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APerth last won the day on November 8 2019

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About APerth

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Profile Information

  • Location
  • Surgery/ Procedure
    Mini tummy tuck, lipo flank, breast augmentation
  • Name of Surgeon and Date of Surgery
    Dr kim ki gap - regen clinic, seoul
  • Measurements
    158cm/45kg/32AA now

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  1. Hi ladies, I went with connell for breast implant replacement because mine was done overseas 4 years ago and it rotated. 6 days post op today and I opened my surgical bra for the first time because my body is still very sore from the abdominoplasty with muscle repair and looked in the mirror... I'm a happy girl. I was supposed to see Connell 4 years ago but went to South Korea instead. And then last year I shopped around seeing dr Cunneen as well. Dr Connell's experience won me over eventhough he doesn't have that flashy insta page to show off his work. If you want to see pics just s
  2. How exciting!!!! I went to see both Mark Lee and Tonny Connell and I have to say TC wins right away!!! This will be me revision since I stupidly did mine in Korea last year and cancelled my first consult with Tony. I've seen 7 other surgeons in Singapore, Perth, and Japan (don't mention the Korean one, I want to erase that memory from my head!!!) and TC is absolutely experienced and knows what he's doing. Can't wait to see your result with him.
  3. Hi MrsCarter, guess we're on the same boat on 'what have I done and I'm feeling so depressed with the way my body looks right now' . One word to keep me strong ; in 3 months I would look back and laugh at myself for saying all those things. I'd be happy with my bikini somewhere sipping my coctail. Stay strong and remind yourself that we are all pretty and the implant will settle and we'll be even more fabulous.
  4. Thank you for sharing melbba . Enjoying your journey there. Glad that everything goes smoothly with you.
  5. Hi melbba thank you for reading my journey. It's quite an emotional one for me, more than 3x childbirth all via c-sect. I keep question my implant size choice, my recovery,etc. hubby is telling me not to freak out now and see how it goes in few months time. He said that looking at all those pics online my incisions are very neat and thin, now i'm worried if I went too small. Doctor was suggesting 295 and 245 cc but on the surgery day I asked for 250cc implant instead so he lowered the other one to 215cc. I hope all of us made a good decision that day. Can't wait to open ky surgical bra next m
  6. Back again... I flew home yesterday. Upgraded my seat and hubby's seat to business class. The pain is very minimal but my tummy is still swelling and my underarm incisions are still very tight. saw the nurse again to change my dressings on the 5th of nov but drainage bag still had to stay until I see the doctor on the 7th. I had more energy and actualy went shopping again until my drainage bag fell... Lucky I didn't pull anything. We hurried back home and jusg put my feet up 7th of nov saw the doctor, he thought everything looked good, drainage off!!! Yipee!!! And here came the compression gar
  7. Day 6 how come the pain is making a come back???!!! The nursechanged the dressing of my incisions on both armpits. And I could feel the pulling and tightening sensation from both stiches now. Still have to sleep in reclined position and it kills my tailbone now. I wonder if anybody has explained and succesfuly visualize all this agony to me before the surgery maybe I woulnd't do it... Oh well just hoping for the best result now
  8. Day 5 post op check up today. Fluid has lessened so much but still dark red color so the nurse asked me to continue to use the drain and will see me again in 2 days time. My tummy is so swollen but I must say the boobs looking so good already
  9. Day 4 woke up super fresh this morning. I even overslept 2 hrs from my morning medication schedule. Feel a bit sorr and tight on my armpits. Pain is minimal at this stage. Drain has dropped a bit, I don't know if it's because the walking or the long good sleep that I've had last night. Since i still can't take a shower I use dry shampoo and style my hair today. If I could give 1 important tips for recovery, it's to act as normal as possible. Style your hair, do your make up, put on some nice clothes even though you're not going anywhere. It has some impact on me. Somehow I'm feeling way more
  10. Day 3 continue... I put on make up and walk out for lunch and dinner!!!! I think my swelling has gone down a bit because the I could zip up my top that didnt't even fit 2 days ago. It felt so good to be be outside and had some fresh air. I was quite exhausted afterwards though and could only do shallow breathing when I got back to the hotel room. Drain tube is still on so I was walking outside with a long skirt and without undies because I was still wearing compression band and compression binder plus the drain tube. The surgeon is hoping that I would be able to remove my drain on tuesday, bu
  11. Day 3 could sleep the whole night without waking up for painkiller last night. Passing stool and urine seeme to be back to normal. My implants are super swell and warm, I don't know if that's normal or not. Just like when the milk was ready to flow in during breastfeeding time. Still feel some tightness on my chest probably even more because now it's so swollen and the compression bra and bandage make it even tighter. Drain is a bit less than yesterday. Still sore on tummy and hip. I think the korean chicken ginseng soup helps the recovery, I will keep eating it for the first week.
  12. Hi 2shea, actually korea is a very popular destination among asian population for cosmetic surgery. Most people in korea have had plastic surgery and it's very common here. I don't know about thailand because my initial research was toward japan (I wanted a very natural look - I call it a small cute pair of breasts and australia/thailand just don't have that look that I want), I actually went to see a surgeon in japan and singapore but then singapore cost was very expensive and the japanese clinic is very small I couldn't imagine they have proper equipment for 'what if' scenario happened. I a
  13. Hi there, i started flat as well. Before pregnancy and breastfeeding 3 kids I was a 32 A and after pregnancy and breastfeed I think I went bellow A cup, nothing at all. Just got mine done 225 and 255 anatomical implant dul plane because of asymetry. No final result yet because it's still so new. I just want a B cup. Height and weight 160-46kg so petite build as well. The surgeon actually draw some design for the boobs he showed me where my implant will be placed to get a good cleavage but then my nipple will slightly be looking to the aide (they're not dead centre to start with). Previously I
  14. 2nd morning. I finally slept quite well last night. Woke up at 7am and feel hungry. Asked hubby to buy a sandwich so I can have my medication in the morning. Incision sites are still sore. Drainage still red.
  15. Hi all, after extensive research for over 2 years I finally did it yesterday. I'm not big to start with, 45kg-160cm. After 3 kids my boobs just sag amd there's part of my tummy that had excess skin I couldnt get rid of regardless any exercise I do. Plus I have diastasis recti and umbilical hernia. Not too wide but with my stat it looked quate bulgy. I've always wanted to do trans axillary incision because I don't want any scar on my breast thats why asian country has always been my first choice eventhough I know the standart of hygiene and pain management are higher back home. I just couldn't
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