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Found 9 results

  1. Hi all, I'm kind of a newbie and very confused. I was initially looking at seeing Andrew Greensmith for rhinoplasty thanks to the lovely people on this forum who have kindly shared their wonderful experiences. I have heard nothing but good things about him. However, I have also come to the realisation that perhaps I cannot afford him as his prices are quite steep (from what I have heard from his patients that I have spoken to). Therefore, I am now looking at the option of ENT surgeons. Is this a bad avenue to pursue? Has anyone had a cosmetic rhinoplasty procedure done with an ENT surgeon i
  2. Hi all, I just joined, I've been looking for a site like this for so long! I'm at the shopping around stage at the moment, emailing different surgeons. I’m a 10B I think, never really been sized but that’s what I wear I've wanted breasts forever, and having a skinny mum with massive natural breasts I always thought I’d get them too I'm 60kg and 165cm. I think I want 330cc ish round silicone medium/moderate profile, unsure of incision sight yet... I wanted to know if any one can recommend a surgeon from Melbourne, or if any one has had consultations with any one and decided not to go
  3. So I have been wanting my nose to be fixed for a while now. It has a small bump I want smoothed out. I had been having sinus trouble so I visited ENT specialist Mr Briggs in Victoria Parade. Sinuses are fine, and I asked about Rhinoplasty so he referred me to his partner Mr Randal Lueng. http://www.leungent.com.au/MR_RANDAL_LEUNG_ENT_Surgeon/Home.html I have an appointment in about 2 weeks. Was doing some research and have come across people swearing to NOT go to an ENT surgeon for Rhinoplasty. I am now unsure whether or not what to do. One of the reasons I made an appointment was that ENT
  4. Hi everybody:), So I found this forum whilst spending hours on end looking for surgeons with good reviews! Let me tell you, it's been such a nerve racking task just to research all these different surgeons, let alone actually choose and commit to surgery with one. I have a consultation with C.M next week which was purely by default due to the fact that a friend just recently had a hump reduction done with him and cannot stop raving about how good he is - however after some research, it seems that maybe he is only highly recommended based on the amount of publicity he is getting from tv show
  5. Hi guys I lost a lot of weight at about 16/17. I had size E breasts from an early age but lost them almost as soon as I got them. Im now 27 and have always had excess skin. Its embarrassing and when I am with anyone I will hold my chest to hide my bust and I never go naked, wear revealing tops or publicly swim as a consequence. I am getting on and sick of this kind of body hate and want to get surgery on them finally. I am a size D or C now but have been loosing weight again recently so they keep getting smaller - and with more weight loss comes excess skin. Its so bad at this poin
  6. hi everyone, so i have just started to investigate getting a breast lift done, and probably implants aswell to get some volume. I went to see Craig Rubensetin the other day and he was fantastic. he talked me through my options; breast lift vs breast lift + implant. I have tubular (droopy) breasts, and he said that a lift will help alot but wont give fullness, so am thinking i want implants too. I was so shocked by the price- so expensive! much more than i thought! he mentioned about havign to always wear a sports bra- which now that I am thinking back, seems to confuse me. did any of
  7. Well I finally did it and had my consultation with Dr Craig Rubenstein on Monday for a Tummy Tuck. I have to say that he was really fantastic. Very informative and helpful. I felt a lot better after discussing the entire procedure with him, my worries and thoughts. He is really lovely and so are his staff. I had originally thought about the possibility of getting a breast lift done at the same time, but he said it was not really necessary and I may not get a 'fantastic' result anyway. Those were sort of along the lines of my thoughts anyway, so it was great to hear that. I have to say
  8. I'm 18, I've had trouble breathing through my nose for years. I went to a local ENT and had my terbinates reduced, and then 9 months later he suggested I also have a septoplasty (neither helped). So now I'm stuck with a huge nose that doesn't even work I'd appreciate any help about costs, personal stories, surgeons, how long the whole process took, results.. I don't have private health insurance, to be honest I don't really understand what type of cover I need. I'm totally lost and I don't have anywhere to start. I'm keen to get this process started so any help would be truly apprec
  9. Hi guys! This is my first time posting although I have been following these discussions for a few months now. If it wasn't for all these posts I'd be really confused so thank you! Basically, my background is Italian and I've hated my nose ever since I can remember I have a deviated septum and feel the ball on the tip of my nose is too big for my tiny face and frame (I'm sure the DS makes it look much worse too). Unfortunately, although I have just taken out private health and can potentially get some back from medicare for the DS, I can't justify paying Chris Moss's rates even t
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