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I HaveBoobs

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    I HaveBoobs got a reaction from Jessica34B in Celeb boob inspiration: Rachel Cook   
    I would say yes to both girls, no guestamation to bra size but I'd guess anywhere between 290 and 330 cc implants.
    Try to get your head out of bra size if your looking for inspo as surgeons work in Ccs not cup size so it will be different for everyone.
    A 400 cc implant will look very different on someone who is 5'5 and 55 kg compared to a 400 cc implant on a 5'7 60 kg person it all has to do with your breast footprint and BWD (breast width dimensions ) shape of your breast bone ( chest ) ect and existing breast tissue. Hope this helps
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    I HaveBoobs got a reaction from Monica Davis in Cooking with kids   
    Hi guy's it's Saturday evening and I've just finished cooking with my kids and it got me thinking. What is your favorite savoury and sweet cheet meal to cook with your kiddies.
    We just made pizza and brownies yum
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    I HaveBoobs reacted to McEva in Cooking with kids   
    Indeed. Kids love 'em! I would say that adults love this food too! Who would ever say no to these? 😁 My nephews visit me often because I always have pizza for them. And not just pizza from restaurant but own homemade smokey pizza made on my backyard oven as was mentioned on Pizzaovenradar by the way.
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    I HaveBoobs reacted to Ostentatious in Cooking with kids   
    I training them to eat more vegetables and fruits every day. So earlier, we prepared vegetable salad and some fresh fruits. They know now the importance of eating healthy food. I explained to them the importance of strong immune system in order to fight the virus.
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    I HaveBoobs got a reaction from Kaleidoscope_Eyes in Take 3   
    Hi @Kaleidoscope_Eyes I'm glad to hear your recovery is going well and wow time travles fast, you'd be around 7 wpo now, bet it feels great to wear pretty dresses again i too was not much of a dress person before boobs as i have no waist 😂 but boobs helped balance out my silhouette ,.
    Have you tried David Jones for small band bras i recently lost 15 kg and wear an 8 to 10 in bras also, i found some nice bras at Honey Bridette but they are a little on the costly side so wait till they have a sale . Hope all is well with you and stay safe 😊
  6. Like
    I HaveBoobs got a reaction from Tiffany91 in Drop and Fluff   
    So I'm 8.5 mpo and its about time i posted som D&F photos. I probably have some more changes to come but they look very different from post op to now the first pic is 4 dpo,then, 1 mpo, 5 mpo and 7 mpo

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    I HaveBoobs got a reaction from sabP in Will boobs make me look bigger?   
    Hi and welcome, i am 5'7 and was 72 kg (34A) when i got my boobs and i am also quite Athelitecly built i just wanted to bakance out my proportions and was worried that boobs would make me look matronly but that was not the case, i have 440cc hp anatomical implants which balanced me out nicly the pic of me in the blue set is me at 70 kg and the pic of me in the crop top is after loosing 12 kg , not much changed in the boob department after the weight loss but having a smaller waist dose make them look a bit bigger but in a good way lol😅

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    I HaveBoobs got a reaction from Kaleidoscope_Eyes in Will boobs make me look bigger?   
    Hi and welcome, i am 5'7 and was 72 kg (34A) when i got my boobs and i am also quite Athelitecly built i just wanted to bakance out my proportions and was worried that boobs would make me look matronly but that was not the case, i have 440cc hp anatomical implants which balanced me out nicly the pic of me in the blue set is me at 70 kg and the pic of me in the crop top is after loosing 12 kg , not much changed in the boob department after the weight loss but having a smaller waist dose make them look a bit bigger but in a good way lol😅

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    I HaveBoobs reacted to Kaleidoscope_Eyes in Take 3   
    Thanks guys. I'm surprisingly not in as much pain as I thought I would be going under the muscle. The first night wasn't fun and I was having horrible muscle spasms! I got the GP to prescribe some diazepam to help with that and it's made a difference. Also, I've been sleeping so much because of the endone, which is a good thing. I figure the more I sleep, the better and quicker I heal so no complaints there! I'll keep you updated. I can't wait to go bra shopping and dress shopping again. I really miss how they looked in dresses the first time around.
    @I HaveBoobs Sorry to hear you're wanting a revision! But congrats on the weight loss. That's awesome
  10. Like
    I HaveBoobs got a reaction from Kaleidoscope_Eyes in Take 3   
    Glad to hear your surgery went well and I'm sure when the swelling goes down you'll be much happier being back to your previous size, and yes its crule how our mind plays tricks on us, i hope the recovery process is quicker and easy this time around. I too have lost quite a bit of weight like Cupcake ( i lost 15 kg) and i have noticed a bit of a change in my breasts which seem smaller however my cup size hasn't changed i feel i dont fill them out like i used to and my left breast which was my bigger breast my nipple sits a little lower than the right i don't need a lift as they are not droopy but i feel like i need a bigger implant to fill out the loose skin, I'm also still convinced that my left implant is crooked (i have anatomicals ) as the left breast has never looked quite right ( hoping to have a revision in a year or two) .
    Congrats on the new boobies and you'll have to let je know how you like the Motiva implants
  11. Like
    I HaveBoobs got a reaction from Cupcake85 in Take 3   
    Glad to hear your surgery went well and I'm sure when the swelling goes down you'll be much happier being back to your previous size, and yes its crule how our mind plays tricks on us, i hope the recovery process is quicker and easy this time around. I too have lost quite a bit of weight like Cupcake ( i lost 15 kg) and i have noticed a bit of a change in my breasts which seem smaller however my cup size hasn't changed i feel i dont fill them out like i used to and my left breast which was my bigger breast my nipple sits a little lower than the right i don't need a lift as they are not droopy but i feel like i need a bigger implant to fill out the loose skin, I'm also still convinced that my left implant is crooked (i have anatomicals ) as the left breast has never looked quite right ( hoping to have a revision in a year or two) .
    Congrats on the new boobies and you'll have to let je know how you like the Motiva implants
  12. Like
    I HaveBoobs reacted to Kaleidoscope_Eyes in Take 3   
    So I had my initial BA in 2016 and had 350cc subfascial. I was initially really happy and thought they looked great. Over time I began to feel they were too big for my frame and in particular, had too much upper pole fullness. In hindsight, I just hadn't mentally adjusted to having boobs. I'd always been very tall and skinny with A-cups and now I was noticing other women checking my boobs out!
    So... in 2018, I downsized to 275cc mod+. This doesn't sound like a big drop but it was pretty significant on my build. I'd dropped 1.2cm in projection, which meant they disappeared in clothes. I really looked like I hadn't had anything done! For the first month or 2, I thought this was great. However, the shape was affected a bit as I'd been larger and my nipples sat a little lower on my chest. They just looked flatter and even slightly droopy. I by no means needed a lift but they didn't look as perky as before. I thought that by downsizing I'd be able to push them up and play them up with padded bras, which I could. But they didn't look as good as I'd pictured. The shape just wasn't as good and I didn't really like how they looked in push-ups at all. ? Looking back at photos of my 350s, I realised what everybody else had tried to tell me the whole time. They were not too big at all and they looked much better in clothes and dresses than my current 275s. Ughhhh. It's amazing how much your own mind can mess with you because I honestly believed I looked huge with the 350s and that wasn't the case at all. ?
    So I decided to go for another consult at the end of last year and see if I could return to my previous size. The surgeon noticed I had some pretty significant rippling in my cleavage and we decided to go below the muscle (dual plane) this time around. He's since changed to motiva implants due to the concerns surrounding certain implants and ALCL. So we decided on 375cc full profile, which is basically the same dimensions as my previous implants just slightly more volume.
    I had my surgery today and everything went well. I'm now typing this because it's 3am and I can't sleep. ? I feel very tight in the chest this time around given my previous implants were overs. ? The nurse said they look a lot better than the 275s did in terms of shape and the muscle coverage has created a nicer slope. I really hope I'm happy with the overall outcome and there is no more surgery in the near future. I think my fiance' would kill me! ? I'll keep you updated.
    PS. These damn drains are a pain in the butt!
  13. Like
    I HaveBoobs reacted to sabP in Pre and Post Op expectations and advice   
    Hey @RKN Dr Kollias is highly recommended. Please don't go on cost, this is major surgery and you want the absolute best. Even if it means saving for a bit longer... Plastic surgery is not something your should skimp on. xo
  14. Like
    I HaveBoobs reacted to sabP in Boob job, what to be careful for   
    Hey hun, you need to relax and just give yourself time to heal and recover. If you incision site is clean you will not have an infecttion, if you are concerned call your surgeon for an appointment. Usually you will have a follow-up around 7 days after surgery and they will check all is well.

    Capsular contracture is a risk that we all take. Just be aware of your breast health and deal with anything IF it comes up. Stop worrying yourself sick over nothing. Take care xo
  15. Like
    I HaveBoobs got a reaction from McEva in TV shows on botched surgeries   
    I have just discovered two new surgery shows on Netflix, The ugly face of surgery and Botched bodies, some of it is quite graphic so not for the faint harted. It also baffles me how so many people jump into getting cosmetic surgery without any research being done at all ??????
  16. Like
    I HaveBoobs reacted to sabP in Pre and Post Op expectations and advice   
    Good luck with your upcoming surgery @BethM The drop and fluff can take a while. What type of implants are you getting? Rounds/smooth usually D & F faster than anatomical implants. However, you should notice significant change from the 6 week mark (that's usually when it's best to go bra shopping!!) And they can continue to change for several months unti they settle into their final state xo
  17. Like
    I HaveBoobs reacted to sabP in Cosmetic Surgeons responsible for 73% of ALCL cases   
    Thank you for sharing this article - both enlightening and reassuring re Plastic Surgeons as opposed to cosmetic surgeons!!

  18. Like
    I HaveBoobs got a reaction from APerth in Perth ladies! Watts/Connell/Cunneen....HELP!   
    @APerth glad to hear your surgery went well and hoping your recovery runs smoothly.
    @Bec217 i had my BA done through Dr Sam Cunneen and am very happy with my results, Sam is a very meticulous surgeon and knows his stuff i left the size choice to him in the end as wanted a fake natural look and thats exactly what i got.
    I would have to agree with the Moderator on Pia Muehkenbeck's look what you think is a C or D cup is actually more a DD or even E cup if you look at my photos you would think i was a D cup but in actual fact I'm a 10 E
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    I HaveBoobs got a reaction from CJ- in Back to work timeframe   
    That sounds like a good idea, if your not feeling up to it then taking a little extra time off would be beneficial, best not to over do it so soon after surgery and remember when you do go back to work fully to take it easy for a good week and ease yourself in gently.
  20. Like
    I HaveBoobs reacted to Moderator in Safest textured implants   
    Cupcake this is incorrect. ALL textured implants are linked to ALCL - there has been no reported cases of ALCL with smooth implants.
    The risk for macro textured implants is significantly higher than micro textured implants though. The numbers keep changing but it is roughly 1: 4000 compared to 1:60,000 for micro textured (https://plasticsurgery.org.au/protecting-patient-safety/bia-alcl/)
    Ive also seen numbers such as 1:2000 for macro and 1:86000 for macro - i think there is issues with the statistics because of the different brands - you can find more info on the TGA website
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    I HaveBoobs reacted to CJ- in Extreme back pain and depression   
    @I HaveBoobs yes it was more upper back pain. I’ve never had a pinched nerve so maybe that was it. I’ve never really been hurt before in terms of broken bone or sprained ankles so I didn’t realise my pain threshold was so low. I told my sister who has kids that I was never giving birth even though I love kids but once the pain subsided I was like hmm maybe I could handle it... ? the memories of the pain fades when there’s something to enjoy after. I’m loving my new boobies ?
  22. Like
    I HaveBoobs got a reaction from sabP in Rapid Recovery Technique   
    Hi @Rose2019 i would have to agree with the above comments, although i myself did have a pretty easy recovery i had full use of my arms right after surgery but had restrictions on lifting anything heavey , over reaching and driving , i had little to no pain and came out of the anesthetic very easily but some people are not so lucky, while i didn't technically have rapid recovery my first 2-3 weeks were fairly easy but i did take that time to rest and recover as like mentioned above it is major surgery. You also mention you have little ones, you will have lifting restrictions even with a supposedly rapid recovery so picking up your little ones will be very hard for the first week at least so i reccomend you have someone who can help you for that first week.
  23. Thanks
    I HaveBoobs got a reaction from CJ- in Extreme back pain and depression   
    Hey @CJ- if you have no luck with your GP you can buy panadol Osteo over the counter from your pharmacist to hepl ease the pain a little. Your doctor dosn't sound very empathetic and i hope you were able to get some sort of pain relief, the sleeping on your back thing can be very uncomfortable and down right painful at times but this will pass so just know its not for to much longer, if its more upper back pain than lower back then you may have pinched a nerve between your shoulder blades, you could also try a heat pack to help relieve the pain.
  24. Thanks
    I HaveBoobs got a reaction from CJ- in Back to work timeframe   
    Hey @CJ- i took 3 weeks off my job as a hairdresser as it involves lots of time (all day in fact ?) with my arms raised and lots of blowdrying , my first werk back i was a little sore and tender but every day got easier. I also took 8 weeks off from my PT and Aerobic instructor job as you can imagine it is very physical, i started back at the gym at 3 wpo with light cardio and at 1 mpo i started with some light bodyweight lower body exercises and by 6 wpo i had started lifting light weights with my upper body (all of which was cleared by my surgeon first) Please listen to your body if you try to push/ lift something heavey at work and it dos'nt feel good then ask for help and wait a few more days before you try again.
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    I HaveBoobs reacted to sabP in Back to work timeframe   
    Hey @CJ I returned to work at the 3 week mark, but my job does not include heavy lifting. Can you ask your manager to have lighter duties for a couple more weeks? You can say it's due to a short term medical condition. You can get your surgeon or gp to write a supportive med certificate without disclosing your BA xo
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