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About Nanniepoo

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Caloundra, Sunshine Coast
  • Surgery/ Procedure
  • Name of Surgeon and Date of Surgery
    Dr Ali Hussain - 30 Oct 2023
  • Measurements
    165cm, 57kg A cup
  • Occupation
  • Interests
    the gym, the wine, the fam

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  1. I went 390. Was initially thinking 300cc so that was quite the jump for me. Soooooo glad I went up. I even had a mini panic at the surgeons office when i tried on sizers. When you are used to nothing (like me) they felt huge, but once in and settled they are just great boobs and I cant believe I was worrying over a couple of tablespoons of contents. I know it seems hard at the time though.. ?
  2. Me too. Would recommend him based on my experience and results. I am 8 weeks post op and very very happy ?. Actually I still do a happy dance most mornings when I see my results in the mirror!! I got exactly what I was after.
  3. I took the general advice on here and went the bigger size of my choices and I am so glad I did! Went from small B to DD (am 6 weeks post op) I wanted to stay pretty natural looking. Rice sizers were great too, definitely make a couple of different sized ones and wear them around to see what you feel comfortable with. Just google how to make them basically stockings and rice...easy peasy.
  4. Hi ladies!!! Great to hear you are all doing well!! Lordy my nipples are sooooooo sensitive!!! I am loving my boobs though! I am 3 weeks PO now and sleeping flat (yay!!) Getting some pretty good exercise (not pump style but feel better as have put 3 kg on eeghhh!!) Can't wait for them to settle a bit more, D&F etc...am sure is gonna happen eventually! Am so impatient LOL!! Is anyone putting Micropore or creams on their scars?? Im not using anything but i feel like I should be. 3 weeks PO update pic... I'm very happy! ???
  5. The time will fly ladies!! March will be here before you know it! jinx369 I found Dr Ali fabulous too, he has given me exactly what I wanted & the whole scary process was so so so much easier than I ever thought it could be. So excited for you all!!!
  6. All mine Rikeha, I started it a couple of months ago after reading threads on here and adding friends advice and just kept adding and adjusting. Good advice too Pepper9 is tricky not using your arms to get out of bed and YES healthy snacks! I have a nutribullet and cut up stuff for that beforehand. Went to make one on day 3 and couldn't undo the bloody thing! Felt very silly!! ??
  7. I hope this helps someone out there! ? SURGERY checklist= -Phisohex antibacterial Body wash (for pre/post surgery wash) -Surgeon post op contact number in my phone & Post op instructions from your surgeon -Boomerang or U shaped Pillow and about 4 other normal pillows to build your post surgery sleeping pillow fort -2 post op bras so you can alternate with the one you get on surgery day (Can recommend Carefix Anna Post Op bra off Zodee.com.au. I got 2 for $90 and wear them constantly so comfy!) -Gather a few Button up or zip up tops, hoodies etc ('Mix' brand short sleeve zip up hoodie t-shi
  8. Yep... day 4 for me and still icing a few times a day. Is such nice relief from the tightness and my surgeon said its very important to keep going. The best thing I've used is a beanie bag (the ones you usually use to microwave and apply for heat relief) I put that sucker in the freezer and its the most comfortable, non-wet, non-icy and super flexible option yet! Love it, great for bedtime... i hate the wet icy burny thing, then you cover it and its not cold enough. Anyway...thats my suggestion
  9. I had 390 overs done with Dr Ali yesterday! Had a fantastic experience. They are swollen, high and tight as expected but im really happy so far! So glad its over and im in the healing phase... is a bit stressful leading up with all the decisions and worry about size and expectations and i dont know about anyone else but i was a bit freaked out about the surgery experience. It all just happens tho and then there you are with boobs! ???
  10. Phewf all done and resting up. ..geez its such an exciting and stressful lead up and then boom...you wake up with new boobs! Crazy! I'm also icing like mad but I did a stoopid thing and hurt myself opening the car door myself on the way out of hospital (i was feeling so good.. i did it carefully but it was too much still ) anyway now my right side is a bit more swollen and hard..so annoyed at myself. Just resting up now... I don't have much energy so its quite nice! So happy to be done and so happy with my experience in Bris with Dr Ali and the hospital staff were all so lovely.. a very happ
  11. Great to hear some more October ladies are done and resting. Wishing you speedy recoveries! 3 sleeps for me... eeeeeee!
  12. Yes it does get obsessive doesn't it?! I'm a week out (eeeeee excited) and im trying to convince myself to go up a size.... i dont want to be kicking myself. BUT im freaking out they'll be too big!!! My kids are 7 and 10 and i dont really want them notice. So hard! Geez we all obsess about size in so many different ways.... women eh?! ??
  13. Hahaha me too!!!! I have put a reminder (or 3) in my phone about no food or water already. Have a terrible memory!
  14. Thanks guys... I've jumped from initial 300cc to 390cc seems like a lot but ive read so many times on here to trust your surgeon...so im going to go with it... I think... ?.. ?
  15. You guys all look so great!!! Cant wait for my turn, having a freak out about size tho.. i got down to serious business and made some rice sizers... what are thoughts on this size guys? I think I can pull them off...they feel big (mind you, anything would from my current bee stings!!) but Surgeon thinks its a a good size. They are growing on me.
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