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MissH last won the day on January 16 2015

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About MissH

  • Rank
    Platinum Member

Profile Information

  • Location
    Gold Coast
  • Surgery/ Procedure
    Original surgery April 2014 on the Gold coast
    Revision to correct snoopy boob January 16 2015 with Dr miroshnik
  • Name of Surgeon and Date of Surgery
    Revision surgery 400 cc round sub fascial. Dr miroshnik
  • Measurements
    deflated 10c
  • Occupation
  • Interests
    Gym, Shopping, my puppy dog

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  1. Thanks so much fox. My right side produces next to no milk and my left (problem boob) produces a lot more. I think she's also self weaning a little bit. She's not really interested in feeding from me and wants the bottle so I think maybe I could be getting engorged etc. I had my gp check the lump on the side and she thinks it's a milk gland or tissue moved around from my implants. I'm hoping they just go back to normal when I finish bfing
  2. He never mentioned pregnancy to me. It was treated with antibiotics. I got onto it within 12 hours of the pain starting so it was treated very quickly.
  3. Hey everyone. I haven't been on here for ages! I've had a baby and am still breastfeeding. I got a lot of stretch marks on my boobs while feeding but now I think I've developed a complication. I felt a pop sensation a month or so ago and a bit of pain but it was after a bout of mastitis so didn't think anything of it. I've noticed over the last few days I now have a bulge under my breast and my tissue hangs over. The scar has also moved higher onto my breast. I have a phone consult with dr miroshnik next week but I'm exactly one month out of his two year warranty. I'm really worried he won't c
  4. I've been very absent as of late because I am pregnant I'm due in April with my first and i'm hoping that my boobs hold up ok through the breastfeeding. they have already grown about 1/2 a cup size!
  5. i'm late to the party. I went with dr stradwick i was not happy with my results. There are alot of great surgeons in the gold coast and bris area.
  6. i got subfascial and mine are unbelievably squishy. I did have c cups to begin with but with my first set (unders) they weren't this soft. Not sure if its the implant type dr m uses. listen to him though as he is amazing!
  7. I didn't even know this was a risk until last week lol. I had a clean 5 months PO.
  8. I have subfasical. Basically they put the implant above the muscle and under the fascia which is like a strong webbing type stuff they detach from the muscle. Gives more support than your straight forward over implants and reduces rippling.
  9. ive got 400. they aren't too big imo
  10. i was with hcf and they honoured it for a removal and replacement (not cc). I've ust switched to bupa though cos their extras are crap.
  11. I have 400 cc lol. He was going to do 460 anatomicals on me but I said I didn't want them that big so he chose in surgery to do the 400 rounds instead. Placement has a lot to do with how natural they look as well
  12. I couldn't pee properly after surgery. Freaked me out. I would be busting but it would come out as a trickle and was super u satisfying lol. I asked the nurse and she said it was the ga. it can do funny things to your body
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