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Found 25 results

  1. So I had a consult with Dr Harwood this week, and unfortunately he can't operate on me as my saggies are saggier than I first thought and I need a BL as well as a BA The good news is that Dr H. definitely lived up to his great reputation and was kind, caring and has referred me onto a PS. He was definitely focussed on getting the best result for me, and that's what I'm after too, so I'm coming to grips with the thought of extra scarring and a longer recovery time. I now have appointments booked with Dr Neil Allen in Ipswich, and Dr Dan Kennedy in the Valley. I'm also considering tryi
  2. Hi girls, would love to hear your personal experiences with Dr Harwood in Brisbane. I am hoping to book with him for BA in May 2016! I'm 165cm, 76kg, current B-C cup, pear shape size 12 bum, size 10 top. Hoping to balance my curves and increase overall breast size. I've done my research and decided on Brazilians (I know they aren't for everyone, but for me I feel they are right). Current plan is 435 HP round unders, thinking of seeing if I can upsize at my next consult but will wait and see, BDW 14. I've added photos of me with sizers in ???? Can't wait to hear about your experiences! Anyone
  3. Hi girls, how many consults did you get? I've seen Dr Harwood and based on my experience, online reviews, word of mouth referrals and gut feeling I want to book with him. I know I should get a second (or third) opinion but I agree with his recommendation - I had an idea in my mind of what I wanted before my consult. He is so knowledgeable yet friendly. The team seen great and I really want twilight anaesthesia, which he offers. Has anyone else only done one consult and knew that's the surgeon for them? Any feedback on Dr Harwood or recommended surgeons for second opinions would help
  4. Well this might be a long one but I just wanted to help out any others looking at getting a Boob job done so here goes. I'm 25 no kids yet, but planning on having at least one in about two years time. I've never had much boobs, I'm a 12a just, I'm about 55kg and 156cm tall with broad shoulders and I guess you could say I have a few curves but still thin so having a flat chest isn't ideal when you want to feel feminine or wear nice togs etc I've always wanted more so I'm in a steady relationship and happy with my life and decided to reasearch I spend months googling terms pre op info, po
  5. Hi Ladies, I am having my procedure on Weds 11th March with Dr Harwood at Rejuvenation Clinic in Brisbane. I am currently a size 12, B Cup, 170cms tall and weigh around 66kgs. I am 37yrs old and have no children, and I am definitely not having any lol I will be getting Brazilian Teardrops, Over the muscle, with a moderate profile which I am really happy with. We tried a few different sizes during the consult and this was really the best outcome for me and I cannot wait. I am hoping for a D cup. My question is if anyone here has had over the muscle, I need to know whether I will r
  6. Ladies thought I would share my story with you all
  7. Hey everyone, I've spent 4 years reading these forums but never signed up but I'm FINALLY able to get my dream surgeries so I'm here asking for help! I want to have BA and Rhinoplasty simultaneously to avoid paying hospital fees twice, however I'm confused as to who I should do this with. Are there PS in Brisbane (& surrounds) that are multi-talented? Dr. Kim Harwood has amazing BA results, but only does Breast surgeries. My friend went with Dr. Greg Mcdermant for BA and hers are incredible, but has anyone had Rhinoplasty with him? Can someone please help me? Hope to hear from someo
  8. Hi ladies, I've been silently stalking this forum for a month or so and have finally decided it's time I join.... with 8 days to go until my BA!!! Better late than never I hope After having read so many of your posts/recommendations/advice to others, I made a snap decision to book in with Dr Harwood in Brisbane only a week ago, after my initial consult. This time next week I'm guaranteed to be completely freaking out! It's been a 10 year plan in the making but when I found out that a surgery date was available at the end of the month I jumped at the chance to finally take the plunge.
  9. So I'm just over three months post op now YAY! I had my three month post op check up with Dr Harwood last Thursday and he was really happy with how they're going no sign of double bubble and the scars are healing well. I also got measured properly finally so my end result is 10DD from 10A which I'm so stoked about! I'm currently applying bio oil two times a day to the scars, Dr harwood told me I didn't need to scar strips so I stopped using them. I've just posted updated photos and have another checkup for my six month mark in June (:
  10. Today was the day. I rocked up to the clinic (rejuvenation clinic inspring hill) at 7am. Went through the paperwork and medications with Dr Harwood then was sent off with a lovely nurse who made me try on a bra and then Dr Harwood came back in and took photos then drew up all the lines etc etc. He was really lovely and gave me a hug when he asked if it was my first surgery and said he would guice me through the whole thing. I had to lay down on a small surgical bed and he explained that they would hive me to shots one to relax me and make me feel like i've had a few glasses of wine and t
  11. So it's not almost 5 days post op. I love my new boobs and they're healing really well, not much pain other than i bit of morning pain but I think I'm starting to get a bit of "boobie greed" already.. I got 425cc EHP under the muscle which my surgeon said should give me a D maybe DD from an A. Looking at them and then looking at other peoples post op photos i feek like they're still small though I know they will change heaps in shape over the next month or so I just hope they don't get any smaller! How did everyone else find theirs changed over the months? Good or bad? Am i freakin
  12. As promised, 1 week post op photos are now up! Technically one week is tomorrow but i had time today s i did it today (: 425cc Under The Muscle Extra High Profile Brazilians Round with Dr Harwood and the Rejuvenation Clinic in Brisbane. Add me a sa friend if you would like to see (:
  13. Just uploaded some photos Day one post op. I'll upload some more in as week and then in a few weeks etc as they change (: 425cc Under the Muscle High Profile Brazilian with Dr Harwood at the Rejuvenation Clinic. Stats: 61kg, 163cm Add me as a friend if you want to see the photos (:
  14. Hi Ladies, I'm counting down the days til my BA with Dr Harwood (4 days now!). I was just wondering how everyone else's recoveries went? I've been reading so much on recovery stories and I nearly went with Dr Fleming because of his "rapid recovery technique" method that he flogs on about, but when I spoke to Kim over the phone (as I'm in Cairns) he was just so lovely and knowledgeable and when I asked him questions about recovery, he made it sound not so bad (i.e. I'll be able to lift my arms up the same day etc...) So I considered that perhaps other surgeons do the exact same thing as Dr F
  15. So I'm less than a week out now from surgery! I was originally having them done in thailand 6 months ago but that fell through so here I am getting them done in Brisbane. I feel slightly better about having them done here and being able to recover at home now. I'm getting 425cc Extra High Profile under the muscle hoping for a D/DD currently an A. Freaking out a little now, but hopefully everything goes well!
  16. Ok, time for my story (Sorry…super long). I just wanted to pay it forward as I really valued reading all the other experiences of the ladies before me. I’m 35 with two kids and my partner and I decided that after 10 years that we are going to get married next year. My fiancé is a boob man and has been talking about me getting boobs for as long as I can remember. Ever since I had my first child 6 years ago I have been wanting to have family photos taken but I have never had it done as I have always been so unhappy about my weight/look and it would be depressing to look at a canvas on the wall
  17. I saw amazing results from Dr. Harwood and I’m willing to travel to Brisbane to see him but I might have a mildly tuberous breast but just a BA should be enough as I don’t need a lift and I’m happy with my areolas size so I’m just wondering if one of the girls here had tuberous breast and had a BA with Dr. Harwood. I know he’s a cosmetic surgeon but some tuberous case don’t require a lot of work and can be fixed with just implants. My husband is willing to take me for a consultation in June (for my birthday) but I don’t want to spend all the time and money to get in his office and disco
  18. Being only 18 years old I took the big step in deciding that I wanted a BA. I was originally a aacup and after speaking to my doctor and Dr Harwood they came to the conclusion that I wouldn't grow anymore than I was. Being only 157cm and 47kg, I have a small frame and the main idea of my BA was to even out my body and make it look as natural as possible. After meeting with Dr Harwood for the first time he told me I had to go under the muscle, due to the lack of thick skin. He gave me he option of 250cc High Profile Brazilian Tear Drops or 270cc. We decided the 270cc would be most effe
  19. Hi girls, Well, I had my BA procedure today and thought I'd share my post-op experiences, as I know reading about everyone's experiences really helped me! Firstly, I had my BA with Dr Kim Harwood (Spring Hill, Brisbane). I ended up choosing him based on my experience with him during my consults and on the many rave reviews I received from friends who used him, and from girls on this forum - so thank you for that! Dr Harwood's consults are free, and I liked how he spent 45 minutes with me answering all my questions and really finding out about me and what would suit my body type. I
  20. Hi Ladies, Anyone else booked in tomorrow to have a BA? Not sure how I am going to sleep tonight Good luck to all the girls who are having there BA's tomorrow!!!! I will post before and after pics of my surgery during the week
  21. Hi Ladies, My pics are up from my BA yesterday with Dr. Harwood. Surgery went extremely well and I feel that my boob greed is settling in!!! Kind of wishing that I had asked for the 360CC instead of 315CC Brazilian tear drop but I will see how it goes after the swelling. Anyone else had this feeling straight after surgery? Pain is minimal due to taking my meds, valium gets me really doped out. Send a friend request if you would like to see my results
  22. Hi ladies Just wondering if anyone has experienced the dreaded stretch marks after breast implants and if bio oil helped much? Dr harwood said I will most likely get them so I have been using Bio Oil for the two weeks leading up to my surgery on Tuesday, hoping it helps!! Any info i.e. how fast they came, how long it took to get rid of them etc. would be great!! X
  23. I am new to this forum as last year I found out I had PIP implants but was pregnant at the time and couldn't do anything. I am having an MRI this week to confirm any ruptures and I am looking for a great surgeon in Brisbane/Gold Coast area and would love any suggestions? So far I am looking at Dr Harwood and Dr Richardson. My old surgeon is now retired and suggested Dr Boyle. Anyone had anything to do with Dr Boyle? I am also looking at going bigger as after having another child finding my boobs have moved south a little but am not sure on sizing. I am currently E cup (but look nowhere near a
  24. Hey girls! I've been on hiatus as I moved house a week ago and work has been crazy!! I've now updated my album with fifteen new photos of the girls ranging from the three week mark to today, I'm five and a half weeks! I updated my blog: abreastofthesituation.blogspot.com with my one month update and hopefully, fingers crossed, get a youtube vid up at my six week mark. It is crazy how time flies. My internet gets put on here at my new place this Monday so I will definitely make the effort to check in to the forum and answer any questions any of the new girls have. If you're not my frie
  25. Hi again You wonderful people were so helpful last time I had to ask another question... Has anyone heard of or used the following BRISBANE based ps? . Anthony Kane . Paul Belt . Dan Kennedy Any comments about the above (positive or negative) would go a long way... Any suggestions for brilliant Brisbane based surgeons would be wonderful- have seen a few names on here but the posts are a little old so wonder if the information is still applicable? Thanking you all in advance- so nice to finally hear from other people who have gone or will be going into surgery X rina x
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