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7 days post-op


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So it's 7 days post op and instead of looking at my new boobs and feeling confident I feel unsure. My recovery has been slower than what I thought, not so much pain but more uncomfortable. And my right boob is bigger than my left, not so much a surprise as it was before surgery but now it's still bigger even though I had a larger implant put in my left boob. I guess I was thinking the implants would help balance the imbalance out (if you get what I mean).

Did anyone else have post surgery doubts? Or have one boob not look right but balanced out after awhile? I know I am probably expecting too much so soon but it's just playing on my mind. Both my surgeon and his nurse are very confident it will all be fine - and are really happy with how it's all going. BUT I just can't seem to let it go and just be patient

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I think it is pretty normal to go through that initial phase of second guessing yourself. Also a part of your body has changed, and your mind needs time to adjust to this. Plus there is lots going on inside of your body as it strives to heal you. You are still in the swelling stage and as you said, it takes time for everything to settle and fluff out. I found by 6 months this had happened to the point my breasts felt natural and squishy. They are still changing and I am 7 months post op now. In the end, you will look even and balanced out. My left side didn't settle at the same time as my right. But definitely chat to your surgeon if you have any concerns at all.

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Thanks pink butterfly! I think maybe I am just searching for reassurance cos it's all so different now (like you said). I also imagined myself being 100% happy straight up (I have NO idea why as I was made well aware of the settling period etc). I am really just going to have to focus on the long term picture and wait!! Thanks again for your support!

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I'm 2 weeks post op and my recovery has been slow and uncomfortable. My right is settling slower than the left. I still don't drive and I have days where I'm just plain fed up with it all but you said we have to focus on the long term and be patient.

I also never really scrutinised my boobs until now and I shouldn't really, no two boobs are exactly the same.

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Thank you MasieF! and all the best for your BA x

MrsAlwaysRight - I'm the same! Some days I am so fed up with the whole thing! What's all that about lol, I thought I wld be soooo happy all of the time! Dr Lee is my dr too and he has been lovely and reassuring, I guess I just want a firm 100% yes it's all going to look great. I am also wearing 'the strap' at the moment to push my implants down and that's another thing which annoys me on top of the general post op discomfort.

Ok enough of my whinging!!! Even I'm sick of myself

Hope your feeling better soon MrsAlwaysRight

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