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Found 15 results

  1. Hi lovely ladies, I'm stuck between the two surgeons has anyone had experience with either (breast augmentation)? xx
  2. Hey hey. My surgery is on Monday! I thought I had decided and was happy with 525cc teardrop hp dual plane but now I'm freaking they'll be massive! I'm 56kgs now ( stress haha) 159cms tall so I'm not a huge person. My shoulders are quite small and my chest is ribby. :/ Doc suggested 465cc but said small chance of excess skin! :/ initially he said 525 would be 'pornstar' size on my frame but after questioning him again about the excess skin with the 465cc he suggested I go the 525cc if I want the full, firm look. Which I do, but I don't want to have these massive bottom heavy breasts! A
  3. Hey girls, so i am 1 week and 2 days post op . i weigh 43 kilos and 164cm tall, so very tiny but tall. I got 360cc silicone under the muscle round implants. My surgery was done by Dr Eddy Dona. the night before my surgery i was so nervous i couldn't sleep, i didn't really no what pain to expect because everyone was saying different things but mostly i was hearing 'it felt like an elephant sitting on my chest'. The day of my surgery i woke up at 5:00 am and had a shower, My surgery was at 7:45 , i had to take out all of my piercings, belly bar was fine though. i got to kings grove hospit
  4. so im getting my boobs done on the 6th of june and im freaking out... iv had 2 kids nd breast fed both my boobs are saggyyy!! but i sent photos to the cosmetic institue and they said i would be fine if i just got a bigger size implant... i havnt been for my consol yet im going for that on the 5th ...and im wondering if there are any girls who have had saggy boobs and had breast implants threw them?? im going with dr.ali ... im just really freaking out that im going to get there and they say sorry we cant actually do it and im coming from brisbane and everything is paid for! please help:(
  5. Hi Ladies, I'm looking into getting my breasts done and have heard such great things about Dr Phil Richardson. Just wondering if some of you could give me some information on him, how your procedures went, good and bad, pain, cost, etc. And any women that can recommend any other doctors, I'm from Brisbane so any information would be greatly appreciated. thanks!
  6. Hi ladies, just wondering what to expect with dropping. I'm almost at 6 weeks now and mine are still so high and that weird round verandah roof look side on. They seem like they are taking forever to drop if at all and I am starting to freak out. Does anyone have an tips or by viewing my pics tell if I am at what looks like a normal progression rate or should I start to be worried? Thanks xx
  7. hey girls im just wondering if anyone has any before and after being borderline lift... i was told by tci that i would be fine as long as i got a larger size tho that was them only going by the picturs i had sent i dont have my consultaion until the 5th of june and im booked in for surgery on the 6th.. im wondering if any girls have gone threw them and are in the same boat as me.. im freaking out
  8. Hey all, I don't post or comment often because I'm a wee bit lazy, apologies. It's been around 10 months since I got my brazilian implants and I can't find much research to answer my queries so I figured I'd ask on here! My implants still aren't as soft as I was expecting them to be at this mark as well as the feeling in the lower quadrant of my breast is still a bit numb... normal? This is hard to explain but my breasts are naturally wide set but I don't seem to have any definition in my implants? Ugh it's hard to explain but I feel like I still look flat chested from the front and you can
  9. So not long to go now eeeeek getting so excited and worried all at the same time. Definatly havnt met my weightloss goals, quit smoking which kinda threw a spanner in the works but ahwell it will all fall into place overtime i guess I have a bit of an idea on what i will need to pack but lil help please. Creams? Lotions? Vitamins? ect Thanks in advance ladies
  10. Hi girls, I am fairly new on here and go in for surgery next week! Would love to hear any feedback from girls who have got 350cc implants? Are they just right? Anyone wish they had gone that little bit bigger? I am 167cm tall and 54.5kg, going for Mentor High Profile, under the muscle, 350cc implants or possibly the 375cc! xx
  11. Hello, I'm new at this so help me out I'm looking for a clinic in Canberra that does really good BA's, can anyone recommend a place? what did you get and the price I'm looking at. I want to get Furry Brazilians but they quoted me $11'500, is that normal? What is everyone experience with these, do they become soft eventually? Thanks!
  12. Hi all! I am very new to all of this! Bit about me - I am a married, 24 year old with very small boobs (talking aa cup). This is always got me down, and for the last 5 years it all I ever wanted and now since buying our first house, I am ready to take this next step, and I am doing this 100% for me (sure the hubby won't mind) haha. Anyways, I have had a few friends get the implants in Melbourne and have spent 12-15k (which I was basing my procedure to be around, as I think the best option for me is to save up and not get another loan). So anyways, I was trying to decide with surgeon to g
  13. Hi ladies, The past two weeks I've been researching different possible surgeons in Sydney to perform my BA. I'm currently a 10D, really round and perky (people always ask if they are fake) but I'm going to go into an E or F cup depending on my frame and how they look. I wanted to book in with The Cosmetic Institute as their work looks amazing, great reviews and you can't beat their price. TCI are booked out till mid Jan which ill be on my honeymoon for a month. Does anyone have other recommendations for places that do equally great work and are similar in price? my second question w
  14. Hi all, this is my first ever post. Im looking at getting a BA later this year, my problem is I have tuberous breasts. I have so far seen three different surgeon, Dr Szalay, Dr Harwood and Dr Richardson. I loved Dr Harwood, unfortunatly he is unable to do the BA for me. I saw Dr Richardson, who has suggested textured round, high profile, dual plane, the only issue was he gave me 500 cc impants to try, I just did not feel 100% comfortable. Im only 166cm and 65kg, 500cc feels like im going going to look like Jordan and plain stupid. Im wondering if anyone has any other suggestions for surgeon I
  15. Hi I'm really new to this forum thing, in fact this is my first ever post! I'm looking for some information about getting a tummy tuck. I'm a 32 year old mother of 2 and have a total separation of my abdominal muscles, following a transverse pregnancy (sideways). I've been going to the gym and eating well in an attempt to loose weight. I initially lost 18kg since the birth of my last child but this has now all ground to a halt as i have severely injured my back as i have no core. As in 0 core!! The physio and doctor said there are 5cms between the muscles in my tummy - it's also starti
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