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Found 16 results

  1. Hello Ladies! I'm booked in with Mark Ashton Oct 30th with teardrop implants 220cc under the muscle- I'm worried I've gone too small but I really want to know if it's possible to have implants that you can't notice as fake ! Does anybody have implants that completely fools everyone?!
  2. Hey y’all I’m 5 days post op after surgery with Mark Ashton starting with a small B 179cm 58kgs having 295cc moderate prof plus anatomicals under the muscle- I know he does things very differently to most other surgeons so our recovery is definitely different and I was wondering if there’s any gals out there who have gone through him before ? Currently braless, strapless, starting to freak out that I’ve gone too small and low key freaking out that everyone else got so much more info from their surgeons about post op care Regardless of all this worry I really love mark, his team and have full faith in him :-)
  3. I have my final consult with Mark Ashton tomorrow, I spoke on the phone to his receptionist today and she told me that I will not be using a post op bra or ANY bra for the first 6 weeks of my recovery- opposite to everything I've heard, I then asked about massaging and she told me that he does not encourage any massaging... he's so highly reputed and I trust him with the surgery but this sounds odd?! anybody else have any similar experiences? stats: 22, 180cm, 57kgs, 240cc-270cc? anatomical mentors under the muscle Surgery date: 30th October PS: Mark Ashton
  4. I am looking for a Melbourne based / plastic surgeon or a great ENT to fix my nose ( drooping tip and large bridge hump ) I am thinking of seeing the following two surgeons: MATTHEW CAMPBELL (Well-educated and respected ENT that works/worked as a director of Head and Neck Surgical Unit at Austin/Northern Hospital) & MARK ASHTON (Well-educated and respected plastic surgeon that works as head of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at The Royal Melbourne Hospital and is the consultant Plastic Surgeon to the Royal Women’s Hospital) If anyone has seen these two or knows someone who has or has heard any good/bad stories about them, please let me know?
  5. Hey ladies! I had my consult with Dr. Mark Ashton today in Parkville! It was the best consult I've had. (out of the 3 i've had). Mark was kind and funny, he answered all of my questions and warned me about all the risks etc. He was really great. At first, my mind was set on having 470cc teardrop Brazilian Fuzz implants. As Mark showed me the different photos of the implants, my mind started to change. I think for my body shape and age (20 yrs) I suit the round textured implants. Anyway, I was so impressed with Mark and his lovely assistants and the whole thing I went back this afternoon and put down a $5,000 deposit & booked myself in for June 11th. :D I will be getting round textured implants, moderate profile. 410cc's under the muscle. The cost for the procedure is broken down into sections: Surgeon Fees: $8,000 Anaesthetic: approx. $2,000 Implants: approx. $1,500 Hospital & Theatre Fees: (1 night stay w. 1 hour operation)(drains removed the day after) $2,680 So all up it is $14,180 I could not be happier and I am happy to spend the extra money, cause I feel very safe in Dr. Mark's hands. I am sooooo excited/nervous. It feels so much more real now that I actually have a date booked. If anyone is considering Mark Ashton, I am happy to answer any questions. You won't regret seeing him!!! He's amazzzzing!
  6. Hi girls! Just wondering if there are any girls who have had a breast augmentation by Mark Ashton? what look were you after and did you achieve that look? any comments on the experience etc? I'm 168cm, 50kg, flat as a pancake 8A cup and hoping for a natural look after ba. I've got my consultation with him this week :-)
  7. I have surgery booked in with Mark ashton, really want to see some more photos of people who have gone with him as theres only a few I can find. Either augmentation, lift or both, or from people who have over the muscle, silicone, 310-400cc high profile as that is similar to what i'll be having done ??
  8. I had my revision and lift today and I couldn't be happier!! I had a botched surgery in thailand in 2011 and I finally had it fixed He did such a great job!! Mark Ashton really is AMAZING!!!!! Previously I had Mentor 550cc round, smooth, Mod plus over the muscle. They were ugly and sagged so much even though he reckon he did a "lift". He left me looking so bad I was even embarrassed to let my husband see them... I got Silimed 570cc (furry brazillians) over the muscle Extra High Profile. He also did a lift and fixed my nipples that the ***** in thailand ruined. I will post some pics shortly if anyone is interested in having a look. Please add me if you wish to see them!
  9. Hello everyone, I dont post here much, but i've got a revision booked for this monday with Mark Ashton. I've had 2 previous surgeries, first one in Australia in 2003 (500cc EHP, PIP) and then the big mistake was in Thailand in 2011, which left my breasts worse then ever... At the moment I have 550cc smooth mod plus but I'm going back to EHP. He suggested the furry ones. I'm going for 570 EHP over the muscle. Is anyone willing to share some photos with me who have the furry implants? Any stories and experiences? Thanks in advance!
  10. Hi ladies, I live in melbourne and am wanting to get a breast lift (droopy breast) and breast aug. I initially was not sure on ba aswell, but after meeting with Craig a few weeks, he assured me that i would need an implant to give any fullness up top. I had my first consult with Craig a few weeks ago. i was so nervous prior to, but the consult was great and he was so information and honest. I went back there a week later to go in their new vectra software which could look at lift with implant to simulate results. it was so exciting to see what my new boobs could look like! I am currently a full C or flat D, so craig recommended a smaller implant- 300 or 325cc smooth round. Kat the nurse there thinks that i will need the 325cc to get myself so fullness, and she expects that i will be a full D with that. I have another consult with Craig next week to discuss some more questions that i have come up with. I know that Craig is well know for natural looking boobs, which is exactly what i want. I can also get in over easter for surgery which is great for taking time off work. It all seems too perfect though so its making me doubt it (i know sounds silly) I also have an appointment with Mark Ashton on Friday- even though i was happy with Craig, i thought i should do my due diligance and go and see somebody else to compare. I would love to get your thoughts on a few things... - any feedback on Mark vs Craig? scarring, surgery techniques, after op support etc? - preparation for surgery, any advice? I am so so nervous but also so excited at the same time. It is hard to know which surgeon to go with! any thoughts and guidance would be amazing! thanks in advance ladies x x
  11. Hi everyone! Just thought I'd fill everyone in on my experience. I got to the hospital (France's perry house) just after 7am, was admitted and left in my room which is amazing and spacious. I don't know if I'm lucky but this room is more than I could ask for considering hospital rooms are usually cramp and one thing I love is there is no hospital smell!!!! Anyway got wheeled into the surgery just before 9 saw mark decided on the 400's and he drew me up!! Went in all the nurses were lovely and humerous and then anaesthetist was gorgeous. I felt so comfortable and at ease I was really surprised by how not nervous I was. Woke up in recovering shaking and emotional haha this even happens last time I went under one of the nurses a hello said to the other nurse is that normal! The pain was surprisingly fine, just discomfort and tightness in the chest. Wheeled back into my room where my mum aunty and best friend were waiting for me, so nice to have familiar faces there. Had a peek and they look amazing I haven't got up yet so haven't had a full view but I am so beyond happy. The nurses are wonderful they come in every 30 mins to do their observations and every so often check my drains. The nurse just said I have minimal swelling and no bruising she said they're fantastic I get to see mark this evening and tomorrow morning but all in all thus far it has been a great experience! Can't recommend mark enough and a big thank you to missSJ for being on this forum as I doubt I would have found him without her!!!
  12. Hi girls, I'm wondering how long it usually takes to book in your BA surgery? I am planning on going for consultations next month (at this stage with Mark Ashton and Craig Rubenstein in Melbourne) and I have a three-week period in July that I could have the surgery, how far in advance do you think you need to book/will they be able to tell me if they are available during that period without me first having to book a consultation i.e. can they just tell me over the phone) Thanks!
  13. Sooooo after a Change in surgeon,implant, size, and date I'm all booked!!!! Finance is all sorted and its finally happening. Booked in with Professor Mark Ashton on 6th August for my juicy and delicious 500cc implants!!! I'm having my last consult with him 2 weeks before to double check sizes. I'm now going to ask about going up to the 550cc. I was really comfortable with the 500cc in the sizes but I might just double check one last time. Still haven't locked in XHP or just HP yet, but he did recommend XHP to get the look I'm after.. Yeeeeoowww 7weeks to go! .he also said its up to me if I go mentors or Allergan. Wich is harder Than I thought seeing as though their diamensions are so different, I have a large BW of 14.5cm so I rekon the mentors will work best.
  14. Hey girls I had my sizing apt today at Professor Mark Ashton's office with his assistant Karen. We decided on 460CC, high profile round textured. They only had 1 implant for me to try in the 460 lol but it was good to have only one in to see the size difference compared to my natural size. Pictures are up, feel free to FR me if you'd like to see Also paid off the surgeon fee today, i wanted to cry when I handed over the money but at the same time i've never felt so excited to pay for something Can't wait for June 11th!!!
  15. Hi I'm looking for a good BA surgeon in Melbourne! Have been looking mostly at Tim Brown as some friends of friends have had great results but also have heard great things about Mark Ashton and Craig Rubinstein. If anyone has had experience with any of these surgeons please tell me any pros and cons. I'm not looking to have my surgery for about a year from now but want to do as much research as possible. I am 165cm tall, 57kgs and used to be a DD cup but through weightloss am now a small C am just looking to fill up the deflated skin! Thanks!
  16. Hi everyone Does anyone have any views to post on either of these PS's in Melbourne? I had my consultation for a BR with Craig today, but have to wait until November to see Mark Ashton. Anyone seen Mark and been really happy with his work, in particular with a breast reduction? Thanks guys! xo
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