I'm feeling really excited for this and looking forward to end results. The only thing im not looking forward to is stopping my fitness as I just started my gym membership and I have tough mudder in Oct and the nurse I spoke to said I should be ok for that as I will need just 6weeks taking it easy.Im willing to do anything to achieve perfect boobs which means no exercise. Im trying to add photo to show any one following me what im talking about with the unevenness but cant figure it out so will try in my gallery.
  15. 6MONTHS POST OP. Apologize for late reply for 6month update. Laptop broke from falling off table. So haven't been able to get on here to reply till now. So 6 months was February 9th 2015. And still very happy with size and shape. Love how they look in clothes and lingerie. Still applying vitamin E oil morning and night, scars are slightly pink, plus a small pinkish dot on outer sides of boobs where my drains were, that are practically invisible. Got no stretch marks. So I got back into my pole fitness at about 8 n a half weeks post op, took abit to get back my strength. 4/5months post op I was practically where I was before op strength wise. Still feels slightly weird doing push ups and pull ups I think that's because my implants are half under the muscle. Evan feels slightly weird when I push boobs together really slowly. Ive got all feeling back, underneath them around scars. The last time I had my appointment I got post op photos taken from Karen, so hopefully they'll be used for Mark Ashton's gallery on he's web sight. My next appointment with Mark is in June, n ill be about 10mnths post op. My whole experience was pretty awesome I think, I would so do it again. I loved most moments from organising everything, the operation before and after waking up. Staying in hospital, crazy but I loved it! Most stages of healing (apart from week 4 to 8 was most stressful) every appointment I had with Mark Ashton has been great n a relief getting told that they were healing perfect and I had nothing to worry about. So I think Ive said all I can for my 6month update and hopefully didn't forget anything. I totally would recommend Mark for any girls/ladies that are wanting to get any sort of surgery done, especially breast augmentation enlargement. Thanks to all the girls who have been a help on this forum, don't think I would of gotten the surgery done so soon with out the help of this awesome forum.
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