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About October29TCIba

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Gold Coast, QLD
  • Surgery/ Procedure
    BA with TCI
  • Name of Surgeon and Date of Surgery
    Dr Tang 29th October
  • Occupation
    Bartender/gaming attendant

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  1. no problem at all :-) I just use it religiously and have had no Issues at all :-)
  2. hey @Wowbow It's one week for me today, I went to the doctors and had my dressings changed. Was l like taking a Bandaid off they were so sticky! Haha I'm really happy, the incisions are so small and clean (something I knew my surgeon was very precise with when I was researching him). i have a little bit of soreness but nothing too bad. Mind you I'm not taking pain meds (I stopped after 2 days as they were blocking me up and I didn't really need them). My incisions were a tiny bit stingy this morning when the dressings were changed so I just took some regular panadol and I was fine. My
  3. hey @Brookelle, In my post op info pack it says not to use and oil as an oil can leave a film which may cause irritation. I Was advised to use a vitamin E cream for the weeks leading up to surgery and for at least 3 months after surgery after every shower. This is the cream I have been using the whole time and have found it quite good. It's lightweight, has a tiny bit of primrose oil in it but doesn't leave a film. Ps - happy one week post op to me too ;-)
  4. hey Alaska I'm one week post op today. I didn't have my period during surgery but they did go through a check list before I went in asking if I was wearing a pad or tampon. My pre surgery information says: "if you have your period, please where a sanitary pad. No tampons." I was expecting disposable underwear and was surprised when they told me to leave my own underwear on. Hope that helps :-)
  5. i guess it depends on what you do for work. I am in myfeet all day behind a bar and working in a pokies room so I'm taking 2 weeks off. I really really needed a holiday though and wanted to make sure I can drive (I drive manual) without doing any damage. Part of my job is pushing in big heavy chairs. However. I've spoken to my boss and she knows all about it and is super supportive and has a list if duties I'll just be doing that don't require much arm use haha
  6. I found nearly all my inspiration from the TCI Facebook and instagram Page. I started following one of the girls from a TCI post her pic was featured in, and ended up screen shotting her pic because I thought hers were amazeballs AND I was also going through the same doctor as her. As a result, I LOVE MY NEW BOOBIES!!! ?
  7. Hi ladies, I've never been backed up before, day 2 post op and I'm starting to get some sharp pains in the stomach Just wondering how much prune juice I should drink for it to be affective? I just don't want to drink too much and then be stuck on the loo, you know? Haha This is completely new to me. Please help! Thanks a lot!
  8. who are you going with for your surgery Laureen? I chose Dr Tang with TCI. One reason amongst many was because he is very gentle during surgery so you Dont wake up so sore I'm only 1 daypost op. I woke up with zero nausea and zero pain. Literally just a tight feeling in my chest and almost like a slight dull ache in my breasts, but it was barely anything I'd hardly call it pain. I also went under twilight, not general, so because I had less anaesthetic in my system it didn't take long to recover. My surgery took 1 hour and about another hour and a half I was out of there. (recovery flues by
  9. i just told my doctor what size would be ideal for me and showed him some pictures of what I liked and he suggested the ccs for me.my goal was to go as big as I could while still looking in proportion to my body. I tried on two sizes, chose the largest and voile! They are amazing. My doc told me: "I wouldn't go any bigger " than the biggest size I tried on, if I wanted to achieve my goals of keeping it in proportion to my body. With the measurements the doctors take, they really know what's best for you. So long as you've told them your goals, maybe shown them a few pics of what you like. M
  10. you definitely have to take it easy for a while I'm more mobile than I thought I would be I can use my legs and abs fine to do quite a few things but anything using the arms or chest I need assistance with. I was considered borderline because my right breast sits a little lower and sags slightly out to the side. My doctor told me he couldn't change that with just an implant but the implants have actually made it less noticeable! So I'm super happy!! I've created an album in the gallery section. I think you just have to request a gallery friendship to see my before and afters anyou'll see
  11. I was so excited for the whole three months I waited since I booked it It was one of the best days of my life, best decision I ever made! Good luck babe, trust me you will be fine :-) xx
  12. i have honestly been researching this while thing (including sedation) for over a year before my surgery. It was my first surgery so I wasn't sure what to expect. I've read so many reviews from girls who have had other surgery before using general and then had twilight with TCI and have nearly all said there was no.difference and that they were both just as a affective as putting them to sleep. The only difference was the nausea you feel waking up and the recovery time. General sedation they were typically groggier for a lot longer and feeling quite nauseous/ vomiting Twilight sedation in my
  13. Just had my surgery yesterday with Dr Tang at the concord private hospital and woke up with zero nausea and no pain. Just a tightness in my chest and a dull aching kind of sensation and that's it. I feel fantastic! I was prescribed codapane and endone (to be used only if the codapane isnt effective enough) and so far all I've had is codapane with no issues, no pain just that tightness and slight achey feeling! Yaaaaay!!
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