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About jdm

  • Rank
    Senior Member

Profile Information

  • Location
  • Surgery/ Procedure
    Breast implants and full anchor lift, 350cc right, 325cc left, high profile, textured mentor silicon implants.
  • Name of Surgeon and Date of Surgery
    Dr Pornthep, Bangpakpok9 International Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand 20/02/2024
  • Measurements
    165cms, pre op 12a&b, weight at surgery was 70kgs. Not sized since surgery, tba.

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  1. jdm

    Update ?

    Glad you're back Huck, have been thinking of you and wondering how you were doing. Hoping that you can get what you need from here to do what you need to do. We're all behind you x
  2. I 100% agree with everything droopy_lou said above. I also went through cosmeditour but had my surgery with Dr Pornthep at BPK9 in Bangkok. I paid less than half what I had been quoted here, the care I received was incredible - second to none - and my boobs are freakin beautiful!!! Loved the opportunity to heal on a holiday, away from the needs of my family. There are always other cosmedi girls at the hospital and the hotel so you won't be alone plus they have a cosmedi rep over there, in Phuket and Bangkok so you have someone to help you as well as the international reps from the hospital. I
  3. I went with Cosmeditour in feb for ba+bl in Bangkok. Loved the whole experience and my boobs are gorgeous! Cosmeditour are just a booking agent really, not much more. I don't have anything negative to say about them- my support has come from the other ladies in the cosmeditour facebook group, the ladies I met over there who also were with cosmedi and the cosmedi Bangkok rep Mutsee (absolutely beautiful woman!!!) The hospital organises all transfers, they have international coordinators to help you while you're there too. Feel free to msg me if you have any questions ?
  4. Yeah no probs, was 10.5k all up including flights accommodation breakfast daily. I took an extra 1k over for spending money too. Worth every cent and more and would definitely recommend to anyone to look into it. Was a fantastic experience x
  5. Thanks @Mummaof7, I'm definitely feeling better about myself these days, amazing what a nice set of boobs does for your ego!
  6. First pic 1 week post op Second pic 5 weeks post op Third pic 2 weeks post op Fourth pic pre op Right 350, Left 325, HP round unders with full anchor lift. Hoping to see more lift ladies show some drop and fluff pics too - Is the d&f process similar to straightforward ba's or totally different??? Super happy with my boobs now - my befores were atrocious!
  7. Yes they are hp, sorry, forgot to mention that!
  8. Hey New girl! I ended up with 325 and 350. My boobs are not huge but they're absolutely beautiful. I am ridiculously in love with them. Good luck deciding on your size x
  9. Hey guys, Long time no post ? Just wondering for those of you who had a full anchor lift and implants - what was your drop and fluff process like? Is it similar to a straightforward BA or completely different? I feel like I have so much settling to do as I'm only 4.5 weeks post op but some have said I will probably stay the same, others say your boobs get bigger around the 6 month mark? Either way I'm cool. I love my boobs but if I grow a little bigger I'm not going to be unhappy...! Any input is appreciated x
  10. Hi guys, Had my surgery yesterday with Dr Pornthep at BPK9 in Bangkok. I ended up getting 350 one side and 325 the other to assist with asymmetry. Due to having a full anchor lift, my skin being very thin, small bwd and having little elasticity, Dr P did not want to put bigger implants in me. He is generally quite conservative with cc's anyway. The care I am receiving here is simply amazing. The nurses are so sweet and kind and speak very good English. So far I am over the moon. I've had a little peak at my nipples and the stitches are just sooooo neat! Looking forward to seeing my results in
  11. Absolutely! It's a crime to hide a hot rack especially if hubby is happy for you to get them out too! The more you do it, the more you'll be comfortable doing it ?
  12. So glad to hear you're doing well! Look forward to some pics - again, in a non pervy way hahahaaaa!!!
  13. Slatts, they're gorgeous! Well done Dr T and congrats to you!
  14. Thank you for your common sense advice ? my household is not usually such a battlefield! Hopefully all clears up soon and I stop going crazy (and these buggers stop triggering me!!!)
  15. Hey guys, (I love how I address you all as guys, like you're all my mates ?) Just wondering if I'm going nuts or if this is normal... I'm so bloody emotional! I mean like proper emotional. Everything's making me sad or angry. Anything my partner says is like a challenge to battle and my eldest daughter is copping it from me too. Did anyone else feel like this or is it just me being a freak? Or maybe my family deserves the servings I'm giving them at the moment!?? 2 weeks until I fly out. Lil help please....
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