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  1. Hello everyone, I'm scheduled to have my breast implants removed. We decided to get a lift at the same time as explant but unfortunately due to my partner being off work for his own surgery, we can't get finance for the amount needed to explant and lift. At the time of I consulted with a surgeon I was breastfeeding and the second time I was almost finished weaning. So since stopping and having my milk dry up, my breasts have changed again! I just wanted some opinions on whether or not I could get away without lifting? Will they look ok without it? I was a B cup before implant
  2. I’m looking for help and advice on claiming the Mentor warranty for capsular contracture. Has anyone else successfully been through this process and had a claim approved? I had my original breast augmentation surgery 1 year ago in Sydney with a reputable surgeon and developed bilateral capsular contracture with more severity on the left side and a gel leak from the left implant. I had the revision surgery 3 weeks ago and started the claim process with Johnson & Johnson (mentor) prior to the surgery. I was preapproved as a candidate for the warranty but since then they have made it ext
  3. Hi so i had my BA done in 2012 i got 495cc high profile round on top of the muscle furry Brazilian implants. I recently was told that i have capsular contracture which surprised me as i thought that maybe my breasts stayed firm due to having the Brazilian implants as i was aware that they were much firmer than traditional implants. I'm planning to have a revision surgery soon just wondering how many others on here have had capsular contracture with the furry Brazilian implants? I'm not sure if i should get a different type of implant for my revision... Anyone have any experien
  4. I'm concern on how the modification of the pockets were done. I am 5'1" fluctuating 97 lbs 44 years old now w/ 2 breast fed kids. Submuscular areola incision. I originally had high profile 450cc. I relied on the surgeon to make the best judgment based on my wish & look, which was to look & feel natural. I was an AA cup. Seriously no breast tissue whatsoever. I was very unhappy of how big he went. NOT at all natural. He did the revision and paid cost of new devices to Mentor 350c Mod+ and anesthesiologist costs. Still thought they were a bit large on me. Right felt
  5. Hi all Been a while since I have been on and done a post. Quick catch up, I had my BA a few years ago then got CC in my right and had it fixed March this year. Was so upset but ***** happens yeah..... Well today I have been having pain in the same right boob and it's all tight. Same thing as last time.! I'm so devastated and upset and just want to cry. I will have to have another opp this year and fix it. It's been a little tight and hard since the opp in March (8 months ago) but I guess I just put it down to healing but I think now it wasn't at all. Will book in on Monday
  6. So I had my original BA back in 2013 and havnt been on the forum for AGES!! Trying to get my head around the new layout of the forum and I'm lost! Haha! I recently developed Capsular Contracture in my lefty, which is only mild, but I noticed its sitting higher than the other and taking on an odd shape. I get slight sharp pains occasionally on the side of that implant. My my surgeon was Dr Paul Quinn, and he has been wonderful! I'm booked for my revision surgery with him on the 5th November in a few weeks. I'm also increasing from 480cc round, textured gel XHP, to 590cc round XHP's. My breast
  7. HI there, I was hoping to get some help, I have quite bad capsular contracture in one of my breasts. I have received one quote to get it replaced and have to wait a year for my health fund to kick in to be able to afford the operation. At the moment it is quite uncomfortable and very noticeable. I only had my breast augmentation operation 1 year ago. In the one year that I have to wait, will it get much worse? Can the implant explode or leak? I am very worried and my doctor has offered me very little to no help saying she cannot answer that question. Is there anything I can do to slow it down
  8. Hey ladies, just wondering if there is anyone out there who knows if there is any problems with having an autoimmune disease (eg hashimotos, lupus etc) and getting capsular contracture after having implants put in? I've been researching for years now and just recently realised the possibility that I may develop an autoimmune problem as my mother has one. I've been tested and nothing has come up so far, but autoimmune problems are something that can develop and are commonly a genetic thing :/ since autoimmune diseases attack foreign objects and its own objects in the body, would it be likely th
  9. Can anyone explain to me what cc pain feels like? I am 16 weeks post op and am getting nerve pain again. Just want to know if cc pain feels like nerve pain or is it a constant pain?
  10. Hey, I'm thinking about getting my boobs done but have heard that Capsular Contracture is a big risk. Has anyone had experience with, or know much about, Capsular Contracture? Thanks in advance for your help.
  11. For those that have had capsular contracture, what were the symptoms that made you realise something wasn't quite right? My girl has some minor rippling on the side, frequently gets sharp stabbing pains in the same area and feels as though one of the implants is being pushed outwards from her chest. We have insurance with GPS but it expires in a few weeks so want a local PS to check her out to be sure but wanted to know what symptoms others experienced.
  12. Hey Ladies, I am booked in for my BA on the 6th of November! Its coming up soo soon and now I am really starting to freak out! I am so so paranoid that I will get a capsular contracture!! I know its like a 1 in 20 chance but I am still terrified! I have only really thought about getting my boobs done since I turned 22 (3yrs) because I began to hate the way I looked in bikini's and tight fitting clothes. I am pretty slim with womanly hips and thighs but my upper body is super slim! I want a BA so that I will look in proportion and like a woman! But now I am really scared. I have read a few fo
  13. This question has probably been answered previously but I cant find the info I want so hence why I am posting this... I'm just curious after reading posts of people developing capsular contracture after surgery overseas & then they shop round in Australia to get it fixed... question is when you do this your up for a whole new surgery right? Where as if you get it done here is AU your covered for most, if not all expense in most cases.. well it seems to be reading on this site... I'm just trying to help myself with the decision to stick with PIAC or go with TCI in Sydney... augh
  14. Hi ladies, I think my lefty is developing CC. It sits higher than my right which seems to have dropped a little. Where i am pointing it feels very straight and not curved like the right and is more noticable when wearing the stabiliser. I can also feel a little bump at the bottom. I massaging as prescribed and wear the stabiliser as instructed. I'm booked in to see the nurse next Tuesday but am freaking out until then. Wondering if you could help me? Am i paranoid or has the left just not dropped or am a really developing CC
  15. Hi, I'm worried about how delicate implants are. I have two active boys and a boobie loving husband so my implants (that I plan to get in October) must stand up to accidental hits, big hugs and hubbies hands. I don't won't to have to bubble wrap my self every day and worry about them. What is everyone else's experience with similar situations?
  16. I've been doing my research and I keep coming across capsular contracture, so much so that it seems like a common experience among women who choose to undergo breast augmentation, so I'd like to hear from women who have had cc, in particular those who had their surgery here in Australia. What, if anything do you think caused your capsular contracture, or do you think it was just a matter of bad luck? Also I've been madly googling ways to *possibly* prevent cc and this is what has come up in my reading... - No touch technique - Use of antibiotics - Choosing the right size (not too big)
  17. Help?! I am choosing between 2 good surgeons but both have different ideas. Background: I'm 35yrs and have un-even, saggy post breastfeeding size D breasts. Both surgeons suggest a lollypop lift, both suggest textured round implants. Doctor 1 suggests I go behind the muscle and get some breast tissue removed from both breasts so they don't continue to sag which will move the nipple further down. Doctor 2 suggests I go over the muscle to avoid that problem and remove tissue from only one breast to correct the unevenness. He says removing breast tissue is invasive and can encourage contracture.
  18. Help?! I am choosing between 2 good surgeons but both have different ideas. Background: I'm 35yrs and have un-even, saggy post breastfeeding size D breasts. Both surgeons suggest a lollypop lift, both suggest textured round implants. Doctor 1 suggests I go behind the muscle and get some breast tissue removed from both breasts so they don't continue to sag which will move the nipple further down. Doctor 2 suggests I go over the muscle to avoid that problem and remove tissue from only one breast to correct the unevenness. He says removing breast tissue is invasive and can encourage contracture.
  19. I am looking to go for a revision and am looking for some Melbourne surgeons and was wondering if everyone who has had surgery in Melbourne would like to write the price they paid (if you have a break down that would be great as i dont have to pay for any hospital fees or implants they're covered by health insurance just need to pay surgeons fee and anesthetist). These are the surgeons i am looking at: Mark Ashton Hamish Farrow (have done a search and both come highly recommended) Craig Rubenstein (refuses to see girls who have had previous surgery in Thailand) Any other recomendation
  20. Hello! I'm a total newbie here but have been stalking forum posts for ages haha and haven't found much recent info on Dr Szalay in Brisbane so I thought I'd ask around. I went to a consult with Dr Harwood first and he recommended 435 brazilians unders but I went to Dr Szalay (who I think I prefer, his photos are freaking amazing!) and he said I could only use brazilians if I went over as I would get a double bubble with 445s? I'm not sure why brazilians would give me a double bubble? I am after a fake but still natural look but want to be able to create insane cleavage and apparently textu
  21. Hey girls, when I was 5 months post op, my surgeon confirmed me I have mild CC. Advised me to take vitamin E and massage to see if it helps. Another 6 weeks passed, I don't really see ny changes and they feel tighter and still high. So I though I would like to see the surgeon soon instead waiting for another 6 weeks and see if I can have revision sooner. It ends up the nurse responded to my email that I might go n do MRI to chek out the scar tissues. In fact, she also asked me to do ultrasound scan two months ago when I first suspect the CC. I am getting more frustrated with the condition
  22. Hey girls, I have my BA in mid sept. therecovery has been good. bu it was always worried m that my breats are bit firm and high. initially i thought because of the matter of tightasan skin. until few weeks ago, i realised there was a little gap/fluid/... at th side of my left breast. it feels like fluid or a tiny hollo space that you can softly press.... so. Went back n see my surgeon. i was diagnosed with 'mild' capsular contracture. At this stage I was advised to take vitamin E n nurofen n massage to see how the things go in 3 months time! I m quiet worried n suddenly feel a bit depressed
  23. Hi everyone, I get my BA done this monday with Dr Piyapas! yay! getting nervous already but excited too! Just doing some final reading around about complications and have a question for anyone who has had cc or knows much about it. Ive read people saying that its not the surgeons fault with this complication. So is it then the patients fault? is it simply caused by them not massaging enough or incorrectly? or is it more complicated than that? Basically is correct massage a complete prevention?... or just to try aviod it? Thanks in advance Hannah
  24. SORRY accidently posted in wrong section..no idea how to delete haha Hi everyone, I get my BA done this monday with Dr Piyapas! yay! getting nervous already but excited too! Just doing some final reading around about complications and have a question for anyone who has had cc or knows much about it. Ive read people saying that its not the surgeons fault with this complication. So is it then the patients fault? is it simply caused by them not massaging enough or incorrectly? or is it more complicated than that? Basically is correct massage a complete prevention?... or
  25. Hi ladies, can anyone relate to the situation that I am in. Wednesday (9 Days Post Op) I wore a post OP bra out & came home in agony. I would have spent 6-8 hours in this bra. No wires; 10D. I was still wearing my PO OP surgery bra given to me at the clinic, which was a tiny bit to big but still had great support. Prior to this I had no pain and was healing quite well. Dr. H had written 'Perfect' on my file when I came in for my 1 week check. Since waking Thursday morning, I have noticed that my boobs have hardened, worrying me I have early sings of CC. I have 2 bruises in on the
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