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Cornflakegirl21 last won the day on February 14 2020

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About Cornflakegirl21

  • Rank
    Elite Member

Profile Information

  • Surgery/ Procedure
    Breast augmentation. 1st surgery 20th of April 2015with 315cc anatomical Brazilian implants. Replaced May 23rd 2016 with smooth round 415 XHP allergan
  • Name of Surgeon and Date of Surgery
    1st surgery: Dr Harwood 20th April 2015 second surgery:
  • Measurements
    163cm 54kg, 315 HP tear drop Brazilian duel plane placement
  • Occupation
    Beauty therapist
  • Interests

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  1. Hi! I had revision for bottoming out 2 years ago with Dr Theo Birch and he’s done a great job. Another name that gets a lot of good reviews is Dr Phil Richardson. Why do you need a revision? Also Mathew peters
  2. I am about 18 months post op from my revision to 415cc silicone under the muscle. These pics of my scars are from 3 months post op, they are still healing at the moment. Everyone scars will be completely different depending on skin type, surgeon etc. I used scar tape 24/7 on advice from surgeon I think for the first 3 months, I would recommend doing this as I feel it helped ! for reference I am 5’4 or 164 cm and 57kilo about 125 pounds.
  3. Thanks @Kaleidoscope_Eyes you are totally right I think I will be get used to them I might just be going through an adjustment period after my last surgery because I actually loved the size before then! That model is goals for sure
  4. Yep my surgery’s were probably the biggest obstacle we’ve had to face in our relationship that’s for sure, he’s sort of past it now but we were seriously considering breaking things off for a while over it. I have 415 XHP and think I if they were a lower profile I might feel differently, I just feel like they look pretty fake and it’s hard to play them down in clothes, will definitely be going for moderate or high profile when I eventually redo. Yours sound perfect! i am also a gym junkie and not going was the hardest thing about me recovery! Due to the nature of my revision I waited u
  5. Best of luck with you recovery! its crazy what the mind can do, I had revision about 1 year ago now and even though I kept the same size I feel like they are too big! It’s crazy because I pushed so hard to get this size and at first they were perfect but it’s like within the last year my eyes have changed ! I absolutely can not afford another revision so I will be keeping them for as long as possible. I hope you love your new size ❤️
  6. Hi, i had revision for bottomed out implants with Dr Theo Birch on the Sunshine Coast and he’s done a great job. I live on the coast and really wanted to have my surgery done here but I also consulted with Dr Phil Richardson in Brisbane who I know has a great reputation and was very knowledgeable. I personally preferred Dr Birch overall. Good luck with your revision! I know how stressful it can be X
  7. Yes @Melbmummy I went with a different surgeon and had to pay the whole thing again! It’s been awful. i left them bottomed out for about 18 months before having them fixed due to the cost but I’m the end I couldn’t take it anymore. Its taken a toll on my mental health and my relationship with my partner, but at least they are fixed now and I’m starting to move on with my life. i hope everything get sorted out for you ❤️
  8. Hi I’m sorry to hear you’re having complications ? I also bottomed out badly in both breasts, I just had them repaired in February this year. So far the repair has been successful. Best of luck with seeing your surgeon. I can sympathise, I know how stressful complications can be.
  9. Sorry you had such a bad experience! I hope you can get them fixed. So far mine are holding up nicely so fingers crossed
  10. Good luck with your check up ! I hope it works out for you X yes I had to have a Capsulorrhaphy where my surgeon raised my IMF and sutured to my ribs.
  11. Agree to check with your surgeon, it’s hard to answer without pics. both of my implants bottomed out and I recently had them corrected
  12. So I am one week post op today, I’ve been pretty down the past few days. I’ve seen big improvements but I am feeling like they are too big on my frame and will just bottom out again! my surgeon advised me against going for a smaller implant because I would have excess skin due to the stretching from the bottoming out.
  13. Yeah I don’t know, my partner said they had me in and out really quick!
  14. Hi! I know my partner and I were really confused about the pen marks and betadine, that didn’t happen the last time. Im worried they may have rushed me a bit, I kept the same implant from the last surgery so they are 415cc smooth round XHP
  15. Hi everyone I have just updated my surgery story in the 2019 group if anyone is interested ?
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