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Boobdreams your having a meltdown and causing yourself to have these issues. You have terrible anxiety and im surprised you havent hit the deck yet!! Yes you should not have gone to thailand for surgery. Your not cut out for it, however its done and you now need to stay positive, rest, eat, take your meds and stay off bloody Dr Google and doom and gloom...your going to give yourself angina and not get home! Deep breathing and focus on your child and the fact you have your new rack! Your going to have to friend a thai to help you at the airport..thai are the most beautiful people ive met on my travels and ive travelled alot..Your letting your fear and anxiety alienate you...contact that idiot Rachael and request a companion/helper if you cant bring yourself to do it yourself! Get proactive and get cracking! Im tipping your out of control blood pressure is giving you the dizzies and bloody Dr Google! Off it and make preps to get to the airport safely.. 5 days post lift you should not be going anywhere! But its done so put a plan in place.

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I know you're not feeling the best I just wanted to say that I felt so emotional, sick and anxious & that's even while I've been at home with my family so I can only begin to imagine how you are feeling over there.

So if I've had these feelings here because I've had surgery it would be worse for you being so anxious about having it overseas away from everyone, but still normal feelings, so try & give yourself a break about everything & try really hard to stay calm. I really hope that you can try & clear your head & focus on doing everything to make sure your recovery goes smoothly.

I completely understand why you would be desperate to get home I know I would feel the same. Do what the girls have said & make sure you get your stockings...I've had to wear them at home here until I was walking around properly they are very important. Keep up your fluids & take any meds that you need if you're in pain, anything to help you with the flight.

Really try & have positive thoughts so you can get you through this,, get home & can reassess your medical care then.

Good luck with your post op tomorrow, you'll wake up hun just try & relax & get a good sleep you need it xx

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Boobdreams, are you able to request a family member or friend to fly to you and help you? I would urge you to be honest with yourself and realise that you do need help now especially if you are experiencing severe anxiety and are flying home very soon. I know that you do want to go home as soon as possible but I do think you need to let your body heal more before you fly home. Even if you are out of pocket with changing flights, you are better to be safe than to not be. I am only saying this from concern for you and your well-being.

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I dont think they would involve themselves in plastic surgery concerns.. i highly doubt it. She needs to move to an international hotel chain and liase with them to organise a companion/guide. Im very concerned at the standard of accomodation they are residing in when something as basic as food cant be ordered...boobdreams what hotel are u staying in? Perhaps theres something we can do from this end.

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I think it is time to call your family and see if they can help you from this end. Having you post multiple anxiety ridden posts on this forum is not helping you or anyone else here. You have been given SO MUCH sound advice by the members here, if you are not able to follow this advice then you either need to sort yourself out, or get someone that can help you.

Is there a chance that you are having an unusual psychotic episode from the endone (opiates can sometimes affect people in unusual ways) or is this your usual presentation? If the answer is the latter, then no one here can help you but yourself, if it the former, then as i have said previously, if you have no pain then stop the endone and take panadol and see if that changes your current psychological state.

Although the Aus consulate will not get involved with a standard surgical issue, if you are having mental health concerns then they most definitely WILL help you. An alternative is to contact the emergency number on your insurance details, and they will organise care for you.

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I took on all of the advice. Each post was related to a different issue its not like I was posting the same question ten times I had different fears and questions come up I'm sorry :( I want to delete my account but there's no way I can find to do so but don't worry no more posts from me.

Have you sorted some help yet? people here do care and worry you know.

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Glad it's all calming down and that dr P is happy and they are settling well, what a relief.

If you email the moderator they can delete your account but your posts will still be there, you can do through and manually delete all your posts if you're worried but doing go because you're embarrassed I think you could really help someone in a similar situation in the future

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