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  1. Mumma-K reacted to Cupcake85 in Update on fluid   
    Tony Connell
  2. Mumma-K reacted to Cupcake85 in Update on fluid   
    Booked in for Tuesday the 17th September for the replacement of my implants.
  3. Mumma-K reacted to Cupcake85 in Update on fluid   
    I’ve been pushed through to have the fluid drained Monday morning. Sometime Monday I will receive a day for next week for removal and replacement. This is happening very quickly but what can you do. It needs to be done.
  4. Mumma-K got a reaction from Nic#460cc in Pain after Breast Lift & Augmentation   
    Recovery is a hard journey and everyone is different. I only had a BA (no lift) and it took me about 3 weeks to start feeling better. For me, it was breast pain as well as severe upper back pain from the weight of my new additions.
    I know it’s hard but try to be patient, it will get better soon x
  5. Mumma-K reacted to Nic#460cc in Pain after Breast Lift & Augmentation   
    Thank you for your kind words, perhaps I'm putting too much pressure on myself to feel well....I'm closer to 50 not 20/30/40....I keep forgetting that!! I'll keep working on my patience! ??
  6. Mumma-K reacted to Cupcake85 in Being tested for anaplastic large cell lymphoma   
    Results are in - cancer free! So relieved.
  7. Mumma-K reacted to Cupcake85 in Being tested for anaplastic large cell lymphoma   
    Thanks. I have the textured implants that have been recalled.
  8. Mumma-K got a reaction from Cupcake85 in Being tested for anaplastic large cell lymphoma   
    Oh my goodness that’s so scary! I’m so sorry to hear this is happening to you. Keep us posted x
  9. Mumma-K reacted to Boobies for Mrs C in New boobies - thank you to everyone on the forum   
    Yesterday was surgery day for me and wow that came up quick!
    I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who posts on this forum and who has shared their journey. I haven’t posted much myself cause I’ve found all the info I’ve ever needed was already there with a quick search.
    The biggest help were the post op photos and comments saying that how they look straight away is not how they stay. I’ve gone under the muscle and without that knowledge I would have been so disappointed with how they look right now. But I know that through the d&f process they are going to keep looking better and better.
    So thanks again everyone xx
  10. Mumma-K reacted to DrSamCunneen in New boobs take 2   
    Hello every one, this is a very similar post to another thread I've just found so I'm sorry to repeat my self.
    I am so sorry to hear of your problems and anger. There has clearly been a number of communication break downs, mainly on my end of things.
    While I can't comment on specifics I would like to emphasize to all of you that if complications occur I am desperate to fix them. Cost is now a big problem because until the end of last year it was easy using Medicare and insurance to do any alterations for free. Now things have changed with a new set of criteria making revisions completely unfunded. There has obviously been issues with some quotes and if you would like to contact my rooms I would love to see you too make things right. I personally get very upset by any complications, but the thought that my patients would think I don't care is even more terrible.
    I understand if you have lost trust and choose to see another surgeon if you feel you have been badly treated and can only profusely apologise and explain I had no idea of your concerns until I read this forum.
    Dr Sam Cunneen
  11. Mumma-K got a reaction from sabP in Pain after breast augmentation   
    My upper back pain was the WORST after my surgery! It was constant and just awful. I think it settled around week 3 or 4. Doing lots of stretches including pec stretches helped. I think it’s just because your back isn’t used to carrying weight on the front.
  12. Mumma-K got a reaction from sabP in New boobs take 2   
    I am glad that you will write a review @Stemschicky. I think it is so important that both the public and the surgeon themselves get access to honest feedback.
    Have you considered putting in a formal complaint regarding your poor outcome and subsequent treatment by the clinic? I also think that this is important as it means that they can’t just ‘brush you under the rug’ and ignore the situation. Especially as you don’t feel confident to return there.

  13. Mumma-K reacted to Frankie* in Roll call - Surgery Dates for 2018!   
    Thanks ladies! Made it out of surgery yesterday at about 5.30pm. Have been dozing for about an hour at a time through the night. The pain is just like so many have described - more like tender with a bit of pressure. Just got to have a peek when the nurses came to check my nipples (possible side affect of BA and BL can be impact on nipple blood supply, necrosis etc .. but all fine here!)
    Ended up going for smooth Mod Plus Profile, Mentor Rounds. 250cc R, 275cc L (bit of asymmetry before).
    For now just snacking on dry crackers and relaxing in hospital, got another night in hospital then out on Xmas Day! ?? Will put photos up when able soon!
  14. Mumma-K got a reaction from JD* in Bra Fitting   
    I got a fitting at 6 weeks and spent lots of money on beautiful bras but unfortunately they didn’t fit and felt uncomfortable as I dropped and fluffed further.
    I’d get a fitting at 6 weeks but maybe not buy too many bras (I know it’s very tempting!!) because that may not be your final size.
    My breasts are still changing subtlety at 6 month post op!
  15. Mumma-K reacted to sabP in 12 month boobie birthday!!   
    I am now 12 months post-op (+ one week, I was on hols on the actual boobie birthday - 8 Dec). I am thrilled with the final outcome, the scars are pretty much invisible, they have settled into position nicely and look awesome in clothes, lingerie and swimwear ? ? pics here in new bra and a pic of the scar line - other pics in my gallery. xoxo

  16. Mumma-K reacted to AS1 in Roll call - Surgery Dates for 2018!   
    OK my update ?
    All went very well, I had a BL & BA which I was nervous about, but I'm thrilled with the results!!! They are sitting nice and high and much fuller. I'm feeling a bit tight, which is to be expected, but on the whole I'm doing great ?
    I'm still in hospital but will be allowed home @ 5pm, which is nice as I get to rest up a bit more before heading home.
  17. Mumma-K reacted to Stemschicky in New boobs take 2   
    I have made a new album for those who may be concerned about Symmastia and what it looks like.
  18. Mumma-K reacted to Stemschicky in New boobs take 2   
    I’ve made an appointment with Dr Connell for Feb next year, which really isn’t that far away now, I could have had a January appt but I want to get past all the new year madness before I even think about starting this journey again.
  19. Mumma-K reacted to Moderator in New boobs take 2   
    Hi Stemschicky,
    You are entitled to suffcient aftercare from your surgeon and if you believe this has not occurred you are entitled to make a complaint to the health commission. In WA you can do so here:
  20. Mumma-K got a reaction from I HaveBoobs in New boobs take 2   
    @Stemschicky this is so disappointing to hear. I have the same surgeon as you and he definitely said to me verbally that if anything went wrong it would be fixed at minimal cost to me. I am so sorry you are going through this. Very good advice to get the surgeon’s revision policy in writing!
  21. Mumma-K reacted to Jen85 in How long did it take you..?   
    Thanks for sharing @Mumma-K and @pink butterfly it's really great to hear everyones stories ?
  22. Mumma-K reacted to JD* in Roll call - Surgery Dates for 2018!   
    Made it!
    I was so nervous right up until the op room. My mouth and legs were shaking and I felt delirious before hopping onto the operating bed. I was out like a light within 20secs but otherwise surgery went extremely well. ?
  23. Mumma-K got a reaction from I HaveBoobs in Roll call - Surgery Dates for 2018!   
    Good luck today @JD*!!! Thinking of you x
  24. Mumma-K got a reaction from JD* in Roll call - Surgery Dates for 2018!   
    Good luck today @JD*!!! Thinking of you x
  25. Mumma-K got a reaction from The_bright_side in Roll call - Surgery Dates for 2018!   
    Great news ???
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