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    Moderator got a reaction from Caitlin Creech in Poll: Was it worth it   
    For all of those who are post op, would you say that your rhinoplasty was worth it or not?

  2. Like
    Moderator got a reaction from HateMyNose in Poll: Was it worth it   
    sorry to hear that - i hope you are able to find another surgeon who can give you the results you desire
  3. Like
    Moderator got a reaction from Monica Davis in How do you cut your own hair?   
    I am glad i am not the only one resorting to cutting our kids hair. I found this tutorial quite helpful
  4. Like
    Moderator got a reaction from sabP in Help!!! Nicotine test before surgery   
    who is your surgeon?
    A lot of surgeons do a nicotine test before surgery particularly for procedures such as a mummy makeover. You run the risk of considerably compromising your surgery results as smoking can cause delayed wound healing, necrosis of the healing tissue etc.
    You definitely can quit smoking, believe me many of us have been through it ourselves. Would you consider hypnosis? I know some ,people who have had success with this method.
    I can tell you, once you make it to the two week mark, it will become much easier. I would even consider patches or NRT until the end of the month and then go cold turkey
  5. Like
    Moderator reacted to Jugs in Brisbane surgeon (plastic)   
    I can vouch for Dr Layt ?
  6. Like
    Moderator got a reaction from I HaveBoobs in Safest textured implants   
    Cupcake this is incorrect. ALL textured implants are linked to ALCL - there has been no reported cases of ALCL with smooth implants.
    The risk for macro textured implants is significantly higher than micro textured implants though. The numbers keep changing but it is roughly 1: 4000 compared to 1:60,000 for micro textured (https://plasticsurgery.org.au/protecting-patient-safety/bia-alcl/)
    Ive also seen numbers such as 1:2000 for macro and 1:86000 for macro - i think there is issues with the statistics because of the different brands - you can find more info on the TGA website
  7. Like
    Moderator got a reaction from j1dime in B&A pics, Polytech Polyurethane German Brand   
    You can read more about PU implants and ALCL here https://www.tga.gov.au/breast-implant-associated-cancer-or-bia-alcl
    The risk of ALCL with these implants is statistically much greater than with micro textured implants. You may consider doing more research on them. There is a very good chance they will be banned by the TGA as they have proposed on 11th July.
  8. Thanks
    Moderator got a reaction from DDaa in Surgery booked!   
    good luck tomorrow
  9. Thanks
    Moderator got a reaction from kanook in Sports bra recommendations   
    If you are Melbourne based I highly recommend She Science https://shescience.com.au/
    this bra will lock them down nice and tight - can recommend
  10. Like
    Moderator got a reaction from Cupcake85 in Appointment soon - hair help   
    Amazing, I am sure you look fantastic. I had a friend who had a similar cut and it suited her so well
  11. Like
    Moderator got a reaction from Cupcake85 in 2 week post op pic   
    You look great and this bikini looks fantastic. You definitely do not look like you have them out there.
  12. Like
    Moderator got a reaction from Cupcake85 in Appointment soon - hair help   
    oooh im late...what did you choose. I think if you have the facial structure you could pull off the above look but id be tempted to stick it out as you have come this far growing it
  13. Like
    Moderator reacted to vaserexperience101 in Cosmos Clinic review: My (Very Detailed) Vaser liposuction diary performed by Dr Joseph Ajaka   
    I had Vaser Liposcution at Cosmos Clinic in 2013. These are my diary entries that I wanted to share with you

    About me:
    I’m 21 years old and have always struggled with my weight. I was a very chubby and unhappy child and that carried on throughout my teen years until I hit about 16. I lost most of my excess blubber a very unhealthy way through starving myself and excess exercise. Although I did this, I was still miserable and it wasn’t an easy thing to keep up and I was still never able to loose my belly fat! I put about 10kg of weight back on a year later mostly on my inner thighs and abdomen.
    I now live a very healthy lifestyle through dieting and training but my belly/thigh fat still remains so I decided enough was enough and it was time for me to enjoy my body when I was still young. After months of research I called Cosmos clinic in double bay to make an apt.
    Consultation: 6/11/13
    From the moment I walked through the doors at cosmos I felt so comfortable and at home. The nurse, Laura, took me into a room and talked with me for over an hour about Vaser liposuction. She was so friendly and answered all my neurotic questions! Dr. Ajaka came in shortly after and was just as kind and friendly as Laura was. I could tell he knew what he was talking about from the second he opened his mouth. He was very realistic about my results and assured me that I was in the best care. I’m going to be getting my lower abdomen, upper abdomen (as well as some high def on those areas) my inner and outer thighs and my lower back. We scheduled my Vaser date for 2/12/13.
    The day before: 1/12/13
    I am so excited but right now my nerves are taking over the excitement. I have spent every night on my laptop doing research, reading blogs, reviews, looking at photos etc. I’m not very nervous about the after pain to be honest, as I know that it just means I’m healing and my body is recovering but what I am most nervous about is the pain during which not many people talk about on the blogs. I’m fine with pain when I’m recovering but just not with pain during a procedure – I have severe needle phobia! I’m probably driving Laura crazy as I have emailed her so many times about pain management but she insists that its completely normal to be nervous and has answered all of my queries. I’m going to have twilight sedation for the procedure as well as P****rox when I need it (The green whistle) and Happy Gas so I should probably stop being so paranoid! They have given me a relaxation tablet to take tonight so when I arrive at cosmos tomorrow morning at 7am I will be chilled out.

    The Day of: 2/12/13
    6:30am: Right now I’m actually feeling pretty chilled. I have to be there by 7am and we are starting around 8am. I’m not sure if I’m chilled because of the tablet they gave me last night? Or this is just the calm before the storm... (Lets hope for the first option) My issue is that I’m a nervous crier so the last thing I want to do is start blubbering away and look like a small infant… Well I guess the next time I blog will be this afternoon when I get home from the surgery and I’ll upload pics then. (I apologies if this blog is far to detailed and in depth but I just want everyone reading this to know my full experience, not just the happy or unhappy snippets of it!)
    All Over!
    It’s officially done! I think it took approx. 4 hrs. and the whole time I was relatively comfortable. Time flies insanely quickly when you’re under twilight sedation, which I was. All the nurses, including Dr. Ajaka were so friendly and made me laugh and forget about anything I was worried about. The local anesthetic stings a bit when they put it in but I was also sucking on happy gas so it was almost like I didn’t care about the pain? (which was very minimal anyway) I remember saying ouch a few times but every time I said it they stopped immediately and put in more sedation, which made me really at ease. There were parts that I would call uncomfortable rather than painful to the vibrating form the vaser cannula, which would have been more likely to make me laugh than cry. When I look back at it I only remember snippets and it seems to have been more like a dream then reality. After it was done I had my garments put on which made me feel really supportive and walked to recovery where I snoozed for about 2hrs. Not going to lie, as the local was wearing off I was in quite a bit of pain but it was always bearable pain, nothing crazy intense. When I got home I went straight to bed, took 2 pa****ene f***es, had something small to eat and drink, which made me feel a lot better
    Night/Day One 2 Dec 2013, Day of treatment
    Ouchy…Very uncomfortable! I felt like a fish out of water just flapping around trying to get comfy and every time I moved it felt like my skin was stretching. Also I leaked like a tap… light colored blood all over my garment as mine is skin color and all over everywhere I sat. Yuck, very off putting. It was a very bad idea of mine to sleep when I got home from the procedure straight away at 5pm (even though that It was all I felt like doing) because I was then wide awake by midnight which wasn’t fun. I just lay there and listen to relaxing earthy music which really helped and relaxed me so I suggest that to anyone in the same position. I’m about to go for my first shower which I am super nervous about to see how I look and also I hope I don’t faint. I’ll also post pictures after ?
    The marathon shower event 2 Dec 2013, Day of treatment
    Just took off all my gear standing up.. not a good idea at all. My mum took it off me and everything started to go blurry and I couldn’t hear myself or what she was saying out loud which was not a nice experience. I then lay flat on the back in bed and took the rest off and felt a whole lot better. I was nervous to look in the mirror incase I would hate what I would see but I loved it! There was hardly any bruising which was great and my tummy had tightened up dramatically and my back looked so smooth. I was very swollen though and the drains in my lower abs really freaked me out. Even though I didn’t get my arms done I felt so lethargic when washing my hair and soaping myself so it did feel nice to get back in bed and just have a chill out. At 4:30pm I have my after care massage, which I am very nervous about.

    Pain 2 Dec 2013,
    It hurts a lot when I stand up from sitting or sit down from standing but once I’ve actually started moving around I feel fine and once I have found a comfy seated position I feel fine too.
    Just had my lymphatic massage and it felt very strange.. some areas were numb on my stomach so it felt really weird when she rubbed them. She also told me that they took out 1.5L of fat from the belly…wow…Allot more than both doctor and me expected! I feel pretty nauseous from all the meds though which isn’t good but I’m praying I have good nights sleep tonight!
    Oh the Itching! 3 Dec 2013,
    I’m very close to ripping my skin out because I’m so damn itchy! Has anyone else experienced this? I honestly would rather be in pain than itch, its thatttt annoying.. (rant over)
    So last nights sleep was better than the one before and I can now sleep on both sides too! Yay! I’m still a bit sore but I feel better and more energized than I did yesterday and I could actually enjoy my shower this morning instead of feeling like I was going to pass out. Most of my leaking has subsided apart from the drains in my front, which still really freak me out. I’ve stopped taking pa****ene f***e and moved down to just normal pannadol as the codeine was really blocking me up inside which has made me feel super uncomfortable and even more bloated than I should be which isn’t good. Nothing more to report from today!
    Day Three 4 Dec 2013,
    Its so strange that its only been three days since my procedure, it feels like its been weeks. The pain is almost non-existent which is great but the itching is still frustrating but power of the mind is a strong thing and when I don’t think about the itching, it goes away after a while. My massages are getting more and more intense as they are starting to put more pressure on the areas that they are massaging which can be really uncomfortable at times but I know that it has to be done. The drains are now coming out in two days as I’m still leaking a lot from them due to the vaser hi deff on the abs and I’m still really nervous about that but I’m trying not to think about it to much until I have to!
    Day Four: 6 Dec 2013,
    My feet and ankles are so swollen! I got a bit scared at first that something was terribly wrong but the nurse says its totally normal!
    The drains are out! 6 Dec 2013,
    So I went into the clinic for my massage and for the drains to be removed and I was literally sweating bullets. I was so nervous and anxious about the whole idea of these long straws being pulled out of me. I feel like a total idiot now because I did not feel a thing… I was hyperventilating the whole time and I asked the nurse to pull them out ‘really slowly’ and just after I finished saying that she laughed at me and said ‘They’re already out..’
    So now I feel really good because over the past five days I’ve just been nervous about this so now when I take off my garments I don’t have to feel disgusted by them and I can just concentrate on my body healing and my progress!
    Day Seven Pictures 8 Dec 2023

    Day Fourteen (Week 2): 15 Dec 2013,
    I’m feeling really great overall but I wish I did this in Winter due to the un-comfort of wearing all my gear in the Australian summer.. The itching has pretty much stopped (thanks to DermAid Soft cream) but sleeping has been pretty tough with the black corset on. But good news now is that from today I only have to wear it for 12hrs for two weeks instead of 24 hours, which will make sleeping a hell of a lot easier. I have found it difficult to find clothing to wear with the corset on as it comes right up to my armpits which makes wearing sleeveless maxi dresses a no-no so I have to settle for the t-shirt style and look very ‘heavy’. For the past two days every morning I’ve been going for a 20minute swim which has made me feel amazing just to get out of the suit and do some light exercise. I find that in the morning my body looks good but in the afternoon I swell up quite a lot (almost back to my old shape), which can be pretty unsettling at times. Overall I’ve been super happy with how I look at this point (even though I still have a long way to go) but I still think that my inner thighs are quite swollen as I haven’t seen much change but I’m trying not to get upset about it as its only week two. I’ve noticed that I feel a lot more confident already with how I look and I can’t wait to see the improvement in the next few weeks.

    Day Twenty-Two (Week 3): 25 Dec 2013,
    I probably didn’t pick the best night in the world to blog as I’ve just indulged in a three course Christmas dinner and am now the size of two small houses… But apart from that, everything is going pretty good apart form the bloating. Everything looks all nice and flat and pretty in the morning but right after I eat a meal, even if it’s a small bowl of cereal, I get really bloated which can be pretty off putting and upsetting. Does this happen to anyone else??
    I am also starting to get a few lumps and bumps under my skin, especially where they did the High Deff, but that doesn’t bother me too much apart from the fact that they are very tender to touch and especially massage. I know I shouldn’t be too worried about the bloating/swelling as I’m only three weeks in but patience has never been my strongest quality. I’ve been doing a few incline walks on the treadmill which has made me feel good but it has also drawn to my attention how much of my cardio fitness I have lost which makes me very sad… Overall though, everything is going quite well.
    I actually much prefer leaving my garment on than taking it off (I know that sounds strange) as when its on, although its uncomfortable, I feel really supported by it and when its off I tend to get a bit light headed and feel pretty icky.
    Week three pics 25 Dec 2023

    Week Four: 29 Dec 2013,
    Just did my first training session after a month… Boy it was hard but I feel great now!
    My body is looking and feeling quite lumpy and bumpy which isn't fun but I'm still massaging everyday so hopefully it will all go away soon!

    Week Five:
    5 Jan 2014,
    I can’t believe it’s been five weeks! Time is just racing by and only more week left before I don’t have to wear the spanx (yay). Everything is going pretty good, there is no real pain unless someone pokes or prods me in sensitive areas (my sides are super sensitive still). The one thing that does annoy me still, is my yo-yo swelling. Everything looks really good and flat in the mornings but as the day progresses my swelling increases, which can be quite disheartening at the end of the night when I feel like a balloon. I’m still trying to not be upset as it’s only been five weeks and the true results are seen after a few months. I’ve been training everyday this week which has been really tough as my fitness has really taken a beating from a four week rest but I’m still pushing on as I know it’s going to benefit my results. I can’t even express how much this whole experience has helped my confidence levels - its insane. I no longer have to worry about a bulging belly when I wear tight fit clothing or feel crappy when I look at myself in the mirror, its helped finally after 21 years feel really good about myself which is awesome.

    Week Six:
    12 Jan 2014,
    I made it!! Six weeks down, which means I don’t have to wear any more gear and I have my photos take today at the clinic. Dr. Ajaka has asked me if I want to do PRP injections for my scar tissue but I don’t think I want to.. I’ve already been traumatized enough by the fear of needles!! and the scar tissue really doesn’t bother me that much and I know it will go away (Its already started to fade anyway) I’m super happy with the results so far and I know that my body will keep changing and shrinking for a few more weeks!
    For anyone reading this and considering doing Vaser, I’ll tell you now that Vaser liposuction does not have an easy recovery - yes it does hurt, yes the spanx and corset is very annoying, and yes its frustrating how much your body bloats and gets lumpy and bumpy but boy is it worth it. Not only have I changed physically, by mentally I am so much stronger and more confident within myself. I look in the mirror and I love what I see. I know my body isn’t perfect, far from it, but this has given me the platform to allow myself to train harder, eat healthier and just enjoy life more. I now train six times a week including person training, spin classes and Pilates and before when I would train I wouldn’t see results so I would think – why do I bother? But now that I have this body I can see the improvements everyday and it makes me so happy. So anyone considering it, from my experience, it’s very worth it but you need to know that it’s not an excuse to be lazy after, it’s a springboard to a healthier happier lifestyle.

  14. Like
    Moderator reacted to cathbond in Explant surgery & fat grafting   
    I'm booked in for a consult for autologous fat graft to the breasts using fat from my stomach and thighs - has anyone had this done by Allan Kalus?
  15. Thanks
    Moderator got a reaction from Nic#460cc in Back in for surgery   
    sorry to hear this happened to you but very glad you are doing better.

  16. Like
    Moderator got a reaction from sabP in B&A pics, Polytech Polyurethane German Brand   
    You can read more about PU implants and ALCL here https://www.tga.gov.au/breast-implant-associated-cancer-or-bia-alcl
    The risk of ALCL with these implants is statistically much greater than with micro textured implants. You may consider doing more research on them. There is a very good chance they will be banned by the TGA as they have proposed on 11th July.
  17. Like
    Moderator got a reaction from Cupcake85 in Textured round implants   
    I dont think that anatomcial implants mean that they cannot have lots of upperpole fullness. Have you seen Abby Dowse and Pia Muehlenbeck? They are both had anatomical implants with Dr Tavakoli and are quite full in the upperpole.
    Anatomcial implants are usually considered less cohesive than rounds

  18. Like
    Moderator got a reaction from sabP in An Update on ALCL and textured implants   
    Certainly the recommendation is to just keep an eye on them. I dont believe any plastic surgeons are still using the two implants that are associated with the highest incidence of ALCL so when the time comes for revision, it should be fine to swap out for a safer implant
  19. Like
    Moderator got a reaction from pink butterfly in An Update on ALCL and textured implants   
    Certainly the recommendation is to just keep an eye on them. I dont believe any plastic surgeons are still using the two implants that are associated with the highest incidence of ALCL so when the time comes for revision, it should be fine to swap out for a safer implant
  20. Like
    Moderator got a reaction from I HaveBoobs in First consultation - Dr Phoon or CosMedi Tour? Mentor implants + fat grafting   
    I think you should contact the clinic again, I think maybe there is a mistake and it is $12000 all up
    Unless you are having more work done on top of the fat grafting, your breast augmentation should not cost you more i.e. they have on their website breast augmentation cost is $11k so that plus the fat grafting really should only take it to $13500.
    I would follow this up and there is likely an error in your quote or your procedure is including a benelli lift.
    For comparison, tuberous breast correction using implants and fat graft with Dr Tavakoli is under $15k.

    Check with the clinic on Monday, they are always super helpful and will be able to talk you through your quote. I honestly think it might just be poorly stated and is showing you the fee twice

  21. Like
    Moderator got a reaction from I HaveBoobs in First consultation - Dr Phoon or CosMedi Tour? Mentor implants + fat grafting   
    $17000 sounds like you may be having a benelli lift or some additional procedure along with your correction?
    It seems like quite a jump from $1000 to $17000 with just fat grafting.
    I would suggest that an inperson consultation will always trump the opinion given via a photograph.
    Can you go ahead with an inperosn consultation with cosmeditour and then go from there?
    Dr Phoon is an amazing surgeon and you will certainly be in good hands and would only offer you advice on what is best for you. I believe that you must be having extensive work done and you might be able to have just an implant but run the risk of being unhappy with the outcome
  22. Like
    Moderator got a reaction from pink butterfly in Dr Blackstock   
    We did watch this last night. I wonder what kind of recourse they are looking for.
  23. Like
    Moderator got a reaction from Jamball in First consultation - Dr Phoon or CosMedi Tour? Mentor implants + fat grafting   
    benelli lift is where they make an incision around the areola, in your case they may intend to remove some of the tuberous tissue that causes the herniation of the nipple.
    There is a video and more information about this on our procedure page here: https://cosmeticjourney.com/procedures/details/tuberous-breast-deformity/
    The surgery perfomed in the explainer video is a benelli lift and illustrates what happens during that procedure.
    You can see from the footage, there is far more work involved than just performing a breast augmentation with fat grafting.
    Your quote says possible areola reduction and I suspect this is referring to the benelli lift aspect which at least doubles your time in theatre.
    Give them a call and follow it up. Id be incredibly surprised if this was not the case
  24. Like
    Moderator got a reaction from Jamball in First consultation - Dr Phoon or CosMedi Tour? Mentor implants + fat grafting   
    I think you should contact the clinic again, I think maybe there is a mistake and it is $12000 all up
    Unless you are having more work done on top of the fat grafting, your breast augmentation should not cost you more i.e. they have on their website breast augmentation cost is $11k so that plus the fat grafting really should only take it to $13500.
    I would follow this up and there is likely an error in your quote or your procedure is including a benelli lift.
    For comparison, tuberous breast correction using implants and fat graft with Dr Tavakoli is under $15k.

    Check with the clinic on Monday, they are always super helpful and will be able to talk you through your quote. I honestly think it might just be poorly stated and is showing you the fee twice

  25. Like
    Moderator got a reaction from Jamball in First consultation - Dr Phoon or CosMedi Tour? Mentor implants + fat grafting   
    $17000 sounds like you may be having a benelli lift or some additional procedure along with your correction?
    It seems like quite a jump from $1000 to $17000 with just fat grafting.
    I would suggest that an inperson consultation will always trump the opinion given via a photograph.
    Can you go ahead with an inperosn consultation with cosmeditour and then go from there?
    Dr Phoon is an amazing surgeon and you will certainly be in good hands and would only offer you advice on what is best for you. I believe that you must be having extensive work done and you might be able to have just an implant but run the risk of being unhappy with the outcome
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