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About MelanieJaneMum

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Profile Information

  • Location
  • Surgery/ Procedure
    Mumma Looking into getting ba done.
  • Name of Surgeon and Date of Surgery
    Graeme Southwick 19 June 2024
  • Measurements
    175cm. 60kg. Teenagers bras haha not even an A cup
  • Occupation
    Beauty therapist
  • Interests

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  1. i had empty skin for my implants to fit into so they haven't been too strange. i think the people that get frankenboob are often the ones where you will find a large amount of drop and fluff, not just the shape changing but growing in size as they settle. it will be interesting to see how different they will be in a few months.
  2. They look GREAT @Nelly22 im so happy for us all !
  3. WOOOO!! @Fitchick14 Congratulations! Boobs ARE Wonderful haha!
  4. Thank you @Fitchick14 yes i think its just going to take time to get used to them. I love them when I'm naked but hey ill get in trouble (and cold) if I'm naked all the time I think ill feel amazing when i get some clothes that fit well and get back to working out.
  5. Confession time: I don't always love my new boobs ! (did i go too big?) I'm 2 weeks post op and still getting used to my boobs. Every day after I have a shower I try on a couple of things (tops/dresses/bikinis) before getting dressed. Mostly at the moment I'm wearing baggy jumpers as I'm still a little bloated and hey its winter. When i try on different things though i sometimes like my boobs and sometimes don't. Well, maybe its not that i don't but i just need to learn how to dress for this body now. I've put some money aside for shopping in a couple of months, start of spring i go back to Melbourne to see my surgeon, I'll be almost 3 months and I plan on shopping at Chadstone shopping centre. I don't regret anything and my boobs look fantastic but I'm used to looking so lean and now i just don't know how to dress myself in a way that makes me feel great. Is anyone else finding this?
  6. I had a check up yesterday at 11dpo. Im feeling completely fine though i am still very careful not to lift anything. The nurse was like "uh oh" when i said i feel fine. she said thats when people often overdo things because they feel like they can. Im aloud to get my incisions wet now (yay i can wash my own hair in the shower!) though they have to be dry again before getting dressed and just replace the tape myself once a week with micropore tape. In another couple of weeks she said to start doing 2 days on 2 days off with the tape and at that point use vitamin e cream when not using tape. Im aloud to sleep however is comfy which for me is still on my back but just with a normal pillow now. Still not aloud to get my heart rate up and not to get sweaty around my incisions so still just walks. My breasts still feel like an attachment but are softening and on their way to feeling more 'me'.
  7. i changed from an absolute pillow fort of 3 standard, 1 boomerang, 1 neck pillow and another squishy pillow to just 2 standard pillows last night and it was much better. Still stayed on my back but it was defintely better.
  8. Just wondering how long everyone had to sleep in a more upright way? I was told to sleep on a few pillows at my last meeting with the nurse/surgeon. I rang today to ask if i can take my bra off for a few minutes a couple of times a day for some relief (its not really too bad just not used to wearing a bra), whilst i was on the phone i asked how long they expected i should sleep upright for and they said i can sleep on my back or sides now, they said to just do whats comfortable and no tummy sleeping. I was talking to a different lady today though so now I'm unsure as i feel like I've been told two different things. What is the purpose of the raised sleeping anyway?
  9. i actually was able to go to the bathroom the very next day but i was told that the bloating is really the swelling form the breast area, its being pushed to my upper abdomen because my chest has the tight bra and compression wrap. My bloating is definitely going down now but not completely gone. I'm 6dpo.
  10. wow this is exciting hearing everyones experiences. We're all getting there.... Its been 4 days for me now and I'm feeling great. Im still tender and limited to my movements but its no problem, I'm even off the panadol now. Im very lucky that i have a supportive family and am able to not work for a few weeks so i can focus on recovery. Im still bloated in the tummy but I'm happy to trust the process. I hope you feel much better soon @asianbabe
  11. Hi ladies. Firstly @ambz93.xx damn they are gorgeous. I had my op yesterday afternoon. I ended up with 435cc. I am so happy with everything so far. I had a fair wait before i went in so i got nervous but the staff were all very lovely, kind and informative. I was asleep in recovery for some time and when i woke it took me a good half an hour to fully wake but felt ok, a bit tight and sore but not too bad at all. They gave me a valium and i came back to the apartment with my friend. We got here at dinner time, i had a nap as i was feeling groggy and felt much better after that, then we were up till 11:30 chatting, even though i was feeling fine i took some panadol and valium and went to sleep. Not a good night sleep as i woke every hour and was wide awake 2-4am, just weird not being able to roll in bed but not sore. This morning i got up, took 2 panadol, went to the bathroom and dressed myself. Im barely experiencing any pain its just mostly discomfort and weakness. I am not moving freely but that may just be my reluctance to push it. Anyway, so far so good. Oh i haven't taken the bra off to look yet as I'm scared it will be hard to put back on but I'm happy with how they're looking. I hope everyone else is going really well. xxxx
  12. @kismet you look fantastic already! Im in tomorrow afternoon. Hoping to go the bigger of the sizes that were recommended. Im 175cm 60 kilos with 11.5 bwd. I barely am an a cup so hoping to get the 475cc. My surgeon doesn't like to do high profile either so he had only organised medium profile implants but i think that the 475cc being 14cm wide might be a bit much. i still want the volume though but not that width so i asked them to have medium plus profile there so i can get a similar volume but with less width and more projection..... will see how it goes. Will touch base with you all as soon as I'm well enough.
  13. Im back from my holiday and flat out working the next few days till my op on Monday. Very excited but still worried about the size. Excited to hear everyones stories! Its happening!!!
  14. YAY @Nelly22 !!!! Im off on my holiday tomorrow with no internet , can't wait to check in on you all when i get back, which will be just a few days before my op. xx Good luck everyone.
  15. I bought myself a peter alexander long sleeved flanny nighty that buttons up at the front. I figured if i am sleeping quite upright in winter the blankets may slip and i want to keep my arms warm.
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