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Wandering Fairy

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  1. Wandering Fairy reacted to misstons in Do they feel like yours?   
    My boobs feel as big as part of me as my arms, legs or head. To me they’ve never felt foreign. I never look down and think there’s my fake tiddies. Always just, wow nice tiddies self.
  2. Wandering Fairy reacted to misstons in Want to go bigger...   
    If you’re considering going bigger, you won’t be disappointed if you do so.
    I knew from day 1 of my first augmentation thst I was going to go bigger and that I did. I had a 360cc jump in my upsize and whilst it was noticeable it wasn’t a huge difference.
    My structure isn’t petite - I have quite broad shoulders - I wear a size 12 bra band size. So therefore having a broader frame you can accomodate a larger implant easier than just say a very petite frame and it doesn’t look overly big.
    I have 920ccs now, I can easily hide this implant without any issue if I need be. Even if I really want to show them off it requires a push up bra still.
    People’s idea of large implant is purely based on the number of cc’s you have, not their experience. So I wouldn’t be taking advice from anyone who doesn’t have first hand experience because they’re just telling you what they *think*.
    Speak to your surgeon, he/she will give you the best information and the best possible outcome.
    Remember implants always measure differently in bras than they actually look naked also. So whilst my 920cc implants measure a 12G - Naked they look more like a E cup. So don’t get caught up in the sizes. Just ensure you increase a minimum 200-300ccs to notice anything.
  3. Wandering Fairy got a reaction from oncewasasurfboard in Have you had or want BA with a fully natural look and feel?   
    I went for a more natural look. I do love the result as I can dress them up or play them down, but the boob greed is real and I always find myself wanting them bigger. I wasn't a straight forward case though and went the biggest my surgeon recommend. Feel free to add me and see my results.
  4. Wandering Fairy got a reaction from ozzy_syren in How did you family accept a BA?   
    Hey @Di1234
    It is possible. I went from an a/aa cup to a d cup and the only reason my family knew was because I told them. Mind you I pretty much lived my whole adolescent life in push up bras and my whole adult life in bombshell bras, as well as being very conservative with my clothing choices . One cup size isn't much so depending on your body, how you dress and what implants you get (cc's, profile, placement and shape can all play very big and different roles in your finished look) will determine whether anyone will notice. For example, if you want to go from a deflated b cup to an extra high profile c cup than it can be a very noticable difference, especially if you like to show off a bit of skin. But if you live in t-shirts and opt for a moderate profile than maybe they won't notice. There are so many things to consider.
    My advice would be to voice your concerns with your surgeon. They are professionals and will know what to do. Also I would suggest not getting too caught up on cup sizes, they can be very deceiving and are definitely not black and white. Try to find some images of what you want to look like and then show that to your surgeon.
    Hope this helps
    Ps. Don't let embarrassment stop you from achieving your dream. Breast augmentation isn't cheap and the last thing you want is to wish later on that you had done things differently. In the end it is your body and your choice and if people can't accept that than they can suck a lemon and get over it.
  5. Wandering Fairy reacted to misstons in Freaking out I went too big!!   
    If you're under 1000cc you'll be fine and not too big ?
    The first few weeks is an emotional roller coaster.
  6. Wandering Fairy reacted to Kaleidoscope_Eyes in Freaking out I went too big!!   
    I felt super emotional the first week too. I lived in my pyjamas because everything made me look 'fat' (or so I thought). The were taped up to point straight ahead like torpedoes and I was just like, 'what the **** have I done?' I voiced my concerns to the nurse when I had my stitches out and she just shook her head and said 'no, not too big at all. I'm always happy when people think they're too big because in a few weeks, the swelling will go down and they'll be perfect.' So don't stress. It's way too early to tell and it's a big adjustment after being small.
  7. Wandering Fairy reacted to pink butterfly in Hilarious things since I got boobs.....   
    I wore a string bikini to the beach last Summer. I decided to do some boogie boarding as there were some good waves. I got a wave but then got unceremoniously dumped. When I came up out of the water, I saw an older man giving me a funny stare. I thought "why the hell is he looking at me for??". Then I realised. One of my boobs had popped out! Because I was still numb, I couldn't feel the cold air on it. Lol! Needless to say, I tightened my top a lot more tighter before I caught the next wave.
  8. Wandering Fairy reacted to Summerholiday in Sleeping in crops after BA   
    Ive always hated sleeping in anything, I sleep naked, no crops etc anymore, I'm almost 4months post op. My surgeon said its fine and also fine to go braless. I understand its good to take care of them but also it was my dream to go braless and still have boobs, one reason I got BA in the first place. So I want to enjoy having breasts now ?? ofcourse when at work, exercise etc I make sure they are supported well.
  9. Wandering Fairy reacted to Kaleidoscope_Eyes in Anyone unhappy with results? =(   
    I'm so sorry to hear you're not happy. I think it's important to point out that we often see our flaws as being more obvious and significant than they really are. Scars can take time to heal and fade and that's very a individual thing. Are your scars raised or just dark? I would be annoyed if you could see my scars in a swimsuit too. :/ Are they just too low? That's awful that they cause you pain! How do they look in bras and clothes as far as shape goes?
  10. Wandering Fairy got a reaction from MrsGreatfull00 in Sleeping in crops after BA   
    I have 3 favourites. My first post op bra (a Lorna Jane single layered crop), a Kmart front zip crop and more recently a Bonds single layered crop. Pre BA I slept only in my underwear so personally I find that the single layered crops are just like a second skin and don't overly bother me while sleeping.
  11. Wandering Fairy reacted to Gabby1 in Sleeping in crops after BA   
    I still sleep in mine 2 1/2 years post op, clio and jockey are my favourites. I usually get them from Big W but l think other stores sell them. ?
  12. Wandering Fairy reacted to Mumof3boys in How did you family accept a BA?   
    Thanks Ladies x
  13. Wandering Fairy reacted to lovejugs in Bottoming out or just different sizes   
    Fab news hun!
  14. Wandering Fairy got a reaction from Mumof3boys in How did you family accept a BA?   
    My mother was completely against my surgery and made sure I knew it at every turn. Eventually I got so upset that I just told her that it was my body, my life and I'll do what I want. This seemed to shut her up. My dad and I never spoke of it and two of three of my brothers were quite curious and asked a bunch of questions. The third brother just went on about "loving who you are" but that was about it. After my surgery my mum had a full 360 turn around and was all excited for me...
  15. Wandering Fairy got a reaction from lovejugs in Bottoming out or just different sizes   
    I just went for my 3 month post op last week (even though I'm officially 4mpo now) and Dr R isn't concerned at all. He said that if I really want I can keep massaging my left breast to get it to drop a bit more but the difference between the two is slim to none and that the crop tops that are riding up may just be a bit big around the band. I'm currently right on the border between a 10 and 12 band size so that makes sense.
    Other than that, recovery is going well. Just the odd pains here and there.
  16. Wandering Fairy got a reaction from iDream_of_CeeCees in How did you family accept a BA?   
    My mother was completely against my surgery and made sure I knew it at every turn. Eventually I got so upset that I just told her that it was my body, my life and I'll do what I want. This seemed to shut her up. My dad and I never spoke of it and two of three of my brothers were quite curious and asked a bunch of questions. The third brother just went on about "loving who you are" but that was about it. After my surgery my mum had a full 360 turn around and was all excited for me...
  17. Wandering Fairy reacted to bluegumboot in Brisbane surgeon recommendations?   
    I highly recommend Dr Eddie Cheng He does reconstructive surgery for breast cancer patients as well so he has alot of experience in both types of surgery. He & his staff were lovely to deal with.
  18. Wandering Fairy reacted to Mannie in Brisbane surgeon recommendations?   
    Thank you girls I shall look into those! This time I really want to get it right as good as it can be. Having gone from nice but small boobs to a ok right and distorted left to now ok left but distorted right one and small again there seems no winning.
  19. Wandering Fairy reacted to Suzie 8f in Brisbane PLASTIC surgeons   
    Both are equally as skilled, Dr Richardson is more popular for implants but both would give a great result, i would meet with both and see who you feel more comfortable with, normally do minimum 3 consults before deciding
  20. Wandering Fairy reacted to MrsGreatfull00 in 370cc girls   
    Hi Hun!
    I just had 350cc Mod Plus Profile and have a slim size 8 frame. Narrow shoulders and more sizeable hips. 170cm 55kg pre op 10A cup. I'm only 3 weeks post op but think it will comfortably take me to a large c/ small d cup.
    The clothing reason was my EXACT reason I personally didn't want to go too big, but reasonable enough I can play them up or down. I want people to think gee she has great boobs are they natural or fake? Keep them guessing I say ?
    All the best! Let us know how you go
  21. Wandering Fairy reacted to thecuriousone in Bottoming out or just different sizes   
    @Wandering Fairy I have the same issue, one of the incisions ended up higher than the fold, whereas the other one is in the fold. I am only less than 3 weeks post op so maybe the other incision will move up as well.
    So I looked into it and found this: https://www.realself.com/question/breast-aug-scar-few-inches-above-fold-line-mistake
    According to the thread, it could be a planned thing so the scars are not visible in bikinis. But then both should be a bit higher than the fold. Some say the incision should be exactly in the fold. Anyways, we probably need to wait until they settle completely (3-6 months) and then we can complain.
  22. Wandering Fairy reacted to BunnyHop in worried   
    My surgeon was one of the authors of the paper, and he still recommends the use of the textured gel implants. He said that there are particular surgical techniques that are important to minimise the risk of any bacteria transfer - which is what is thought to cause the lymphoma. So, talking to your surgeon may alleviate your worries if they confirm they used the recommended procedure
  23. Wandering Fairy reacted to LaurenT in Bottoming out or just different sizes   
    If the asymmetry is to do with the implant/breast position rather than size, bras won't sit very well. You still have a little while for them to even out.
  24. Wandering Fairy reacted to LaurenT in Bottoming out or just different sizes   
    I don't think they're bottoming out, just uneven. Being so early they will most likely even up with time, unless there was asymmetry beforehand.
  25. Wandering Fairy reacted to Excited33 in Pain in breast   
    Thanks ladies for letting me know, I am not the only one getting the pains

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