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Twilight Anaesthesia for BA?


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Hi Girls,

Arghh I just woke up from a bad nightmare about having my BA :( I am petrified of surgery & just wanted to ask if everyone who's had twilight anaesthesia has been happy with it / completely pain-free & unaware during the procedure? Or did anyone find it not strong enough?

I had twilight anaesthesia when I had my wisdom teeth out & I don't think they gave me enough anaesthetic because I woke up mid-procedure, felt excruciating pain & screamed the place down. And I have a very clear memory of it - my memory wasn't erased :( I'm 168cm and 54kg with quite a small frame so maybe my anaesthetist under-estimated how much was needed. That's why I'm so terrified of the actual surgery & I worry that I'll be in pain during the procedure.

I'm sure that 99% people have a great experience with twilight (well I hope? Lol).. I really want this BA & I don't want to chicken out & regret it!!

Thanks ladies xx

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I've had general anaesthesia about three times and twilight sedation once.

To me I couldn't tell any difference between twilight and GA - I felt no pain, one moment I was awake pre surgery and the next I was in recovery.

I think if you make your concerns known to the anaesthesiologist they will reassure you and do everything they're meant to, to keep you asleep the whole time :)

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OMG JennaB89 - that's awful! I had a twilight on Tuesday for my BA and my husband is still laughing that the nurses couldn't wake me up (was enjoying my sleep obviously!) I didn't feel or remember a thing except when the anaesthesia was going it my arm it was painfully freezing my wrist - not long before I passed out though ;-)

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I had the same fears going in for twilight but I swear that you don't feel a thing just like a normal GA. They monitor your heart rate and apparently if it starts to go up which may indicate you're becoming more aware they too it up. I was out before they even gave me the twilight and I don't remember a thing about it. Its so much better than GA. You'll be just fine. It's controlled by an anesthetist so it's all safe and well monitored x

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Don't back out Jenna! These are normal pre surgery fears and thoughts only natural. You won't regret it. I asked them to give me sometning before they actually put in the anaesthesia so he injected a sedative first which 'knocked me out' but I didn't feel that go in at all. Apparently I was still talking to them after the sedation, before the twilight, but I don't remeber anything at all til I woke up :)

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Oh thank you BettyBee, that makes me feel heaps better to know that you didn't feel a difference between general and twilight :) I definitely need to make my concerns known to the surgeon & anaesthetist & I'm sure they'll do their absolute best!!

Hahaha Buddha that's funny you didn't wake up lol!! Must have been a nice relaxing sleep for sure :) it's reassuring to hear you were completely out of it :) I have a fear of waking up & feeling pain but being unable to communicate with the surgeon/anaesthetist (dramatic I know, I'm sure it only happens in the movies!).

Len82 that's so great that you got a sedative before the twilight! I think I saw on a comment somewhere you had Dr **** for your surgeon, is that right? How did everything go for you?? :) I'm having a consultation with Dr **** so if I go with him I want the sedative too! thanks so much for your encouragement too. When I've been researching I've got disheartened reading things like "I'd never do it with just twilight anaesthesia", "I'd never use a cosmetic surgeon" etc etc so it's easy to freak myself out over everything including surgery. I need to focus on the positives!! I just don't have endless money for revision procedures if something goes wrong. But it sounds SO worth it in the long term & as much as I'm scared it's very exciting too :)

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" When I've been researching I've got disheartened reading things like "I'd never do it with just twilight anaesthesia", "I'd never use a cosmetic surgeon" etc etc "

I wouldn't be paying too much attention to these comments. Its only their opinion, none of it is fact.

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I've had both GA & twilight (not for BA surgery) and find that I have no memory of what happened during my twilight surgery but recovery was heaps easier. I'm sorry you had such a shitty experience last time - def let the anaesthetist know & they should be able to ensure you don't feel anything. Plus I'm sure they'll give you a local as well so you shouldn't feel anything anyway. Good luck!

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Thank you so much girls!! It's great to hear the recovery from twilight is better than recovering from general. I'll just have to make my concerns known & tell the anaesthetist in no uncertain terms that I do NOT want to feel a thing haha. You're right that I shouldn't listen to everyone's opinions as it's not fact, and twilight actually sounds better. I think i'm getting worried over nothing with this BA :) If it wasn't for this forum I would have chickened out for sure xx

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I had a twilight anaesthetic for my BA. My surgeon gave me pethidine prior to the surgery which really relaxed me and made me feel woozy. Then I was given the twilight anaesthetic. I woke up in the recovery room fully dressed and all done! If you are really scarred from waking up in your other surgery, I would go over this in complete detail with your surgeon.

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Hey Jenna,

It's awesome totally stress free. I don't remember falling asleep and know the nurse kept trying to wake me and took about 6 goes... I remember she kept coming back to my bed calling my name and Id kinda wake up and kept saying "sorry, sorry, sorry I just can't stay awake! " got to the point I apologised that much when I said to grab a bucket of water to throw on me she said she became tempted so I'd stop apologising. Haha

Didn't feel anything during and the nurses were great, said ok you'll be asleep soon ... Swear .5 second later I was looking at a nurse in the room then out like a light... Next thing, in recovery. I felt great after too as Long as remained walking, went to shops quickly, walked to hotel & got some food... Although second I sat down it was the biggest struggle not to instantly pass out. :) when got to hotel bed within minutes mid text fell asleep and 7 hours later woke up fresh as a daisy!

You'll be fine :)

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Thank you pink butterfly, that's so good to hear your experience & at my consult I will def be asking about the option of pethadine!!

gymjunkieboobs your experience sounds great too! Bahahhaha that's so funny about you apologising non-stop :) sounds like the anaesthetists don't go stingy when it comes to a BA which is what I like to hear. That's great you could go to the shops & go for a walk straight after your BA. I love my sleep so I'm more than happy to pass out when I get home lol :)

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