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    sabP got a reaction from BecY in Help with cc size please!   
    Hi @Girl1999 It seems like you are thinking in the 300s for your implants. Some ladies are suggesting much bigger and that is great if it is what you want. Maybe check their gallery pics and see if it's the look you want and if it is go for it.
    I had 375cc anatomical (teardrop) dual plane under the muscle. You do lose a little volume but not that much. I tried on 350cc sizers and liked the look, my PS suggested the 375cc to make up for a little lost volume. I started off as an AA and am now measuring a DD at 7 weeks post-op. You can friend request me to see my gallery pics. They are not huge, but they look great and balance out my anatomy nicely.
    Good luck with whichever decision you make xo
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    sabP got a reaction from McEva in Perth ladies! Watts/Connell/Cunneen....HELP!   
    Hey @Bec217 I started walking from day one, slowly!! I went back to running at week 6 when I was able to wear a really good supportive sports bra. The gym I left for a while longer to make sure I was fully healed. Dancing also at 6 weeks. I recovered pretty well, but you do have to give yourself time to heal and pace yourself and follow the instructions of your surgeon as they all give different advice
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    sabP reacted to I HaveBoobs in Will boobs make me look bigger?   
    Hi and welcome, i am 5'7 and was 72 kg (34A) when i got my boobs and i am also quite Athelitecly built i just wanted to bakance out my proportions and was worried that boobs would make me look matronly but that was not the case, i have 440cc hp anatomical implants which balanced me out nicly the pic of me in the blue set is me at 70 kg and the pic of me in the crop top is after loosing 12 kg , not much changed in the boob department after the weight loss but having a smaller waist dose make them look a bit bigger but in a good way lol😅

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    sabP reacted to Jugs in Recall   
    If you have the recalled textured allergen natrelle implants, there is no action needed to be taken apart from looking out for ALCL symptoms. I believe they only have been recalled from further surgeries if that makes sense.
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    sabP reacted to MellieMoo in Pre and Post Op expectations and advice   
    @RKN hi ya!
    Yes you are correct In saying that surgery was about $9500 - $10000 (hospital stay overnight, Kollias surgery, anaesthetic fees and implants) Dr Kollias is actually quite comparable regarding cost. I had straight forward surgery, high round profile 450cc under the muscle. As @sabP mentioned though, he really is an AMAzING Plastic Surgeon and couldn’t recommend him high enough ? I’m 3 months post op and very happy with my results. Good luck on your decision whichever way you decide to go.
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    sabP got a reaction from I HaveBoobs in Pre and Post Op expectations and advice   
    Hey @RKN Dr Kollias is highly recommended. Please don't go on cost, this is major surgery and you want the absolute best. Even if it means saving for a bit longer... Plastic surgery is not something your should skimp on. xo
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    sabP reacted to Elena Siberia in Breast is too low / uneven nipples / - revision?   
    I'm sorry to hear you had to go through so many surgeries. I hope you are happy with the result now..
    I don't want to do a lift as I don't want to touch my nipples. That's why tightening the pockets seems like a perfect option for me. And I guess since dr Dona has been understanding about my issue and offered a revision with a big discount that's something to consider.. However one of my friends said that if he messed it up once he will do it again and suggests I go to a different specialist. That would cost me as a full new surgery though
    You are right, the breasts are positioned quite low because I wanted a natural look. To be honest with you once it's been done I realised that it might have not been the best approach as sometimes I feel as if my breasts look saggy not to mention the nipple issue. Anyways, that's why I feel like lifting them higher up would be a great solution for me as it would tackle 2 issues at the same time.
    As for the breast lift, I was told I didn't need one and I was warned about the nipples asymmetry. I just didn't expect one of my nipples to be so high up it's almost like it's not a part of the boob.. Because the original asymmetry was extremely minor. I definitely believe that it should have been predicted by the surgeon as I can't know what outcome I will have exactly.
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    sabP got a reaction from Cupcake85 in Breast is too low / uneven nipples / - revision?   
    My surgeon discussed my nipples prior to surgery as they were low. He talked about the position of the implants (anatomical) and the pockets and how he would position them so that the nipples were more central, which they are.
    Your breasts seem to be positioned quite low, which seems to have 'flicked' the nipples upwards. Did your surgeon recommend a breast lift? I know you said you had nothing much to start with and nor did I, but sometimes even with smaller breasts, they may require a lift at the time of augmentation.
    That being said, Dr Dona is reputable and so a revision would be worth considering. Do any bra's have the same effect as when you hold your breasts up?
    Good luck with your decision and I hope it can be rectified xo
  9. Like
    sabP got a reaction from I HaveBoobs in Boob job, what to be careful for   
    Hey hun, you need to relax and just give yourself time to heal and recover. If you incision site is clean you will not have an infecttion, if you are concerned call your surgeon for an appointment. Usually you will have a follow-up around 7 days after surgery and they will check all is well.

    Capsular contracture is a risk that we all take. Just be aware of your breast health and deal with anything IF it comes up. Stop worrying yourself sick over nothing. Take care xo
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    sabP reacted to Moderator in Help!!! Nicotine test before surgery   
    who is your surgeon?
    A lot of surgeons do a nicotine test before surgery particularly for procedures such as a mummy makeover. You run the risk of considerably compromising your surgery results as smoking can cause delayed wound healing, necrosis of the healing tissue etc.
    You definitely can quit smoking, believe me many of us have been through it ourselves. Would you consider hypnosis? I know some ,people who have had success with this method.
    I can tell you, once you make it to the two week mark, it will become much easier. I would even consider patches or NRT until the end of the month and then go cold turkey
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    sabP reacted to BethM in Pre and Post Op expectations and advice   
    Thanks for the info. Im having high profile smooth round ?
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    sabP got a reaction from I HaveBoobs in Pre and Post Op expectations and advice   
    Good luck with your upcoming surgery @BethM The drop and fluff can take a while. What type of implants are you getting? Rounds/smooth usually D & F faster than anatomical implants. However, you should notice significant change from the 6 week mark (that's usually when it's best to go bra shopping!!) And they can continue to change for several months unti they settle into their final state xo
  13. Like
    sabP reacted to BethM in Pre and Post Op expectations and advice   
    Only 3 more days until my surgery with Dr Kollias. Super excited!
    When does the drop and fluff take effect?
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    sabP got a reaction from MrsPeaches in Pre and Post Op expectations and advice   
    I found the forum really helpful too - so much good information and advice
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    sabP reacted to MrsPeaches in Pre and Post Op expectations and advice   
    This is all such good information! Super glad I found this forum.
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    sabP got a reaction from I HaveBoobs in Cosmetic Surgeons responsible for 73% of ALCL cases   
    Thank you for sharing this article - both enlightening and reassuring re Plastic Surgeons as opposed to cosmetic surgeons!!

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    sabP got a reaction from kimba14 in Cosmetic Surgeons responsible for 73% of ALCL cases   
    Thank you for sharing this article - both enlightening and reassuring re Plastic Surgeons as opposed to cosmetic surgeons!!

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    sabP got a reaction from Cupcake85 in Small update   
    That's good to hear @Cupcake85 Glad you are healing nicely
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    sabP reacted to Cupcake85 in Small update   
    My wounds have formed scabs and are healing nicely. I’m so relieved.
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    sabP got a reaction from APerth in Perth ladies! Watts/Connell/Cunneen....HELP!   
    Good to hear that things have gone so well for you this time
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    sabP reacted to I HaveBoobs in Rapid Recovery Technique   
    Hi @Rose2019 i would have to agree with the above comments, although i myself did have a pretty easy recovery i had full use of my arms right after surgery but had restrictions on lifting anything heavey , over reaching and driving , i had little to no pain and came out of the anesthetic very easily but some people are not so lucky, while i didn't technically have rapid recovery my first 2-3 weeks were fairly easy but i did take that time to rest and recover as like mentioned above it is major surgery. You also mention you have little ones, you will have lifting restrictions even with a supposedly rapid recovery so picking up your little ones will be very hard for the first week at least so i reccomend you have someone who can help you for that first week.
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    sabP reacted to CJ- in Extreme back pain and depression   
    @I HaveBoobs yes it was more upper back pain. I’ve never had a pinched nerve so maybe that was it. I’ve never really been hurt before in terms of broken bone or sprained ankles so I didn’t realise my pain threshold was so low. I told my sister who has kids that I was never giving birth even though I love kids but once the pain subsided I was like hmm maybe I could handle it... ? the memories of the pain fades when there’s something to enjoy after. I’m loving my new boobies ?
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    sabP got a reaction from I HaveBoobs in Back to work timeframe   
    Hey @CJ I returned to work at the 3 week mark, but my job does not include heavy lifting. Can you ask your manager to have lighter duties for a couple more weeks? You can say it's due to a short term medical condition. You can get your surgeon or gp to write a supportive med certificate without disclosing your BA xo
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    sabP got a reaction from I HaveBoobs in Rapid Recovery Technique   
    Hey @Rose2019 A BA is major surgery - 24 hour recovery is nonsense. You have answered your own question - if it were genuine, then all surgeons would recommend it.
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    sabP got a reaction from CJ- in Extreme back pain and depression   
    Hey @CJ - your GP sounds awful! It's not up to him to judge you or your pain levels. Maybe it's time to find a new GP. I hope you're starting to sleep better and feel better xo
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