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  1. I was always painfully insecure of my breast size growing up which was less than an A-Cup. I saved my money and in 2012 at the age of 22 I underwent a sub-muscular breast augmentation to become more proportionate at 34B.3 Months Post-Op, after removing the surgical bra, I noticed a severe dent that spanned across the middle of my breasts anytime I moved. I consulted with my surgeon at my final post-op and he told me that this was normal, and would resolve itself once the implants settled. I was instructed to allow one year and it should be fine.A year came and went and the issue was no less severe. Before going to him again, I consulted with three other surgeons. Each surgeon told me that this was a severe case of muscle flex deformity. It can be a common issue that occurs just under the breast, but because my surgeon had placed the implants too low- the dents went into the direct middle of my breasts. I was told this occurs because tissue adheres to the incision site of the chest wall, and pulls anytime you flex (which, by the way, happens basically whenever you move).I was told by each surgeon that it would never self correct and that the only way to correct it would be to re-do the entire surgery which would cost between $6000 and $8000.I went back to my surgeon and he said to me "I will only do revisions within a year. You should've said something sooner".I was furious, and devastated.He clearly knew this would never correct itself, and was only protecting himself. I sought legal advice but due to the time that had passed I had no grounds to take action.My breasts are so poorly done that I was considered to be on the show Botched, but did not feel comfortable being broadcasted to everyone being so deformed and opted not to go forth.I am now 30. I have spent all of my 20s completely ashamed and feeling deformed. It has impacted my self esteem. My relationships, and obviously was a complete loss of almost $7000.Being 9 years in, I am now noticing that the left implant is also now sitting lower.I no longer want to be like this any longer. I can't spend all of my 30s looking like this also. My original surgeon, Dr. Bruce J Cusenz, has since passed.I've started a gofundme. I realize this is no one's responsibility but my own. But I decided to swallow my pride and ask for help in hopes of feeling normal again. https://www.gofundme.com/f/breast-augmentation-revision-needed?teamInvite=NpmpVILuL9TVswMdsBLuiQBOeBoKnaFEf91fe1kcDHoZz0CmUq84gSLM6DBuMrUQ Thanks to all for listening
  2. Hi Ladies, I'm in desperate need of some advice as to whom would be the best surgeon in Brisbane or Gold Coast that you would recommend and possibly have some before and afters for me to see? The surgeons I have as picks at the moment are: - Dr Sharp (Greenslopes) - Dr Paul Belt - Dr Daniel Fleming - Dr Richardson These surgeons are all in Brisbane so I'm hoping someone could help me in deciding whom would be best to proceed with or whom not to proceed with? Any help id be ever so grateful!!! Thanks in advance !!!!!
  3. Hi Ladies, just wanting to hear recovery stories of full anchor lift with implants. I am booked for 4 weeks time and just wanting to get my head around what the first few weeks post op will be like. My surgeon highly recommends an “active recovery” and suggests back to all normal daily activities (other than lifting anything heavier than 5kg) from the day after surgery. Is this practical? I have three kids aged 8,6 and 18mth and am just trying to determine how much help I’ll have. For the first 5 days I’ll have my mother in law and husband on hand to help but after that I will be solo. I also have a have a function I have attend 2 weeks post op. Will I be up to it? Thanks
  4. Hi! I am booked in for surgery on 7th July. Exciting! originally with the nurse I tried various sizes and thought I wanted 350cc HP (my husband preferred the 325cc!) the surgeon has suggested for me 300cc in one and 325cc in the other (apparently I am wonky! I hadn't noticed). But I'm worried I will be disappointed but I also don't want to go too big? I am a 34c now and size 10 clothes at 5ft3. I want to be a DD-E cup? Can anyone tell me if these will be big enough to get to my desired size? I know its not a guarantee! thanks
  5. hello ladies, I'm searching a clinic for breast enlargement. so for finding a clinic in our country, I go to youtube and I find that video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Idb52ypusJM Here says about one famous clinic in Turkey. I don't know what thinking because I have not heard of MCAN Health before.
  6. I am now Day 5 post op everything’s going well although I’m starting to get really bad back pain from having hunched shoulders. I am somebody who normally has really good posture and it’s been really hard to adjust being hunched and sleeping upright as well. I feel like if I push my shoulders back my muscles get too tight like I’m not supposed to. What should I do about this did anyone use special exercises? Also my boyfriend of 4 years is struggling to adjust to the new me and it’s giving me stress. Did anyone else have these problems? I need some reassurance.
  7. Hi all, new to this forum and please forgive me if this has been asked before (having slight noob problems navigating this page atm). I really would not like to travel for my breast augmentation as I would be going it alone in such a case. The problem is I live in Cairns and the only plastic surgeon here (that I have been able to find) is Dr Isolde Hertess. She has had numerous allegations against her for botched surgery in the past. Very scary to read. However in recent years I have not heard much either way and she is still practicing. I would love to know if anyone has *recent* experience with this doctor. Please I would appreciate any info so much.
  8. Hi, So this is my first post but I've had tuberous breast all throughout my life and I'm really ready to do something about them. I have read amazing reviews on Dr M and I feel like he's basically the only way to go for tuberous breast surgery. Just wondering if anyone could share their story with the medicare rebate side of things? Like applying for one and how much they got (if you're comfortable sharing). I really need this as mine are quite badly tuberous so I'm hoping I can get just of extra help in the $$$ side of things. Also can anyone recommend a Adelaide doctor that would be good to go to for tuberous breast enquiries/referral to Dr M? Thanks Ladies!!!! P.S anyone thats had a tuberous breast surgery with Dr M- I would love to hear your stories !!!! thanks
  9. Hey Everyone So i quite like the look of Dr Merten's and Dr Moradi's BA work and I would like some input/reviews and comments from anyone who knows anything about these surgeons. They have excellent reviews but I am always a little apprehensive to base my choice on online reviews. I would love to hear from anyone who's had a BA with these surgeons or who's had a consult with them. I would also love to see some photos of women who have been through these surgeons (if you're happy to of course :)) Thanks everyone!! it's so nice having input from others in similar situations
  10. Hey gorgeous ladies ?... I'm booked in to have a breast aug with Dr Edmund Ek after feeding two babies for a year each. I went from a B cup to a sad looking A cup! Just wondering if anyone has any tips or advice? Did you travel to Dr Edmund? I'm flying from tassie so a bit nervous! How long before you were allowed to fly home? Were you happy with your surgery? If anyone has any photos I'd love to see them. Thanks heaps ??
  11. Hi Ladies, Hoping you can share any feedback/photos from a breast augmentation with Dr Shaz from ACC Thanks
  12. Hello.. I've considering getting a breast augmentation with Dr Shaz at Australia Cosmetic Clinic in Artarmon. I haven't managed to find many images or people who had Dr shaz as their surgeon. If you have or know anyone that has, can you please share your experience?
  13. Girls who have had their breast implants done in Melbourne hoping you can share your reviews / before and afters need all the help I can get!
  14. Has anyone been to dr angelo preketes in Penrith would love to hear from some girls!
  15. Hi everyone, I'm new to this site and currently 5 days post Lift + Implants. Curious to know if anyone smoked post op and had any complications (Don't really see any posts in relation to this). I know it's stupid and completely ridiculous as to why I'd pay so much money to go and screw things up. I've been beating myself up over this as I managed to stop for 4 weeks pre op and then on returning home I've slowly picked up the habit again and now I'm going out of my mind with worry. I know all the risks and yet I continue (whilst cringing and hating myself) smoking. Very little but still smoking. I'm going between silk cut silver (lights) and a 0% nicotine e-cig. So far I absolutely love my new boobies and they seem to be healing very well. I have my first check up on Thursday and I'm praying it goes smoothly. Would just like to hear from people that have been in the same boat. Thanks xx
  16. hi hi! was thinking of going to Singapore a breast augmentation holiday... ^.^ Its cheaper, but way better standards than other cheaper asian countries (since they are so developed and a big reputation for worthiness. and then take the opportunity to have a good holiday recovering there. however, only started googling a bit on a few doctors and clinics. Anyone done it before in Singapore?
  17. Hi, I had my consultation with Dr Gary Liew & Partner Jayne Bambit. Really lovely team and I feel safe in their hands .However I can't seem to find any reviews or find much of his work online? Has anyone had experience with either surgeon? Thanks
  18. Hi just wondering who has teardrop implants? I currently have round and my surgeon wants to put in teardrop for my revision surgery. I'm just worried about losing the fullness at the top. I would love to hear anyones opinions on their teardrop implants...
  19. Attached you can see my before and after shot. I have had my implants for 3 years and I really want them out Can anybody recommend a good surgeon from the Sunshine Coast/Brisbane area? Dr Harwood was fantastic but he has since retired. Also anyone who offers free consultations would be a total bonus Feel free to share your implant removal story/pics/ etc very interested to hear/see your story! Thanks x
  20. Hey everyone! I'm a 31 year old mixed Asian female with tan skin currently a size 8-10A cup or 30-32A. I'm petite, standing at 5'4.5" tall, size AU4-6 in clothing and weigh about 46kg. I'm pretty healthy, eat well and do moderate exercise. Appearance plays a major role in my profession and ever since I was a little girl have always wanted bigger breasts. After so much thinking and waiting for so many years I am finally in a position to be able to have breast augmentation. I had a consultation early this year and booked in my surgery with a board certified Melbourne based plastic surgeon, which I ended up cancelling due to hesitations about the procedure. I booked myself in for a second consultation not long ago only to cement the fact that my partner and I just weren't comfortable enough to follow through. The surgeon wasn't for me, it felt as though they didn't really care about me as an individual and was very vague considering the hefty price tag for the procedure. I didn't feel a connection, they just told me that I needed a gummy bear implant under the muscle and that was that. There was like no other option. I felt as though I had to do all the research on my own. Just didn't feel right... Now I'm on another hunt for a highly skilled plastic surgeon, even bonus if they do fat transfer as an option. Preferably in Melbourne, with a fantastic reputation and cost is not an issue. I want the best results possible. Please help! Any reviews, personal experiences or recommendations? Thanks in advance !!
  21. Hi All, Sorry to repost but I wanted to get some fresh answers as the last time i posted this was 2015. I am looking to having my breast implants removed this year - I have found some good prices around the $2000 mark. Facts; - Originally 10C - Now 10DD - 435cc Round - Under muscle - Surgery 3 yrs ago - Heavy on the chest - Getting in the way of sporting activities such as surfing - Can't wear a bikini without feeling too exposed - Overall the implants look great and if I wanted larger breasts they would be perfect. QUESTIONS: - Will my breasts look like empty sacks? lol - Will my breasts sag? - Will I be able to get a 2nd BA if the result of removal is not great? - Has anyone had their implants removed due to personal choice/not wanting them anymore? I would love to hear your stories
  22. Hi all. I am am booked into have surgery on Thursday. I am not sure really on the volume and Dr Rastogi is taking on a few different implants however I am thinking the 170cc range as I like the super slim look and my max cup size I'd like to be would be a medium b. My my main question is if the p-ure furry Brazilian implants soften. I have read some say yes and some say no they stay hard as rocks. This is my main concern because I loved my soft breaststroke when breastfeeding Also if it there is any opinion on the 170cc volume I would appreciate feedback I will add a pic of my ideal shape but maybe a tad smaller I am currently a AA tIA
  23. I am booked in for Thursday with dr Rastogi and am just curious if anyone has any feedback on the 24 hour recovery that is being offered. Obviously I know that it doesn't mean 24 hours later and everything is fine. But does it quicken the healing time and what has everyone else's experiences been? I am hoping because I am only going 170cc that it will be a little less traumatic anyway as Rastogi said I wouldn't need drains etc
  24. Hi all 3 weeks BA and one breast isn't dropping. One has. Has this happened to any one else and how long did it take to drop?
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