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Being tested for anaplastic large cell lymphoma

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I found 2 lumps in my right breast which turned out to be lymph nodes however I had significant swelling of my left breast and 175ml of fluid was drained. I’m currently waiting on my results to see if it’s breast implant assosicated anaplastic large cell lymphoma. This is the longest wait ever and I’m barely holding it together. I have 10 year old textured implants.

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45 minutes ago, I HaveBoobs said:

Oh no how scary for you, the waiting is the hardest part, I'm pretty sure i read you have the textured Allergan

(recalled ) implants will you be seeing your surgeon to discuss whats the next step . Sending you positive vibes and pkeas keep us posted. Will be thinking of you.

I was planning removal and replacement anyway but now regardless of outcome I want it done asap.

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23 hours ago, Cupcake85 said:

Same breast swollen and full of fluid again. Why is this happening again?

this is what happened to me. The fluid came back.

I was planning on exchange of implants at the time and I had a sudden onset of swelling in the left breast - had MRI which showed swelling no rupture etc - booked in two weeks later to have them exchanged for new implants and by that time the swelling had come back and was getting worse.
It was actual another surgeon, Dr Tavakoli who was honest with me and advised me to take the implant and capsules out and not get new implants at the same time. He said I should wait a minimum 6 months but ideally a year.
So anyway when one of the worlds best breast surgeons gives you advice you have to take it, so I rang my surgeon up the next day and said I didnt want implants put back in during that procedure. I had my surgery the next day and when I woke in recovery the nurses told me that my surgeon had decided i needed to stay overnight for proper main management because the amount of work he had to do was a lot.

Well anyway, that afternoon my surgeon Mark Ashton came and saw me in my room and said I dont know how you knew but it was a mess inside. The implants were intact but the side that had the fluid was oozing and extremely inflamed and putting an implant right back in would not have been a good idea.

Of course me being me asked to keep my implants and the side that had the fluid was yellow and the other implant normal. Im sure i posted a pic of it here on the thread my explant journey. Once i was home i realised that there was actually air bubbbles inside the implant and even though it had been cleaned it was slimey. I gave it a good ssqueeze and the thing exploded in my hand. So, ive come to the conclusion that i had a gel bleed causing the inflammation and thats why i was getting the fluid build up.

So, anyway, I hope this puts you at ease as I went through the same thing. Removing my implants was not as bad as I thought it would be and now 2 years later they have fluffed out okay. I still hate my boobs and i am planning on reaugmenting again but i just keep pushing it back because of the recovery and the fact that I have to travel to Sydney and stay for a week as Dr Tav is the only surgeon I can trust to fix them up again.

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4 minutes ago, Cupcake85 said:

Thank you for sharing @TheFox

Im even more swollen today so I’ve emailed the rooms again. I will ring after 9am. I’m so worried. I’m booked in for aspiration of the fluid Wednesday but don’t think I can wait that long.

honestly mine got worse and worse. I was taking pain killers in the few days leading up to my surgery because it was that uncomfortable. I was not in a good way. lost tons of weight that month, i was uncomfortable, restless, couldnt sleep etc. I feel for you. Once the bad implant was out it was so much better

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16 minutes ago, TheFox said:

honestly mine got worse and worse. I was taking pain killers in the few days leading up to my surgery because it was that uncomfortable. I was not in a good way. lost tons of weight that month, i was uncomfortable, restless, couldnt sleep etc. I feel for you. Once the bad implant was out it was so much better

I sent through my photos to the rooms by email and I will call them after 9am. I hope they can book me in for surgery. I don’t feel I can wait until Wednesday for the aspiration especially with it being the weekend tomorrow.

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