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Pain under right breadt


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Evening all,

I had a breast augmentation almost 10 months ago now, and in the past 3 weeks I’ve been experiencing pain in the crease under my right breast. On examining it, nothing seems out of the ordinary. There is no burning, redness or swelling apparent. However, when I press underneath I can feel a very small lump that moves under the skin. This along with the pain I’m experiencing has got me worried.

I have thought perhaps that the pain is a result of my bra rubbing on my scar, yet the pain continues even after I have removed my bra.

I know you’re not doctors, but I would appreciate some advice.


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17 minutes ago, Ss84 said:

Evening all,

I had a breast augmentation almost 10 months ago now, and in the past 3 weeks I’ve been experiencing pain in the crease under my right breast. On examining it, nothing seems out of the ordinary. There is no burning, redness or swelling apparent. However, when I press underneath I can feel a very small lump that moves under the skin. This along with the pain I’m experiencing has got me worried.

I have thought perhaps that the pain is a result of my bra rubbing on my scar, yet the pain continues even after I have removed my bra.

I know your not doctors, but I would appreciate some advice.


Hey hun, please go to your doctor or surgeon for an examination. It may just be a cyst or it may be something more worrisome, the only way to find out is to have a medical examination. Hopefully it's nothing to worry about, however you need to have a check up. We'll be here for you if you need us xo

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